3 research outputs found

    Subversion-Resilient Signatures without Random Oracles

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    In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations in 2013, concerns about the integrity and security of cryptographic systems have grown significantly. As adversaries with substantial resources might attempt to subvert cryptographic algorithms and undermine their intended security guarantees, the need for subversion-resilient cryptography has become paramount. Security properties are preserved in subversion-resilient schemes, even if the adversary implements the scheme used in the security experiment. This paper addresses this pressing concern by introducing novel constructions of subversion-resilient signatures and hash functions while proving the subversion-resilience of existing cryptographic primitives. Our main contribution is the first construction of subversion-resilient signatures under complete subversion in the offline watchdog model (with trusted amalgamation) without relying on random oracles. We demonstrate that one-way permutations naturally yield subversion-resilient one-way functions, thereby enabling us to establish the subversion-resilience of Lamport signatures, assuming a trusted comparison is available. Additionally, we develop subversion-resilient target-collision-resistant hash functions using a trusted XOR. By leveraging this approach, we expand the arsenal of cryptographic tools that can withstand potential subversion attacks. Our research builds upon previous work in the offline watchdog model with trusted amalgamation (Russell et al. ASIACRYPT\u2716) and subversion-resilient pseudo-random functions (Bemmann et al. ACNS\u2723), culminating in the formal proof of subversion-resilience for the classical Naor-Yung signature construction

    Subversion-Resilient Public Key Encryption with Practical Watchdogs

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    Restoring the security of maliciously implemented cryptosystems has been widely considered challenging due to the fact that the subverted implementation could arbitrarily deviate from the official specification. Achieving security against adversaries that can arbitrarily subvert implementations seems to inherently require trusted component assumptions and/or architectural properties. At ASIACRYPT 2016, Russell et al. proposed an attractive model where a watchdog is used to test and approve individual components of an implementation before or during deployment. Such a detection-based strategy has been useful for designing various cryptographic schemes that are provably resilient to subversion. We consider Russell et al.\u27s watchdog model from a practical perspective regarding watchdog efficiency. We find that the asymptotic definitional framework while permitting strong positive theoretical results, does not yet guarantee practical watchdogs due to the fact that the running time of a watchdog is only bounded by an abstract polynomial. Hence, in the worst case, the running time of the watchdog might exceed the running time of the adversary, which seems impractical for most applications. We adopt Russell et al.\u27s watchdog model to the concrete security setting and design the first subversion-resilient public-key encryption scheme which allows for extremely efficient watchdogs with only linear running time. At the core of our construction is a new variant of a combiner for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) by Giacon et al. (PKC\u2718). We combine this construction with a new subversion-resilient randomness generator that can also be checked by an efficient watchdog, even in constant time, which could be of independent interest for the design of other subversion-resilient cryptographic schemes. Our work thus shows how to apply Russell et al.\u27s watchdog model to design subversion-resilient cryptography with efficient watchdogs. We insist that this work does not intend to show that the watchdog model outperforms other defense approaches but to demonstrate that practical watchdogs are practically achievable. This is the full version of a work published at PKC21. We identify a subtle flaw in the proof of the previous version and show it is impossible to achieve CPA security under subversion with the proposed approach. However, the same construction can achieve one-way security under subversion