13 research outputs found

    Cd[B2(SO4)4] and H2[B2(SO4)4] – a phyllosilicate-analogous borosulfate and its homeotypic heteropolyacid

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    Borosulfates consist of heteropolyanionic networks of corner-shared (SO4)- and (BO4)-tetrahedra charge compensated by metal or non-metal cations. The anionic substructures differ significantly, depending on the different branching of the silicate-analogous borosulfate building blocks. However, only one acid has been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction so far. Herein, we present H-2[B-2(SO4)(4)] as the first phyllosilicate analogue representative, together with the homeotypic representative Cd[B-2(SO4)(4)]. The latter can be considered the cadmium salt of the former. Their crystal structures and crystallographic relationship are elucidated. For H-2[B-2(SO4)(4)], the bonding situation is examined using Hirshfeld-surface analysis. Further, the optical and thermal properties of Cd[B-2(SO4)(4)] are investigated by FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, as well as temperature-programmed powder X-ray diffraction

    M[B2(SO4)4] (M = Mn, Zn)—Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two New Phyllosilicate Analogue Borosulfates

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    Borosulfates are a rapidly expanding class of silicate analogue materials, where the structural diversity is expected to be at least as large as known for silicates. However, borosulfates with cross-linking of the anionic network into two or even three dimensions are still very rare. Herein, we present two new representatives with phyllosilicate analogue topology. Through solvothermal reactions of ZnO and MnCl2∙4H2O with boric acid in oleum (65% SO3), we obtained single-crystals of Mn[B2(SO4)4] (monoclinic, P21/n, Z = 2, a = 8.0435(4), b = 7.9174(4), c = 9.3082(4) Å, β = 110.94(1)°, V = 553.63(5) Å3) and Zn[B2(SO4)4] (monoclinic, P21/n, Z = 2, a = 7.8338(4), b = 8.0967(4), c = 9.0399(4) Å, β = 111.26(1)°, V = 534.36(5) Å3). The crystal structures reveal layer-like anionic networks with alternating vierer- and zwölfer-rings formed exclusively by corner-linked (SO4)- and (BO4)-tetrahedra

    M[B-2(SO4)(4)] (M = Mn, Zn)-Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two New Phyllosilicate Analogue Borosulfates

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    Borosulfates are a rapidly expanding class of silicate analogue materials, where the structural diversity is expected to be at least as large as known for silicates. However, borosulfates with cross-linking of the anionic network into two or even three dimensions are still very rare. Herein, we present two new representatives with phyllosilicate analogue topology. Through solvothermal reactions of ZnO and MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O with boric acid in oleum (65% SO3), we obtained single-crystals of Mn[B-2(SO4)(4)] (monoclinic, P2(1)/n, Z = 2, a = 8.0435(4), b = 7.9174(4), c = 9.3082(4) angstrom, beta = 110.94(1)degrees, V = 553.63(5) angstrom(3)) and Zn[B-2(SO4)(4)] (monoclinic, P2(1)/n, Z = 2, a = 7.8338(4), b = 8.0967(4), c = 9.0399(4) angstrom, beta = 111.26(1)degrees, V = 534.36(5) angstrom(3)). The crystal structures reveal layer-like anionic networks with alternating vierer- and zwolfer-rings formed exclusively by corner-linked (SO4)- and (BO4)-tetrahedra

    Triple-Vertex Linkage of (BO4)-Tetrahedra in a Borosulfate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Quantum-Chemical Investigation of Sr[B3O(SO4)(4)(SO4H)]

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    Borosulfates are classified as silicate analogue materials. The number of crystallographically characterized compounds is still limited, whereas the structural diversity is already impressive. The anionic substructures of borosulfates exhibit vertex-connected (BO4)- and (SO4)-tetrahedra, whereas bridging between two (SO4)- or even between two (BO4)-tetrahedra is scarce. The herein presented compound Sr[B3O(SO4)(4)(SO4H)] is the first borosulfate with a triple-vertex linkage of three (BO4) tetrahedra via one common oxygen atom. DFT calculations complement the experimental studies. Bader charges (calculated for all atoms) as well as charge-density calculations give hint to the electron distribution within the anionic substructure and density-of-states calculations support the interpretation of the bonding situation

    Ni[B-2(SO4)(4)] and Co[B-2(SO4)(4)]: Unveiling Systematic Trends in Phyllosilicate Analogue Borosulfates

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    Borosulfates are compounds analogous to silicates, with heteropolyanionic subunits of vertex-linked (SO4)- and (BO4)-tetrahedra. In contrast to the immense structural diversity of silicates, the number of borosulfates is yet very limited and the extent of their properties is still unknown. This is particularly true for representatives with phyllosilicate and tectosilicate analogue anionic substructures. Herein, we present Ni[B-2(SO4)(4)] and Co[B-2(SO4)(4)], two new borosulfates with phyllosilicate analogue topology. While the anionic subunits of both structures are homeotypic, the positions of the charge compensating cations differ significantly: Ni(II)is located between the borosulfate layers, while Co-II-in contrast-is embedded within the layer. Detailed analysis of these two structures based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction, magnetochemical investigations, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations, unveiled the reasons for this finding. By in silico comparison with other divalent borosulfates, we uncovered systematic trends for phyllosilicate analogues leading to the prediction of new species

    In vitro screening of clinical drugs identifies sensitizers of oncolytic viral therapy in glioblastoma stem-like cells

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    Oncolytic viruses (OV) have broad potential as an adjuvant for the treatment of solid tumors. The present study addresses the feasibility of clinically applicable drugs to enhance the oncolytic potential of the OV Delta24-RGD in glioblastoma. In total, 446 drugs were screened for their viral sensitizing properties in glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) in vitro. Validation was done for 10 drugs to determine synergy based on the Chou Talalay assay. Mechanistic studies were undertaken to assess viability, replication efficacy, viral infection enhancement and cell death pathway induction in a selected panel of drugs. Four viral sensitizers (fluphenazine, indirubin, lofepramine and ranolazine) were demonstrated to reproducibly synergize with Delta24-RGD in multiple assays. After validation, we underscored general applicability by testing candidate drugs in a broader context of a panel of different GSCs, various solid tumor models and multiple OVs. Overall, this study identified four viral sensitizers, which synergize with Delta24-RGD and two other strains of OVs. The viral sensitizers interact with infection, replication and cell death pathways to enhance efficacy of the OV

    Die Sexualhormone

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