1,003 research outputs found

    A Comparison of a Brain-Computer Interface and an Eye Tracker: Is There a More Appropriate Technology for Controlling a Virtual Keyboard in an ALS Patient?

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    The ability of people affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy or spinal cord injuries to physically interact with the environment, is usually reduced. In some cases, these patients suffer from a syndrome known as locked-in syndrome (LIS), defined by the patient’s inability to make any move-ment but blinks and eye movements. Tech communication systems available for people in LIS are very limited, being those based on eye-tracking and brain-computer interface (BCI) the most useful for these patients. A comparative study between both technologies in an ALS patient is carried out: an eye tracker and a visual P300-based BCI. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to show that the choice of the technology could depend on user´s preference. The evaluation of performance, workload and other subjective measures will allow us to determine the usability of the systems. The obtained results suggest that, even if for this patient the BCI technology is more appropriate, the technology should be always tested and adapted for each user.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Test of ID carbon-carbon composite prototype tiles for the SPIDER diagnostic calorimeter

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    Additional heating will be provided to the thermonuclear fusion experiment ITER by injection of neutral beams from accelerated negative ions. In the SPIDER test facility, under construction at Consorzio RFX in Padova (Italy), the production of negative ions will be studied and optimised. To this purpose the STRIKE (Short-Time Retractable Instrumented Kalorimeter Experiment) diagnostic will be used to characterise the SPIDER beam during short operation (several seconds) and to verify if the beam meets the ITER requirement regarding the maximum allowed beam non-uniformity (below \ub110%). The most important measurements performed by STRIKE are beam uniformity, beamlet divergence and stripping losses. The major components of STRIKE are 16 1D-CFC (Carbon matrix-Carbon Fibre reinforced Composite) tiles, observed at the rear side by a thermal camera. The requirements of the 1D CFC material include a large thermal conductivity along the tile thickness (at least 10 times larger than in the other directions); low specific heat and density; uniform parameters over the tile surface; capability to withstand localised heat loads resulting in steep temperature gradients. So 1D CFC is a very anisotropic and delicate material, not commercially available, and prototypes are being specifically realised. This contribution gives an overview of the tests performed on the CFC prototype tiles, aimed at verifying their thermal behaviour. The spatial uniformity of the parameters and the ratio between the thermal conductivities are assessed by means of a power laser at Consorzio RFX. Dedicated linear and non-linear simulations are carried out to interpret the experiments and to estimate the thermal conductivities; these simulations are described and a comparison of the experimental data with the simulation results is presented

    Il piano educativo individualizzato su base ICF. Strumenti e prospettive per la scuola

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    Il piano educativo individualizzato (PEI) \ue8 il dispositivo pedagogico su cui si fonda l\u2019inclusione degli alunni con disabilit\ue0. Esso deve definire un percorso educativo e didattico che chiama a corresponsabilit\ue0 gli insegnanti, la famiglia e gli attori extrascolastici. Il D.Lgs. 66/2017 sull\u2019inclusione scolastica offre l\u2019occasione per ripensare il PEI alla luce del paradigma biopsicosociale della Classificazione internazionale del funzionamento della disabilit\ue0 e della salute (ICF). Il libro offre agli insegnanti una prospettiva culturale e metodologica aggiornata, a partire dall\u2019ICF, nonch\ue9 strumenti per la programmazione e la valutazione degli alunni con bisogni educativi speciali secondo l\u2019approccio della evidence based education. Arricchito da esemplificazioni e risorse disponibili sul sito www.icf-scuola.it, il volume costituisce una valida guida per elaborare un profilo biopsicosociale funzionale alla redazione del PEI secondo le disposizioni legislative.The individualized educational plan (IEP) is the pedagogical device on which the inclusion of pupils with disabilities is based. It must define an educational and didactic path that calls teachers, family and extracurricular actors to co-responsibility. The Legislative Decree 66/2017 on school inclusion offers the opportunity to rethink the IEP in the light of the biopsychosocial paradigm of the International Classification of the Functioning of Disability and Health (ICF). The book offers teachers an updated cultural and methodological perspective, starting from the ICF, as well as tools for programming and evaluating pupils with special educational needs according to the evidence based education approach. Enriched with examples and resources available on the website www.icf-scuola.it, the volume is a valid guide for developing a functioning profile and drawing up the PEI according to the legislative provisions

    Polymorphisms in toll-like receptor genes and susceptibility to pulmonary aspergillosis

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are important components of innate immunity. We investigated the association between polymorphisms in the TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 genes and susceptibility to noninvasive forms of pulmonary aspergillosis. A significant association was observed between allele G on Asp299Gly (TLR4) and chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (odds ratio [OR], 3.46; P =.003). Susceptibility to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was associated with allele C on T-1237C (TLR9) (OR, 2.49; P =. 043). No particular polymorphism was associated with severe asthma with fungal sensitization. These findings reinforce the importance of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of different forms of aspergillosis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (POCI/SAU-ESP/61080/ 2004 and fellowship to A.C., contract SFRH/BD/11837/2003); CAPES (Brazilian government) (grant to A.P); and the Fungal Research Trust, United Kingdom

    First hydrogen operation of NIO1: characterization of the source plasma by means of an optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic

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    NIO1 is a compact and flexible radiofrequency H- ion source, developed by Consorzio RFX and INFN-LNL. Aim of the experimentation on NIO1 is the optimization of both the production of negative ions and their extraction and beam optics. In the initial phase of its commissioning, NIO1 was operated with nitrogen, but now the source is regularly operated also with hydrogen. To evaluate the source performances an optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic was installed. The system includes a low resolution spectrometer in the spectral range of 300-850 nm and a high resolution (50 pm) one, to study respectively the atomic and the molecular emissions in the visible range. The spectroscopic data have been interpreted also by means of a collisional-radiative model developed at IPP Garching. Besides the diagnostic hardware and the data analysis methods, the paper presents the first plasma measurements across a transition to the full H mode, in a hydrogen discharge. The characteristic signatures of this transition in the plasma parameters are described, in particular the sudden increase of the light emitted from the plasma above a certain power threshold.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Contributed paper for the ICIS 2015 conference. Accepted manuscrip

