474 research outputs found

    The bright and dark sides of CEO hubris: Assessing cultural distance in international business

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    This paper aims to enrich the behavioral theory of international business strategyby investigating how CEO hubris (i.e., excess pride and confidence) affects inter-national strategic choices, that is, location selection, entry timing, and modes ofentry into the target market. Specifically, we focus on the relationship betweencultural distance and international strategic choices and consider hubris as a mech-anism that influences CEOs’ decisions. Our conceptual framework recognizes thatthe performance of international strategies managed by hubristic CEOs isextremely volatile. On the one hand, we corroborate the idea that hubris has adark side that may lead to pernicious outcomes. On the other hand, we recognizea bright side of hubris related to the consideration that overconfidence may some-times be seen as a necessary CEO quality that in turn differentiates one firm fromthe others

    High prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in women with mild hirsutism and no other significant clinical symptoms

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the conclusions of the Endocrine Society Guidelines that patients with mild hirsutism and no other important clinical signs (menstrual irregularities, infertility, central obesity, acanthosis nigricans, rapid progression of the hirsutism, clitoromegaly) should not be further studied. DESIGN: Retrospective study in patients referred because of mild hirsutism and no other clinical signs. SETTING: Department of Clinical Medicine of the University of Palermo. PATIENT(S): One hundred fifty-two patients with mild hirsutism. INTERVENTION(S): Measurement of serum testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 17-OH-Progesterone, assessment of ovulation by measurement of progesterone in 21 to 24 days and ovarian ultrasound. RESULT(S): In 72 (47%) patients a diagnosis of polycyctic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was performed. Polycyctic ovarian syndrome patients included 56 patients with the mild ovulatory form (OV-PCOS) but also 16 patients with the anovulatory form (classic PCOS). Three (2%) patients had nonclassic adrenal hyperplasia. CONCLUSION(S): Because of the high prevalence of PCOS and the possibility of finding nonclassic 21-hydroxylase deficiency, patients with mild hirsutism need a diagnostic evaluation that should include 17-hydroxyprogesterone measurement plus assessment of ovulation and ovarian ultrasound

    Influence of sociocultural factors on the ovulatory status of polycystic ovary syndrome.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of social and cultural differences inside the same ethnic group on the ovulatory status of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). DESIGN: To correlate social and cultural status with the phenotypic expression (body weight and ovulation) and with androgen and insulin levels of PCOS. SETTING: University department of medicine. PATIENT(S): Two hundred and forty-four consecutive PCOS women. INTERVENTION(S): All studied patients completed a simple questionnaire to indicate their mean family income and their school education. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Ovulation was assessed by measurement of serum progesterone on day 22 of a spontaneous or induced menstrual cycle. Levels of blood testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, insulin, and blood glucose were evaluated. RESULT(S): In the low to medium income group, 21% of patients had ovulatory PCOS, but the prevalence of the same PCOS phenotype was 43% in patients with high income. In patients with low education, only 12% presented with ovulatory PCOS compared with 47% of the patients with high education status. Mean family income negatively correlated with body mass index, waist circumference, insulin, and insulin resistance. Serum progesterone correlated negatively with insulin and insulin resistance. CONCLUSION(S): In an ethnically homogeneous PCOS population, high socioeconomic status was associated with a higher prevalence of the ovulatory phenotype. Differences in ovulatory status between the social classes seem to be related to differences in insulin levels and fat quantity and distribution

    Circulating levels of adipose products and differences in fat distribution in the ovulatory and anovulatory phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome.

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    Central fat distribution is increased in anovulatory women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) compared with ovulatory PCOS and matched controls. Among secreted adipocytokines, this is reflected mainly in lower levels of adiponectin

    Laparoscopy in liver transplantation: The future has arrived

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    In the last two decades, laparoscopy has revolutionized the field of surgery. Many procedures previously performed with an open access are now routinely carried out with the laparoscopic approach. Several advantages are associated with laparoscopic surgery compared to open procedures: reduced pain due to smaller incisions and hemorrhaging, shorter hospital length of stay, and a lower incidence of wound infections. Liver transplantation (LT) brought a radical change in life expectancy of patients with hepatic endstage disease. Today, LT represents the standard of care for more than fifty hepatic pathologies, with excellent results in terms of survival. Surely, with laparoscopy and LT being one of the most continuously evolving challenges in medicine, their recent combination has represented an astonishing scientific progress. The intent of the present paper is to underline the current role of diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy in patients waiting for LT, in the living donor LT and in LT recipients

    Identification and Measurement of Carbonic Anhydrase-II Molecule Numbers in the Rat Carotid Body

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    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the carotid body (CB) plays an important role in the maintenance of blood PO2 and PCO2/pH homeostasis by regulating ventilation. It has been observed that the activity of CA in the rabbit CB is stronger under hypoxic conditions than under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions. In conditions of chronic hypoxia, the volume of the CB increases significantly because the number of type I and II cells increases. So far, the number of CA molecules in the CB has not been assessed. We develop a technique to quantify the number of CA molecules in the CB. The CBs were dissected out from 8 rats, immediately frozen with liquid nitrogen, pulverized and centrifuged. The proteins extracted from CB tissue were heat-denatured and separated by electrophoresis on a 12.5% denatured-polyacrylamide gel (SDSPAGE); a 31 kDa protein band was determined which reacted with a rabbit polyclonal antibody specific for rat CA-II in Western blot analysis. The immunoreactive 31 kDa CA-II protein was detected and quantified by laser scanner densitometry using 125I-rProtein A as a tracer. The mean 125I radioactivity emitted by the antibody bound CA-II was 31277 cpm. This value corresponds to 4.57 ng CA-II. When compared with a rat CA-II calibration curve, an average of number of 3.54 x 107 CA-II molecules were quantified for 1 µg of whole CB tissue. This is a sensitive and accurate radioimmunoassay technique and may be useful in future studies on the role of CA-II in different pathophysiologic conditions

    Osteodystrophy in chronic liver diseases.

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    Osteoporosis and osteomalacy are, to date, among the most common metabolic disease in the world. Recently, association between metabolic bone diseases and chronic liver diseases has been increasingly reported, inducing many authors to create a new nosographic entity known as "hepatic osteodystrophy". The importance of such a condition is, moreover, further increased by morbidity of these two diseases, which greatly reduce patients quality of life because of frequent fractures, especially vertebral and femoral neck ones. For this, early identification of high-risk patients should be routinely performed by measuring Bone Mass Density. The explanation for the association between bone diseases and chronic liver disease is still uncertain, and involves many factors: from hypogonadism to use of corticosteroid drugs, from genetic factors to interferon therapy. To date, few studies have been conducted, and all with a small number of patients, in order to establish definitive conclusions about the possible treatment, but some evidences are beginning to emerge about the safety and efficacy of bisphosphonates