34 research outputs found

    Exploring Disposition Effect and Overconfidence in Pakistani Investors in KSE Listed Sectors

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    Financial markets are analyzed by using different models in whichinvestors are “rational”. Many traditional theories of varying nature and applicationhave existed and been developed over the past several decades. Investors are thoughtof as rational individuals, who carefully take all economic decisions every time.But irregularities were noticed in the behavior of investors when economy of theworld was shaken by the Financial Crisis of 2008 that started off in the USA andresulted in global recession. The news of international financial crisis affectstheir investment strategies and help to estimate the shock absorbing abilities ofcapital market. This arise the need to study this phenomenon in capital market ofPakistan and check what heuristics are used by investors in decision making. Investorsuse heuristics in their financial decisions whenever they are faced with uncertainsituation. For this study we have collected data of ten years (2005-2014) of 229companies listed in all sectors of Karachi stock exchange. We used Logit regressionto find the relationship between disposition effect and overconfidence of investorsin Pakistani stock market. We have found that disposition effect is used by Pakistaniinvestors in their financial decision making and it helps them to generate returns.Overconfidence has negative but significant effect on investment returns for theinvestors. So theory of EMH and CAPM does not hold with all its assumptions in Pakistanicapital market.Keywords: Heuristics, Behavior, overconfidence, disposition effect,EMH, CAP

    Potential degradation of norfloxacin using UV-C/Fe2+/peroxides-based oxidative pathways

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    The removal of norfloxacin (NOR), a widely used pharmaceutical and emerging water pollutant, was studied using UV-C and Fe2+ catalyzed peroxides-based oxidative processes (e.g., UV-C/Fe2+/H2O2, UV-C/Fe2+/S2O8 2− and UV-C/Fe2+/HSO5 −) and compared with UV-C and UV-C/Fe2+. The UV-C and UV-C/Fe2+ degraded NOR to 38 and 55%. However, use of peroxides, i.e., H2O2, S2O8 2−, HSO5 − with UV-C and UV-C/Fe2+ promoted NOR %degradation to 75, 83, and 90% using [peroxides]0 = 50 mg/L, [Fe2+]0 = 1 mg/L, and [NOR]0 = 10 mg/L, respectively. The significant impact of peroxides on NOR degradation was due to their decomposition into ●OH and SO4 ●− which showed high activity towards NOR degradation. The ●OH and SO4 ●− formation from peroxides decomposition and their contribution in NOR degradation was verified by different scavenger studies. Among the UV-C/Fe2+/peroxides processes, UV-C/Fe2+/HSO5 − showed better performance. The changing concentrations of peroxides, Fe2+, and NOR affected degradation of NOR. The use of different pH and inorganic anions also influenced NOR degradation. The degradation pathways of NOR were established and analyzed acute as well as chronic toxicities of NOR and its DPs

    Multiple interval mapping of QTLs and epistasis for iron toxicity tolerance in segregating population of Indica rice

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    The global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.5 °C, over a last few decades and is projected to continue to increase. Environmental stress factors such as, elevated temperature, salinity, toxic elements (Fe, Al, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn and As), drought and rising CO2 affect plant growth and make a growing threat to agriculture. Rice is a primary food crop in the world and the establishment of rice crop in acidic soil and in marginal soil is a major goal for the improvement of rice production to fulfill the food security. Among environmental stresses, Fe2+ toxicity is one of the main stresses in limiting the cereal crops production. Tolerant rice genotypes that can tolerate the high concentration of Fe2+ toxicity are the potential source genes for rice tolerance improvement in Fe2+ toxicity. In this research work, the genetic basis of seed germination traits and growth traits was investigated in rice using (multiple interval mapping) MIM. Many rice genotypes serve as source of tolerant against toxic metal ion like Fe2+, could be an important factor in controlling the sever effect of Fe2+ toxicity on germination and seedling growth traits.  The F3 progenies of cross between Fe2+ toxicity tolerant cultivar ‘Pokkali’ and susceptible cultivar ‘Pak basmati’ were test against the optimized level of Fe2+ toxicity at germination, to determine the mode of inheritance to Fe2+ toxicity tolerance. Wide range of continues variation was found in F3 progenies. Among the 49 quantitative germination trait and 23 growth trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 linked with tolerance to Fe2+ toxicity was mapped. Additionally, 21 QTLs for germination traits and 9 QTLs for growth traits were classified as major QTLs using MIM. For germination and growth traits, notable epistasis between the chromosome 1, 2, 4, 6 and 11 was detected across germination and growth traits. Our results suggest that the tolerance mechanisms at germination and seedling phases could differ for Fe2+ toxicity. QTLs detected in this study for germination and seedling growth could be a source of new alleles for development of tolerance rice to Fe2+ toxicity varieties and transformation, gene cloning and gene editing in the futur