    Characterization of cesium and H-/D- density in the negative ion source SPIDER

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    The Heating Neutral Beam Injectors (HNBs) for ITER will have to deliver 16.7 MW beams of H/D particles at 1 MeV energy. The beams will be produced from H-/D- ions, generated by a radiofrequency plasma source coupled to an ion acceleration system. A prototype of the ITER HNB ion source is being tested in the SPIDER experiment, part of the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility at Consorzio RFX. Reaching the design targets for beam current density and fraction of coextracted electrons is only possible by evaporating cesium in the source, in particular on the plasma facing grid (PG) of the acceleration system. In this way the work function of the surfaces decreases, significantly increasing the amount of surface reactions that convert neutrals and positive ions into H-/D-. It is then of paramount importance to monitor the density of negative ions and the density of Cs in the proximity of the PG. Monitoring the Cs spatial distribution along the PG is also essential to guarantee the uniformity of the beam current. In SPIDER, this is possible thanks to the Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (CRDS) and the Laser absorption Spectroscopy diagnostics (LAS), which provide line-integrated measurements of negative ion density and neutral, ground state Cs density, respectively. The paper discusses the CRDS and LAS measurements as a function of input power and of the magnetic and electric field used to reduce the coextraction of electrons. Negative ion density data are in qualitative agreement with the results in Cs-free conditions. In agreement with simulations, Cs density is peaked in the center of the source; a top/bottom non uniformity is however present. Several effects of plasma on Cs deposition are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Paper (Preprint) following the poster contribution at the SOFT 2022 conference. The destination journal is Fusion Engineering and Desig

    Produtividade de clones da variedade vitoria sob sistema de cultivo sequeiro no vale de Jequitinhonha-MG.

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    A variedade vitória que se caracteriza pela tolerância à seca, alta adaptabilidade e estabilidade de produção, surge como uma alternativa ao cultivo sequeiro na região do Vale do Jequitinhonha-MG. Entretanto, como os clones possuem heterogeneidade genética pode haver variação na sua capacidade de aclimatação. Assim, esse trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade inicial de clones da variedade vitória sob cultivo sequeiro no vale do Jequitinhonha. Para tanto, foram implantados 13 clones da variedade Vitória no delineamento foi blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e parcelas constituídas por seis plantas e espaçamento de 3,0 x 1,0 m. A média de produtividade de todos os clones que compõem a variedade no biênio 2011/2012 foi de 51,53 sc.benef./há, sendo que a segunda colheita apresentou produtividade média 85% maior em relação a primeira. Os clones que mais se destacaram foram os 7V, 9V e 10V, com produtividades médias do primeiro biênio oscilando entre 69,53 a 82,11 sc. benef./ha. Houve variabilidade genética e ambiental entre os clones quanto às características relação coco/beneficiado, percentagem de frutos chochos, percentagem de grãos com peneira média superior a 13 e percentagem de grãos tipo moca, porém a maioria dos clones apresentaram esses parâmetros dentro de limites aceitáveis para a variedade Vitória. De maneira geral, a variedade Vitória possui elevada capacidade produtiva inicial nas condições no Vale do Jequitinhonha

    Seleção precoce de clones da variedade robustão capixaba irrigada por gotejamento no Norte de Minas Gerais.

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    O cultivo do café Conilon tem sido considerado uma alternativa para a agricultura da Região Norte de Minas Gerais, que possui disponibilidade de área e altitude favoráveis à sua exploração . Este trabalho objetivou selecionar clones superiores Coffea canephora sob cultivo irrigado, mediante o emprego do método de modelos mistos. O experimento foi instalado sob sistema de cultivo irrigado por gotejamento, sendo implantados dez clones da variedade Robustão Capixaba. Aos sete meses após o plan tio, foram avaliadas sete características de crescimento vegetativo. Foram realizadas três contagens de sobrevivênci a das mudas, aos dois, sete e doze meses. Os clones RC9, RC7, RC2 e RC1 foram os mais promissores e poderão compor populações base para o prog rama de seleção recorrente que potencialmente poderá originar vari edades clonais especificas para a regi ão. As estimativas de coeficiente de herdabilidade média entre clones, de acur ácia, e o coeficiente de variação relativ a no número de nós do primeiro ramo plagiotrópico e número de ramos plagiotrópicos sugerem a maximização dos ganhos genéticos com a seleção e a obtenção de clones superiores na região estudada

    L’avvio al lavoro della persona con disabilità nella prospettiva dei Servizi specialistici di mediazione. Gli esiti di un percorso di formazione e ricerca

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    L'articolo esplora il complesso tema del lavoro per le persone con disabilità. Nell'analisi della situazione italiana si evidenziano gli elementi da monitorare affinché attraverso l'accesso al lavoro venga promossa l'emancipazione generale del soggetto, nell'ottica della Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità. A supporto di modalità operative evidence-based, vengono presentati i risultati di una ricerca-azione svolta con gli operatori della mediazione del lavoro dell'Azienda ULSS di Treviso.The article explores the complex field of employment for people with disabilities. In the analysis of the Italian situation, the elements to be monitored are highlighted so that through access to work an overall emancipation of the person is promoted, in the perspective of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. In support of evidence-based operating methods, the results of an action-research carried out with labor mediation operators are presented