10 research outputs found

    The IASI Water Deficit Index to Monitor Vegetation Stress and Early Drying in Summer Heatwaves: An Application to Southern Italy

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    The boreal hemisphere has been experiencing increasing extreme hot and dry conditions over the past few decades, consistent with anthropogenic climate change. The continental extension of this phenomenon calls for tools and techniques capable of monitoring the global to regional scales. In this context, satellite data can satisfy the need for global coverage. The main objective we have addressed in the present paper is the capability of infrared satellite observations to monitor the vegetation stress due to increasing drought and heatwaves in summer. We have designed and implemented a new water deficit index (wdi) that exploits satellite observations in the infrared to retrieve humidity, air temperature, and surface temperature simultaneously. These three parameters are combined to provide the water deficit index. The index has been developed based on the Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer or IASI, which covers the infrared spectral range 645 to 2760 cm−1 with a sampling of 0.25 cm−1. The index has been used to study the 2017 heatwave, which hit continental Europe from May to October. In particular, we have examined southern Italy, where Mediterranean forests suffer from climate change. We have computed the index’s time series and show that it can be used to indicate the atmospheric background conditions associated with meteorological drought. We have also found a good agreement with soil moisture, which suggests that the persistence of an anomalously high water deficit index was an essential driver of the rapid development and evolution of the exceptionally severe 2017 droughts

    Comparison of the IASI water deficit index and other vegetation indices: the case study of the intense 2022 drought over the Po Valley

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    Exploiting the Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer (IASI) profiling capability for surface parameters, atmospheric temperature, and water vapour we have designed a new Water Deficit Index (wdi) to monitor drought and heatwaves. Because of climate change at a global level, drought is becoming a strong emergency also in countries which never experienced it, such as the Mediterranean mid-latitude area and, in particular, Italy. The last two years strongly affected the northern part of Italy, i.e. the Po Valley, causing high vegetation and soil water stress. Satellite data can provide a large spatial coverage (locally and globally) as well as a continuous data supply and are an important help to ground monitoring stations, especially in remote regions with dense vegetation. In this paper, we used the wdi to investigate the 2022 intense drought over the Po Valley region. We integrated the study considering both the Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) from Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-SAR and the Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) from Sentinel-2 images. We also considered the Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC), the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) and the Leaf Area Index (LAI) data from the Drought & Vegetation Data Cube (D&V Data Cube) from the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - Satellite Application Facilities (EUMETSAT SAFs). Overall, we found that the wdi compares well to other indices related to vegetation stress and can be used as a tool for risk assessment of forest fires and agriculture productivity

    Volume Dynamics and Multimarket Trading

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    Assessment of air quality with TROPOMI during COVID-19 pandemic: NO2 over the Po valley

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    An analysis of the air quality over the Po valley has been performed by using both satellite and in situ observations of NO2 for the COVID-19 years, 2019-2021. To match satellite observations to those in situ, we have used a geostatistical re-gridding technique. The tools allow us to scale the satellite NO2 retrievals to a finer, spatial resolution, which helps us to perform a better spatial colocation with in situ observations. The satellite data consist of Level 2 (L2) NO2 retrievals from TROPOMI (the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument), whereas in situ observations are taken at eleven diverse stations, which are spread over the Po valley. The Po Valley, in winter 2019/20, has been the first region in Europe to be severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Italian government introduced severe restriction measures from March to May 2020 (lockdown). We compared TROPOMI NO2 concentration during winters 2018-19 (no-COVID-19) and the following 2 winters. The observations of TROPOMI, in agreement with the in-situ measurements, saw a significant decrease in the NO2 concentration in March 2020 after the introduction of the lockdown. But they also found a general decrease in lower tropospheric NO2 in winter 2019/2020, the warmest winter ever observed that has limited the use of power for residential and commercial heating. NO2 concentrations raise almost to the pre-COVID-19 values in 2020/21 winter