    Enhanced activity of highly conformal and layered tin sulfide (SnSx) prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on 3D metal scaffold towards high performance supercapacitor electrode

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    Layered Sn-based chalcogenides and heterostructures are widely used in batteries and photocatalysis, but its utilizations in a supercapacitor is limited by its structural instability and low conductivity. Here, SnSx thin films are directly and conformally deposited on a three-dimensional (3D) Ni-foam (NF) substrate by atomic layer deposition (ALD), using tetrakis(dimethylamino) tin [TDMASn, ((CH3)(2)N)(4)Sn] and H2S that serves as an electrode for supercapacitor without any additional treatment. Two kinds of ALD-SnSx films grown at 160 degrees C and 180 degrees C are investigated systematically by X-ray diffractometry, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All of the characterization results indicate that the films deposited at 160 degrees C and 180 degrees C predominantly consist of hexagonal structured-SnS2 and orthorhombic-SnS phases, respectively. Moreover, the highresolution TEM analyses (HRTEM) reveals the (001) oriented polycrystalline hexagonal-SnS2 layered structure for the films grown at 160 degrees C. The double layer capacitance with the composite electrode of SnSx@ NF grown at 160 degrees C is higher than that of SnSx@ NF at 180 degrees C, while pseudocapacitive Faradaic reactions are evident for both SnSx@ NF electrodes. The superior performance as an electrode is directly linked to the layered structure of SnS2. Further, the optimal thickness of ALD-SnSx thin film is found to be 60 nm for the composite electrode of SnSx@ NF grown at 160 degrees C by controlling the number of ALD cycles. The optimized SnSx@ NF electrode delivers an areal capacitance of 805.5 mF/cm(2) at a current density of 0.5 mA/cm(2) and excellent cyclic stability over 5000 charge/discharge cycles.1

    Study protocol of DIVERGE, the first genetic epidemiological study of major depressive disorder in Pakistan

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, 80% of the burdenof major depressive disorder (MDD) pertains to low- and middle-income countries. Research into genetic and environmental risk factors has the potential to uncover disease mechanisms that may contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, yet has so far been largely limited to participants with European ancestry from high-income countries. The DIVERGE study was established to help overcome this gap and investigate genetic and environmental risk factors for MDD in Pakistan. METHODS: DIVERGE aims to enrol 9000 cases and 4000 controls in hospitals across the country. Here, we provide the rationale for DIVERGE, describe the study protocol and characterise the sample using data from the first 500cases. Exploratory data analysis is performed to describe demographics, socioeconomic status, environmental risk factors, family history of mental illness and psychopathology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Many participants had severe depression with 74% of patients who experienced multiple depressive episodes. It was a common practice to seek help for mental health struggles from faith healers and religious leaders. Socioeconomic variables reflected the local context with a large proportion of women not having access to any education and the majority of participants reporting no savings. CONCLUSION: DIVERGE is a carefully designed case-control study of MDD in Pakistan that captures diverse risk factors. As the largest genetic study in Pakistan, DIVERGE helps address the severe underrepresentation of people from South Asian countries in genetic as well as psychiatric research

    Study protocol of DIVERGE, the first genetic epidemiological study of major depressive disorder in Pakistan.

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, 80% of the burdenof major depressive disorder (MDD) pertains to low- and middle-income countries. Research into genetic and environmental risk factors has the potential to uncover disease mechanisms that may contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, yet has so far been largely limited to participants with European ancestry from high-income countries. The DIVERGE study was established to help overcome this gap and investigate genetic and environmental risk factors for MDD in Pakistan. METHODS: DIVERGE aims to enrol 9000 cases and 4000 controls in hospitals across the country. Here, we provide the rationale for DIVERGE, describe the study protocol and characterise the sample using data from the first 500 cases. Exploratory data analysis is performed to describe demographics, socioeconomic status, environmental risk factors, family history of mental illness and psychopathology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Many participants had severe depression with 74% of patients who experienced multiple depressive episodes. It was a common practice to seek help for mental health struggles from faith healers and religious leaders. Socioeconomic variables reflected the local context with a large proportion of women not having access to any education and the majority of participants reporting no savings. CONCLUSION: DIVERGE is a carefully designed case-control study of MDD in Pakistan that captures diverse risk factors. As the largest genetic study in Pakistan, DIVERGE helps address the severe underrepresentation of people from South Asian countries in genetic as well as psychiatric research

    Nanomaterials for Catalysis and Energy Storage

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    The development of nanomaterials with different shapes and sizes and which are utilized as effective materials for energy and environmental applications constitutes a challenge for researchers [...

