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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada; Department of Physics, Sofia University, 5 James Bourcheier blvd, 1164 Sofia, BulgariaIn recent years it has become increasingly common to analyze diatomic molecule spectroscopic data by using fully quantum mechanical direct potential fits (DPFs) to determine the potential energy function(s) of the state(s) in question. However, the efficacy of this approach is strongly dependent on the quality of the analytic model used for the potential function. The two best models introduced to date are the `Morse/Long-Range' (MLR) function, 663 (2007); R.J. Le Roy {\em et al.}, {\em J.\ Chem.\ Phys.}\ {\bf 131} 204309 (2009).} which provides particularly compact, accurate and flexible functions which explicitly incorporate correct long-range and sensible short-range behaviour, and the `Spline Point-wise Potential' (SPP) form which is particularly successful for treating states with irregularly shaped potentials with a double-minimum or a 'shelf'.\ {\bf 128}, 622 (2000); {\em ibid, J.\ Mol. Spectrosc.}\ {\bf 203}, 264 (2000).} The present work shows that a merging of these two forms effected by representing the exponent coefficient function of the MLR model by a spline passing through a compact mesh of values yields most of the advantages of both approaches. Preliminary illustrative applications to the ground states of Ca2_2 and NaRb will be presented

    The X1Ī£+^1\Sigma^+ and a3Ī£+^3\Sigma^+ states of LiCs studied by Fourier-transform spectroscopy

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    We present the first high-resolution spectroscopic study of LiCs. LiCs is formed in a heat pipe oven and studied via laser-induced fluorescence Fourier-transform spectroscopy. By exciting molecules through the X1Ī£+^1\Sigma^+-B1Ī ^1\Pi and X1Ī£+^1\Sigma^+-D1Ī ^1\Pi transitions vibrational levels of the X1Ī£+^1\Sigma^+ ground state have been observed up to 3cm^{-1} below the dissociation limit enabling an accurate construction of the potential. Furthermore, rovibrational levels in the a3Ī£+^3\Sigma^+ triplet ground state have been observed because the excited states obtain sufficient triplet character at the corresponding excited atomic asymptote. With the help of coupled channels calculations accurate singlet and triplet ground state potentials were derived reaching the atomic ground state asymptote and allowing first predictions of cold collision properties of Li + Cs pairs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    The Ground Electronic State of KCs Studied by Fourier Transform

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    Rakstā atspoguļoti pirmie KCs molekulas lāzera inducētas fluorescences (LIF) spektru analÄ«zes rezultāti, kas iegÅ«ti ar ļoti augstu precizitāti, un veikta tieÅ”a potenciāla konstrukcija X 1Sigma+ pamatstāvoklim plaŔā starpkodolu attālumu diapazonā. KCs molekulas tika iegÅ«tas, sildot K un Cs metālu maisÄ«jumu siltuma caurules tipa krāsnÄ« pie temperatÅ«ras ap 270oC. KCs fluorescence tika ierosināta ar dažādiem lāzeru ierosmes avotiem: 454.5, 457.9, 465.8, un 472.7 nm Ar+ lāzera lÄ«nijām, krāsvielu lāzeri ar krāsvielu Rhodamine 6G (ierosme ap 16 870 cmāˆ’1), kā arÄ« ar 850 un 980 nm diožu lāzeriem (atbilstoÅ”ais frekvences skanÄ“Å”anas diapazons attiecÄ«gi 11 500ā€“ 11 900 un 10 200ā€“10 450 cmāˆ’1). LIF uz pamatstāvokli tika reÄ£istrēta ar Bruker IFS-125HR Furjē transformāciju spektrometru, kura spektrālā izŔķirÅ”ana ir 0.03 cmāˆ’1. ÄŖpaÅ”i jāatzÄ«mē, ka, izmantojot 850 nm lāzera diodi, bija iespējams novērot LIF progresijas uz ļoti augstiem pamatstāvokļa svārstÄ«bu lÄ«meņiem tuvu disociācijas robežai. PaÅ”reiz iegÅ«tais datu lauks ietver 7226 termu vērtÄ«bas X 1Sigma pamatstāvoklim un pārklāj diapazonu vā€²ā€²=0 lÄ«dz 97, kur Jā€²ā€² mainās no 12 lÄ«dz 209. Lai konstruētu pamatstāvokļa potenciālās enerÄ£ijas lÄ«kni, izmantojot apgriezto perturbāciju tuvinājuma procedÅ«ru, tika izmantotas vairāk nekā 10 000 fluorescences lÄ«nijas. PaÅ”reiz iegÅ«tā empÄ«riskā potenciāla lÄ«kne turpinās lÄ«dz 12.6 ƅ un ietver vairāk nekā 99% no potenciālās bedres dziļuma, potenciāls apraksta lielāko daļu spektrāllÄ«niju ar precizitāti ap 0.003 cmāˆ’1 un dod X 1Sigma+ pamatstāvokļa disociācijas enerÄ£ijas vērtÄ«bu 4069.3ļ‚±1.5 cmāˆ’1. Ir parādÄ«ti arÄ« pirmā KCs molekulas tripleta pamatstāvokļa a 3Sigma+ novērojumi, kā arÄ« iegÅ«tas dažas galvenās molekulārās konstantes