1,372 research outputs found

    Magnetoelectric properties of magnetite thin films

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    Resistivity, DC Hall effect and transverse magnetoresistance measurements were made on polycrystalline thin films of magnetite (Fe3O4) from 104K to room temperature. The Verwey transition is observed at TV=123K, about 4K higher than reported for bulk magnetite. The ordinary and extraordinary Hall coefficients are negative over the entire temperature range, consistent with negatively charged carriers. The extraordinary Hall coefficient exhibits a rho 1/3 dependence on the resistivity above TV and a rho 2/3 dependence below TV. The magnetoresistance is negative at all temperatures and for all magnetic field strengths. The planar Hall effect signal was below the sensitivity of the present experiment

    Microtensile bond strength of two different adhesive systems to dentin (an in vivo and in vitro study)

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    Abstract no. 496published_or_final_versio

    Dynamic ATR-FTIR and TEM study of the resin-dentin interface in Reactmer Bond

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    Abstract no. 895published_or_final_versio

    Collagen degradation by host-derived enzymes during aging

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    Incompletely infiltrated collagen fibrils in acid-etched dentin are susceptible to degradation. We hypothesize that degradation can occur in the absence of bacteria. Partially demineralized collagen matrices (DCMs) prepared from human dentin were stored in artificial saliva. Control specimens were stored in artificial saliva containing proteolytic enzyme inhibitors, or pure mineral oil. We retrieved them at 24 hrs, 90 and 250 days to examine the extent of degradation of DCM. In the 24-hour experimental and 90- and 250-day control specimens, we observed 5- to 6-μm-thick layers of DCM containing banded collagen fibrils. DCMs were almost completely destroyed in the 250-day experimental specimens, but not when incubated with enzyme inhibitors or mineral oil. Functional enzyme analysis of dentin powder revealed low levels of collagenolytic activity that was inhibited by protease inhibitors or 0.2% chlorhexidine. We hypothesize that collagen degradation occurred over time, via host-derived matrix metalloproteinases that are released slowly over time.published_or_final_versio

    A nanoleakage perspective on bonding to oxidized dentin

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    The mechanism responsible for sodium-hypochlorite-induced reduction in dentin bond strength and its reversal with reducing agents is unknown. This study examined the relationship between nanoleakage and reversal of compromised bonding to oxidized dentin. Acid-etched dentin was completely depleted of demineralized collagen matrix when sodium hypochlorite was used. Specimens were bonded with two single-bottle dentin adhesives. They were immersed in ammoniacal silver nitrate for 24 hrs before being processed for transmission electron microscopy. For both adhesives, tensile bond strengths of acid-etched dentin were significantly reduced after sodium hypochlorite treatment, but were reversed when sodium ascorbate was used. After sodium hypochlorite application, reticular nanoleakge patterns in hybrid layers were replaced by vertical, shag-carpet-like patterns along the demineralization front. This type of nanoleakage was completely eliminated after sodium ascorbate treatment with the materials tested. Residual sodium hypochlorite within the porosities of mineralized dentin may result in incomplete resin polymerization, and hence compromised bond strength.published_or_final_versio

    Osmotic blistering in enamel bonded with one-step self-etch adhesives

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    One-step self-etch adhesives behave as permeable membranes after polymerization, permitting water to move through the cured adhesives. We hypothesize that osmotic blistering occurs in bonded enamel when these adhesives are used without composite coupling. Tooth surfaces from extracted human premolars were bonded with 5 one-step self-etch adhesives. They were immersed in distilled water or 4.8 M CaCl2, and examined by stereomicroscopy, field-emission/environmental SEM, and TEM. Water blisters were observed in bonded enamel but not in bonded dentin when specimens were immersed in water. They collapsed when water was subsequently replaced with CaCl2. Blisters were absent from enamel in specimens that were immersed in CaCl 2 only. Water trees were identified from adhesive-enamel interfaces. Osmotic blistering in enamel is probably caused by the low water permeability of enamel. This creates an osmotic gradient between the bonded enamel and the external environment, causing water sorption into the interface.published_or_final_versio

    Tubular occlusion prevents water-treeing and through-and-through fluid movement in a single-bottle, one-step self-etch adhesive model

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    Water entrapment occurs at resin-dentin interfaces of one-step self-etch adhesives. We hypothesized that by preventing water fluxes from dentin, any water entrapment would be attributed to incomplete removal of adhesive solvents. We tested this hypothesis by bonding to transparent carious dentin containing occluded dentinal tubules. An experimental single-bottle, one-step self-etch adhesive was applied to flat surfaces of caries-affected dentin surrounded by sound dentin, with or without pulpal pressure. Resin-dentin interfaces were examined with TEM after silver-impregnation. Although caries-affected dentin was highly porous, adhesive layers were devoid of silver deposits when tubules were occluded. Conversely, variable extents of water-treeing and water-droplets were identified from adhesive layers in bonded sound dentin. Water-treeing and water-droplet formation, being manifestations of evaporative and convective water fluxes, can be eliminated during bonding to occluded transparent carious dentin. However, the highly porous nature of this clinically relevant substrate after bonding may lead to potentially undesirable consequences.published_or_final_versio

    Kinetic model of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces: Growth rates in atomic layer epitaxy

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    We present a zinc-blende lattice gas model of II-VI(001) surfaces, which is investigated by means of Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. Anisotropic effective interactions between surface metal atoms allow for the description of, e.g., the sublimation of CdTe(001), including the reconstruction of Cd-terminated surfaces and its dependence on the substrate temperature T. Our model also includes Te-dimerization and the potential presence of excess Te in a reservoir of weakly bound atoms at the surface. We study the self-regulation of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and demonstrate how the interplay of the reservoir occupation with the surface kinetics results in two different regimes: at high T the growth rate is limited to 0.5 layers per ALE cycle, whereas at low enough T each cycle adds a complete layer of CdTe. The transition between the two regimes occurs at a characteristic temperature and its dependence on external parameters is studied. Comparing the temperature dependence of the ALE growth rate in our model with experimental results for CdTe we find qualitative agreement.Comment: 9 pages (REVTeX), 8 figures (EPS). Content revised, references added, typos correcte