    Emissivity Based Indices for Drought and Forest Fire

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    The present paper aims to illustrate new indices of vegetation-soil dryness based on the surface emissivity complemented with atmospheric water vapor mixing ratio or related parameters, such as the dew point temperature. The indices are based on satellite measurements and they have been built using the hyperspectral infrared sensor IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interfemoter) flying onboard the European Meteorological Platforms (MetOp). With the IASI instrument, we can retrieve simultaneously the surface emissivity and temperature, and thermo-dynamical parameters of air, such as temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles. Infrared surface emissivity (ε) is more closely related to surface type and coverage concerning the commonly used normalized differential vegetation index (or NDVI). By properly using surface emissivity in the infrared we defined a set of channels that are particularly sensitive to bare soil, green and senescent vegetation. IASI capability to sense the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere enables to retrieve both surface temperature (Ts) and dew point temperature (Td) close to the surface. The difference between these two quantities (Ts-Ts) is a direct measure of the hydric stress at the surface. Emissivity indices complemented with the last one, obtained from the same measurements, enable the individuating region to be subject to a risk of drought, hence and forest fire, and allow us to overcome the problem of lacking space and temporal consistency. We applied this methodology to the region of Balgarska Polyana in southern Bulgaria which was hit by intense fires in August 2016

    Innovative remote-sensed thermodynamical indices to identify vegetation stress and surface dryness: application to southern Italy over the last decade

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    Surface and vegetation monitoring is a key activity in analyzing and understanding how climate change is impacting natural resources. Moreover, identifying vegetation stress using remote-sensed data has proven to be essential in assessing said understanding, as well as in the effort to prevent or act upon extreme phenomena, such as premature land and forest dryness due to summer heatwaves in the Mediterranean area. Typically used satellite indices for this purpose are the well-known NDVI, followed by Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Surface Soil Moisture (ssm), together with physical parameters such as surface and air temperature close to the surface (the latter retrieved by both remote-sensed data and in situ measurements). However, it is a known fact that NDVI is not able to differentiate between barren soil and suffering vegetation, while surface temperature and air temperature correlate poorly with soil moisture. The analysis carried out in this paper is aimed at proving the effectiveness of two newly designed thermodynamical indices, ECI and wdi, in assessing vegetation stress and woodland degradation in southern Italy between 2014 and 2022. ECI is based on infrared surface emissivity, which is closely related to land cover, while wdi directly measures surface water loss. Said indices have been estimated from both ECMWF operational analysis and IASI L2 data, the latter upscaled and remapped on a regular grid using an optimal interpolation scheme. Moreover, a comparison with other traditional indices is presented, further validating the applied methodology

    Repensar las fronteras, la integración regional y el territorio

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    Los temas que en esta obra se tratan: Estado, territorio, espacios transfronterizos, procesos de integración regional, tradicionalmente se han abordado desde teorías de las Ciencias Sociales desarrolladas en Europa y en Estados Unidos. Esto podría representar una bofetada a la realidad, en este caso latinoamericana, en tanto que algunas de las experiencias de integración regional en América Latina, se dieron mucho antes de que Europa comenzara con su proceso integracionista. El usar marcos teóricos europeos y estadounidenses, por supuesto, no es ningún pecado, siempre y cuando se considere que tales paradigmas nacieron para explicar realidades de esos países y no para dar cuentas de los procesos socio-históricos de regiones como América Latina, África, Asia, Oceanía, ni del sur dentro del norte, es decir, las zonas periféricas en el interior de los países desarrollados. Este libro es un intento de romper con la pretensión de ciencia (social) única y absoluta con que se ha presentado (y nosotros, muchas veces, hemos aceptado) el pensamiento eurocéntrico. Pero, la misma receta debe aplicarse desde el sur: la humildad o la negación de la pretendida verdad absoluta. Es decir, lo decolonial pasa por el reconocimiento de que por más atrincherados de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos que estemos, por más triangulación metodológica empleada, nuestros estudios serán una aproximación de algo, no un retrato y mucho menos, un video