29 research outputs found

    Le ragioni di una riflessione

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    Le fonti giudiziarie del Regno di Sicilia fra tardo medioevo e prima Et\ue0 moderna: le magistrature centrali

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    La rappresentanza processuale nell'et\ue0 del diritto comune classico

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    This essay analyzes the origin of judicial representation concept in medieval legal science. The start point is the Bulgarus''s letter to Aymeric (1140), commonly considered the first work about trial. Here the representation is not allowed and the only external subject in trial is the advocatus and he gives only auxilium to her client. At the end of XIIth century, result of growth of ordines iudiciarii - specially dedicated to judicial practice - the concept of representation begins to be the object of specific reflection. The ordo ''Olim'' by Otto papiensis (1170-80) may be considered the first work that gives solution to the main problem, in order to the consequences of the sentence on a subject staying in trial but non for himself. The examination of XIII century''s canonistic ordines shows how the problem of judicial representation is faced and solved regarding the single person or the collective person. This essay''s end point is set on Baldus: outsider''s involvement and responsibility in theory is full but depends also on the trial''s nature: being this person considered dominus litis, the responsibility is full in civil trial, but it is clearly unfair and wrongful in criminal trial and therefore it''s retained impossible


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    El diablo en el Para\uedso Derecho, teolog\ueda y literatura en el Processus Satane (s. XIV)

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    El Diablo entra en el Para\uedso, con la intenci\uf3n de apropiarse de la humanidad utilizando un nuevo y formidable instrumento: el proceso. Compuesto en el siglo XIV, transmitido como obra jur\ueddica falsamente atribuida a Bartolo da Sassoferrato, el \u201cProceso entre el Diablo y la Virgen Mar\ueda\u201d es un proceso simulado, en forma de di\ue1logo, entre el Diablo, Cristo y la Virgen. Considerado como obra menor y casi ignorado por la historiograf\ueda, la obra constituye en realidad un extraordinario ejemplo de sincretismo cultural: el lenguaje de la teolog\ueda sirve al derecho como fuente de legitimaci\uf3n, y a la inversa, la construcci\uf3n escatol\uf3gica y la misma teor\ueda de la Salvaci\uf3n se injertan en una estructura jur\ueddica. Desde esta perspectiva, aqu\ued se vuelve a proponer el texto como un punto de observaci\uf3n ideal para aprehender las interacciones de una cultura poli\ue9drica y compleja, suma de teatro y literatura, de derecho y teolog\ueda, culta y popular

    Per una storia della rappresentanza processuale. L'azione alieno nomine nella dottrina civilistica e canonistica fra XII e XIII secolo

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    This essay analyzes the origin of judicial representation concept in medieval legal science. The start point is the Bulgarus's letter to Aymeric (1140), commonly considered the first work about trial. Here the representation is not allowed and the only external subject in trial is the advocatus and he gives only auxilium to her client. At the end of XIIth century, result of growth of ordines iudiciarii - specially dedicated to judicial practice - the concept of representation begins to be the object of specific reflection. The ordo 'Olim' by Otto papiensis (1170-80) may be considered the first work that gives solution to the main problem, in order to the consequences of the sentence on a subject staying in trial but non for himself. The examination of XIII century's canonistic ordines shows how the problem of judicial representation is faced and solved regarding the single person or the collective person. This essay's end point is set on Baldus: outsider's involvement and responsibility in theory is full but depends also on the trial's nature: being this person considered dominus litis, the responsibility is full in civil trial, but it is clearly unfair and wrongful in criminal trial and therefore it's retained impossible