    Hydrothermal Synthesis of Multifunctional Bimetallic Ag-CuO Nanohybrids and Their Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Antiproliferative Potential

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    The rapidly growing global problem of infectious pathogens acquiring resistance to conventional antibiotics is an instigating reason for researchers to continue the search for functional as well as broad-spectrum antimicrobials. Hence, we aimed in this study to synthesis silver–copper oxide (Ag-CuO) nanohybrids as a function of Ag concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 g) via the one-step hydrothermal method. The bimetallic Ag-CuO nanohybrids Ag-C-1, Ag-C-2, Ag-C-3 and Ag-C-4 were characterized for their physico-chemical properties. The SEM results showed pleomorphic Ag-CuO crystals; however, the majority of the particles were found in spherical shape. TEM results showed that the Ag-CuO nanohybrids in formulations Ag-C-1 and Ag-C-3 were in the size range of 20–35 nm. Strong signals of Ag, Cu and O in the EDX spectra revealed that the as-synthesized nanostructures are bimetallic Ag-CuO nanohybrids. The obtained Ag-C-1, Ag-C-2, Ag-C-3 and Ag-C-4 nanohybrids have shown their MICs and MBCs against E. coli and C. albicans in the range of 4–12 mg/mL and 2–24 mg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, dose-dependent toxicity and apoptosis process stimulation in the cultured human colon cancer HCT-116 cells have proven the Ag-CuO nanohybrids as promising antiproliferative agents against mammalian cancer

    Nanostructured Titanium Nitride and Its Composites as High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Material

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    Electrochemical supercapacitors as an energy storage device have become trademark in current electronic, medical and industrial applications, as they are sources of impressive power output. Supercapacitors supply fast power output, suitable to cover the energy demand of future electronic devices. Electrode material design is a subject of intense research in the area of energy development and advancement, due to its essential role in the electrochemical process of charge storage and the cost of capacitors. The nano-dimensions allow for more electroactive sites, different pore size distributions, and a large specific surface area, making nanostructured electrode materials more promising. Electrode materials based on metal oxides, metal nitrides, and metal carbides are considered ideal for highly efficient electrochemical supercapacitors. Recently, much effort has been devoted to metal nitride-based electrodes and their diverse compositions as they possess higher electrical conductivity and better corrosion resistance, electrochemical stability, and chemical reactivity. Among these, titanium nitride (TiN), possesses high electrochemical stability, outstanding electrical conductivity, and a unique electronic structure. Nanocomposites based on titanium nitrides are known to deliver higher electrochemical performance than pristine nanostructured TiNs due to potential synergetic effects from both the materials. In this paper, recent advancements made in the field of nanostructural TiN electrode materials for SCs are reviewed along with their challenges and future opportunities. Additionally, some of the major techniques involved in the synthesis process are discussed, along with some basic concepts

    Silver Nanoparticles Embedded on Reduced Graphene Oxide@Copper Oxide Nanocomposite for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications

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    In this work, silver (Ag) decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO) coated with ultrafine CuO nanosheets (Ag-rGO@CuO) was prepared by the combination of a microwave-assisted hydrothermal route and a chemical methodology. The prepared Ag-rGO@CuO was characterized for its morphological features by field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy while the structural characterization was performed by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis was undertaken to confirm the elemental composition. The electrochemical performance of prepared samples was studied by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge in a 2M KOH electrolyte solution. The CuO nanosheets provided excellent electrical conductivity and the rGO sheets provided a large surface area with good mesoporosity that increases electron and ion mobility during the redox process. Furthermore, the highly conductive Ag nanoparticles upon the rGO@CuO surface further enhanced electrochemical performance by providing extra channels for charge conduction. The ternary Ag-rGO@CuO nanocomposite shows a very high specific capacitance of 612.5 to 210 Fg−1 compared against rGO@CuO which has a specific capacitance of 375 to 87.5 Fg−1 and the CuO nanosheets with a specific capacitance of 113.75 to 87.5 Fg−1 at current densities 0.5 and 7 Ag−1, respectively