161 research outputs found

    The impact of allergic rhinitis in clinical practice: an italian survey

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a very common disorder. The current Survey was conducted on a sample of about 5,000 adult subjects in 5 Italian cities. A questionnaire, containing 15 questions, was administered on the road. AR affects about 20% of the general population. The most common diagnostic test was the skin prick test, but only 12% of patients performed an allergy test to confirm the diagnosis. About 50% of patients did not take any medicine. Even about 40% of treatments were suggested by friends or pharmacists. In conclusion, the current Survey demonstrated that AR is a common disorder in Italy, the diagnostic work-up is still incorrect, and the therapeutic approach does not adhere to the guidelines. Therefore, there is a need to implement adequate information on this topic in Italy

    The role of balloon sinuplasty in the treatment of sinus headache

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    Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis, commonly called sinus headache (SH), is probably one of the most prevalent secondary headaches. The purpose of our study was to examine further sinus headache comparing the effect of conventional functional endoscopic sinus surgery and the balloon sinuplasty

    An overview on upper respiratory tract infections and bacteriotherapy as innovative therapeutic strategy

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to describe the most common recurring and chronic upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in children and discuss the role of bacterial interference and bacteriotherapy in their prevention and treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been performed on the following topics: acute otitis media, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis, microbiotics and the role of bacterial interference, and bacteriotherapy in the prevention and treatment of URTI. RESULTS: Research studies into the characteristics of the microbiological flora and its role in the pathogenesis of URTI have focused on a single pathogen, on resistance to and ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapies, or on the persistence of bacterial biofilm. Recent evidence supports a central role of the existing microbial ecosystem in the pathogenesis of respiratory disease. In light of this, new therapeutic approaches include the implantation and persistence within the normal microflora of relatively innocuous “effector” bacteria that can competitively exclude or prevent the outgrowth of potentially disease-causing bacteria. Recently, a retrospective and observational study demonstrated that S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a nasal spray could be effective in the prevention of recurrent otitis media in a real-life setting. Other studies have focused on the role of bacteriotherapy in children with beneficial effects in the prevention of URTI. CONCLUSIONS: The results of previous studies on the role of bacteriotherapy in paediatric URTI suggest that the use of bacterial interference phenomena through bacteriotherapy is a feasible, safe approach and deserves proper consideration as a promising therapeutic strategy against URTI

    Complications of adenotonsillectomy in pediatric age

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    Although in recent years adenotonsillectomy procedures have shown an overall reduction in number, this surgery continues to be the most frequently performed in our speciality, especially in pediatric age. The progressive improvement in both surgical techniques and devices and anaesthesia has made adenotonsillectomy a less risky manoeuvre, but this does not mean that it is free from potential adverse events or even an easy, routine and risk-free procedure, as presented by some para scientific literature and mass media. Here we address issues related to the complications that can arise when performing this surgical procedure, which can be very serious

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the pediatric age: the role of the otorhinolaryngologist

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    OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the primary indication for tonsillectomy, one of the most common pediatric surgical procedures, commonly performed in association with adenoidectomy. The objective of this review article is to evaluate the role of the otorhinolaryngologist in pediatric OSA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been performed on the following topics: peculiarities of sleep-disordered breathing in pediatric age; discrimination of sleep disorders; adenotonsillar hypertrophy; surgical techniques; adjuvant surgical procedures. RESULTS: The role of the otorhinolaryngologist in pediatric OSA is important for the evaluation of the upper airways and of essential biometric and polysomnographic data and for indication and execution of appropriate surgical treatment. In the majority of healthy children, adenotonsillectomy for OSA results in a dramatic improvement in respiratory parameters as measured by polysomnography. When post-surgical residual OSA occurs, it is essential to monitor patients by means of drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE). CONCLUSIONS: Otolaryngologic assessment is of paramount importance to correctly classify a child with OSA. Correct inspection of the upper airway and quantification of the quality of sleep through polysomnography lead to the right therapeutic choice. Knowledge of different surgical techniques helps to deal with residual OSA after studying the obstruction sites by drug-induced sedation endoscopy

    Stress ossidativo nei pazienti con diagnosi di sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne

