1,847 research outputs found

    Les stratégies des organisations publiques pour éviter l'accès à l'information

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    Les lois sur l'accès à l'information contraignent les gouvernements et les administrations publiques à la transparence et ainsi à divulguer l'information dont ils disposent. Pourtant, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent toujours à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Cet article établit une typologie de ces comportements, les décrit et les illustre au travers de nombreux exemples

    Access to information in Switzerland : From secrecy to transparency

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    Access to information legislations are now present in over 50 countries world-wide. Lagging behind some of its own Cantons, the Swiss Federal government was until recently one of the few hold outs in Europe. But, in December 2004, the Confederation voted the 'Loi sur la Transparence de l'administration' or Law on Transparency (LTrans) a Law that came into effect in July 2006. This paper presents an overview of the new Law and underlines the main institutional challenges to its introduction in Switzerland

    Le Tactilo : au coeur du débat sur la régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent

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    Dans plusieurs pays (Suisse, France, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni), le cadre de régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent est différencié selon la nature et la forme des jeux. Ainsi, le système suisse est régulé différemment suivant qu'il s'agit de loteries et de paris ou de casinos. Dans chacun de ces deux cas, un cadre juridique et de régulation diffèrent s'applique. Le système devient complexe lorsque certains jeux ou opérations ne peuvent pas être clairement attribués à un système de régulation ou à un autre ou lorsque des conflits de compétence interviennent entre les autorités de régulation. C'est le cas du Tactilo. Ce working paper présente de manière synthétique les différents aspects de la régulation de ce nouveau mode de distribution des jeux que sont les automates de type Tactilo et discute les développements légaux et les implications financières entourant ce débat. Ces éléments permettent de comprendre le débat actuel et de mieux comprendre les enjeux de la décision attendue du Tribunal fédéral dans ce dossier. Le Tactilo, un jeu de loterie ou un jeu de casino...

    Transparence et accès à l'information : typologie des comportements organisationnels des administrations publiques visant à limiter l'accès à l'information

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    La transparence de l'action gouvernementale et des administrations publiques est devenue une exigence démocratique inscrite dans de nombreux pays dans des lois sur l'accès à l'information. Or, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate toujours que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Ce working paper établit une typologie de ces comportements et les décrit avec notamment de nombreux exemples tirés des expériences faites aux USA, au Canada et en Suisse

    Less is more ? The Commission proposal on access to EU documents and the proper limits of transparency

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    Transparency is now seen as a key tool of democratic governance. The European Union's commitment to transparency is now at the centre of a crucial debate between the Commission and the Parliament on the future of citizen's right of access to information. This article presents the main characteristics of the current regime and questions the pertinence of the proposed changes in light of the international drive at modernising access to information laws and the attempt at identifying the ̳proper limits of transparency'. The questions raised range from the identification of what can be accessed to the definition of exemption and the protection of competing interests

    The Blob Algebra and the Periodic Temperley-Lieb Algebra

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    We determine the structure of two variations on the Temperley-Lieb algebra, both used for dealing with special kinds of boundary conditions in statistical mechanics models. The first is a new algebra, the `blob' algebra (the reason for the name will become obvious shortly!). We determine both the generic and all the exceptional structures for this two parameter algebra. The second is the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra. The generic structure and part of the exceptional structure of this algebra have already been studied. Here we complete the analysis, using results from the study of the blob algebra.Comment: 12 page

    Quantum spin chains of Temperley-Lieb type: periodic boundary conditions, spectral multiplicities and finite temperature

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    We determine the spectra of a class of quantum spin chains of Temperley-Lieb type by utilizing the concept of Temperley-Lieb equivalence with the S=1/2 XXZ chain as a reference system. We consider open boundary conditions and in particular periodic boundary conditions. For both types of boundaries the identification with XXZ spectra is performed within isomorphic representations of the underlying Temperley-Lieb algebra. For open boundaries the spectra of these models differ from the spectrum of the associated XXZ chain only in the multiplicities of the eigenvalues. The periodic case is rather different. Here we show how the spectrum is obtained sector-wise from the spectra of globally twisted XXZ chains. As a spin-off, we obtain a compact formula for the degeneracy of the momentum operator eigenvalues. Our representation theoretical results allow for the study of the thermodynamics by establishing a TL-equivalence at finite temperature and finite field.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, two references added, redundant figures remove

    Self-organization of charge under pressure in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4

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    (TMTSF)2ReO4 presents a phase coexistence between two anion orderings defined by their wave vectors q_2=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and q_3=(0,1/2,1/2) in a wide range of pressure (8-11kbar) and temperature. From the determination of the anisotropy of the conductivity and the superconducting transitions in this regime we were able to extract the texture which results from a self-organization of the orientations of the ReO4 anions in the sample. At the lowest pressures, the metallic parts, related to the q_3 order, form droplets elongated along the a-axis embedded in the semiconducting matrix associated with the q_2 order. Above 10kbar, filaments along the a-axis extend from one end of the sample to the other nearly up to the end of the coexistence regime. A mapping of the system into an anisotropic Ising lattice is satisfactory to analyze the data. satisfactory to analyze the data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, EPL forma

    Boundary conformal field theories and loop models

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    We propose a systematic method to extract conformal loop models for rational conformal field theories (CFT). Method is based on defining an ADE model for boundary primary operators by using the fusion matrices of these operators as adjacency matrices. These loop models respect the conformal boundary conditions. We discuss the loop models that can be extracted by this method for minimal CFTs and then we will give dilute O(n) loop models on the square lattice as examples for these loop models. We give also some proposals for WZW SU(2) models.Comment: 23 Pages, major changes! title change