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    La Sindrome delle Apnee Ostruttive Notturne (OSAS) è una patologia caratterizzata da alterazioni metaboliche e da un elevato rischio di sviluppo di patologie cardiovascolari. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di identificare dei markers precoci predittivi di rischio cardiovascolare con la valutazione dello stress ossidativo misurato attraverso esami di laboratorio in soggetti normali e pazienti con diagnosi di sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne. È stato effettuato uno studio prospettico per confrontare i risultati di laboratorio ottenuti dalla valutazione dei biomarkers dello stress ossidativo in 20 pazienti adulti con OSAS e 20 soggetti sani. Le tecniche di analisi utilizzate avevano l’obiettivo di identificare e quantificare i danni dei radicali liberi attraverso la misurazione di anti-ossidanti e pro-ossidanti in modo da valutare l’equilibrio ossidativo presente nei due gruppi di studio. I due gruppi di pazienti sono risultati omogeni per sesso, età ed indice di massa corporea (p < 0,05). Una differenza statisticamente significativa è stata individuata tra i livelli di indice di apnea-ipopnea valutata alla polisonnografia e di isoprostani, produzione di proteine di ossidazione e proteine non legate al ferro nei due gruppi in esame. Nessuna differenza significativa è stata trovata nel livello dei tioli tra i soggetti sani e i pazienti con sindrome delle apnee ostruttive. I tioli, a differenza degli altri markers, sono molecole anti-ossidanti, i restanti sono invece espressione di danno ossidativo. I risultati dello studio indicano che i biomarkers potrebbero essere utilizzati come indici di ostruzione delle vie aeree superiori (VAS) e come marcatori precoci di ipossiemia causando processi flogistici ricorrenti e danno locale da radicali liberi a carico delle VAS

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the pediatric age: the role of the anesthesiologist

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    – OBJECTIVE: Childhood obstructive sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a sleep-related upper airway obstruction that degrades sleep quality, ventilation and/or oxygenation; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is one of the most common causes of SDB in children. The aim of this review is to evaluate the role of the anesthesiologist in pediatric OSAS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been performed on the following topics: clinical aspects of pediatric OSAS, preoperative investigations including questionnaires, clinical parameters, laboratory polysomnography and home sleep apnea testing, anesthesiologic preoperative management, anesthesiologic perioperative management, anesthesiologic postoperative management including postoperative analgesia, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and post‐tonsillectomy bleeding. RESULTS: OSAS in children is a distinct disorder from the condition that occurs in adults; adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy are the first line of therapy in these patients. Even if these surgical procedures are frequently performed, they represent a great challenge for surgeons and anesthesiologists and are associated with a substantially increased risk of morbidity and mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The role of the anesthesiologist is pediatric OSAS is crucial before, during and after surgery, as pediatric patients are at higher risk of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative adverse events including airway obstruction, PONV, and bleeding

    Foreign bodies in the ears causing complications and requiring hospitalization in children 0-14 age: results from the ESFBI study

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    The occurrence of foreign bodies (FBs) in otorhinolaryngological practice is a common and serious problem among patients in paediatric age. The aim of this work is to characterize the risk of complications and prolonged hospitalization due to foreign bodies in ears in terms of the characteristics of the injured patients (age, gender), typology and features of the foreign bodies, the circumstances of the accident and the hospitalization's details

    Cost-effectiveness strategies in OSAS management: a short review

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    Lapnea ostruttiva del sonno (OSAS) è una malattia cronica eccessivamente sotto-diagnosticata con unalta prevalenza negli adulti. LOSAS sta diventando un problema sociale significativo perché associata ad un peggioramento della qualità della vita ed un aumento della mortalità. Il rapporto costo-efficacia nella gestione diagnostica e terapeutica dellOSAS è un problema strategico per contrastare la crescente domanda di test oggettivi. I pazienti OSAS che non presentano comorbilità clinicamente evidenti devono essere studiati utilizzando un sistema semplificato e poco costoso, come lHome Sleep Testing (HST). Al contrario, la Sleep Laboratory Polisomnography (PSG) rimane il gold standard per la gestione dei pazienti con OSAS in presenza di comorbidità. Occorre sottolineare che luso di HST potrebbe portare ad una diagnosi errata in soggetti OSAS non ben selezionati. Questa breve rassegna si propone di offrire argomenti di riflessione sulla corretta diagnosi e trattamento dellOSAS, in rapporto ai dati di prevalenza e alle ricadute sui costi/benefici sociali della malattia. Attualmente non può essere solo il rapporto costo/efficacia a definire il modello organizzativo adottato per la gestione dellOSAS, in quanto si rendono necessari ulteriori studi prospettici a lungo termine, volti a validare in maniera definitiva tale rapporto nonché il confronto tra il trattamento con modelli di gestione ospedaliera versus lassistenza domiciliare