332 research outputs found
A study of fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy beyond expected date of delivery in obstetrics and gynaecology department of a tertiary health care center of South Gujarat
Background:Â Post-dated pregnancy is that extends beyond 40 weeks plus one or more days (anytime past the estimated due date). Mother and the foetus are at increased risk of adverse events when the pregnancy continues beyond the expected date of delivery (EDD).
Method: This prospective observational study was conducted at obstetrics and gynaecology department of tertiary care centre of South Gujarat for 1 year period after official approval from human research ethical committee.
Results: In our study total 200 postdated pregnant women included. Majority i.e. 134 (67%) patients had delivered as normal vaginally, whereas 68 (34%) patients required caesarean section. The most common indication for cesarean section was meconium-stained liquor (42.6%, n=68) follow by fetal distress, 2nd stage CPD, non-progress of labor, failure of induction etc. Altogether 19 newborn need NICU admission for different complication of which the most common neonate’s complication was perinatal asphyxia followed by meconium aspiration syndrome and RDS and only one neonate had early neonate death (END) due to RDS. Â
Conclusions: In pregnancies beyond 40 weeks, timely confirmed of postdated pregnancy, effective fetal monitoring and timely induction and with proper intervention could preclude the adverse feto-maternal outcome
Standardisation of a Vapour Generator for Calibration of Environmental Monitoring Instruments
Very low vapour pressure of 2,4,6 trinitrotoulene (TNT) yields extremely low vapour concentrations at different flow rates in the air, yet considerable quantity of vapours and TNTdust during handling may be present at the workplace environment which is harmful to the health of the personnel working there. The explosive vapours, such as TNT, 2,6-dinitrotoluene (DNT), etc., though harmful to the health of the personnel, are not covered either in the emission standards or in the ambient air quality standards. Presently, no instrument is available for air monitoring of TNT vapours. These vapours need to be collected on-site to estimate TNT concentration. Realising the need for real-time air monitoring of TNT, efforts have been made to understand and device an instrument for on-site determination of TNT vapours parts per billiion (ppb) range. Low-level TNT vapours and TNT buried in the soil in military operations are required to be detected. The instruments for this require careful calibration to yield accurate and reliable results. Hence, an effort has been made to develop a trace-level ppb vapour generator. The vapour generator of a spiral glass column of length 170 cm and inner diameter 4 mm 2 0.5 mm has been used. An activated charcoal glass tube has been used for sampling TNT vapours. The adsorbed TNT vapours were desorbed and analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Thesolid support used has been studied. These vapours generated at different flow rates have been evaluated. The calibrated instrument can be used for in situ and on-site analysis of samples of TNT and also for samples collected
Work related musculoskeletal disorders among medical laboratory professionals: a narrative review
Work related musculoskeletal disorders are common health problem and increasing cause of disability. Laboratory professionals are unique group of healthcare professionals who play an essential part in diagnosis and therapy planning and often their work is associated with potential health hazards. Objective of current study was to review literature on prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among medical laboratory professionals. Electronic databases and bibliographies were searched and identified papers evaluated against inclusion criteria. The searching strategy uncovered 13 reports. Total 7 studies were included for the review. A high degree of heterogeneity among studies was observed. The overall prevalence’s ranges from 40-60%. With neck being more prevalent 18-78%. However additional high quality studies are required in this area
Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with oligohydramnios
Background: Oligohydramnios has been correlated with increased risk of FGR, meconium aspiration, birth asphyxia, low APGAR scores and congenital anomalies. Early detection of oligohydramnios and its management may help in reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality. The aim and objectives of the study was to study the effect of oligohydramnios on fetal outcome in form of FGR, fetal distress, altered APGAR scores, NICU admission and early neonatal morbidity and mortality and to study maternal morbidity in the form of operative delivery and induced labour.Methods: 100 patients in third trimester of pregnancy with oligohydramnios confirmed by ultrasound measurement of AFI were selected randomly after satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Incidence of oligohydramnios and operative intervention for the same was seen more in primipara (52%). Most common causes of oligohydramnios were idiopathic (52%) followed by PIH (25%). Operative morbidity was highest in PIH (60%). Most common indication of caesarean section was fetal distress due to cord compression or FGR. 7% patients had fetoplacental insufficiency on Doppler study.Conclusions: Oligohydramnios demands intensive fetal surveillance and proper antepartum and intrapartum care. Due to high rates of intrapartum complications, perinatal morbidity and mortality, rates of caesarean section are rising, but decision between vaginal delivery and caesarean section should be well balanced so that unnecessary operative morbidity is prevented without jeopardizing the fetal well-being
A study of effectiveness of injection Depot medroxyprogesterone in postpartum women
Background: Depot medroxyprogesterone (DMPA) injection 150 mg intramuscular was used in postpartum women for contraception in this study, once every 3 months. The aim of the study acceptance and compliance of DMPA, observe side effects related to usage of DMPA and establish its effectiveness as a postpartum contraception method.Methods: This is a prospective study carried out at Obstetrics and Gynaecology department over a period of 9 months and follow up was done. Only patients of full term normal delivery and Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) were included. They were counselled properly and after their willingness for enrolment they were included in study after taken consent.Results: Out of 50 cases selected maximum patients, 48% were in the age group of 26 to 30, 38% were from lower socioeconomic class. Amenorrhoea and irregular spotting were found in 68% and 42%respectively. There was no case of failure of this contraceptive method in this study.Conclusions: DMPA is an effective and safe method of contraception in lactating period. Proper counselling will increase acceptance of DMPA. Awareness in patients regarding its benefits as compared to other contraceptive methods.
Perspectives of chalcopyrite-based CIGSe thin-film solar cell: a review
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is empowering, reliable, and ecofriendly technology for harvesting energy which can be assessed from the fact that PV panels with total electricity generation capacity of 505 GW have been installed by the end of 2018. Thin-film solar cells based on copper indium gallium selenide (CIGSe) are promising photovoltaic absorber material owing to an alternative to crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based solar cells because of the huge potential for low-cost solar electricity production with minimal usage of raw materials. The efficiency record of 23.4% was achieved recently in CIGSe solar cells, which was comparable to c-Si solar cells (27.6%). The manufacturing cost of $0.34/W is expected for 15% efficient CIGSe module. The present review article discusses the perspectives of CISe/CIGSe-based thin-film solar cells with the focus on absorber material. Different vacuum and non-vacuum techniques for fabricating these materials are discussed along with the operation of solar cells and their manufacturability. The working mechanism of CIGSe solar cells with the characteristic features of the open-circuit voltage and current density as well as the factors influencing the efficiency in different fabrication techniques are reviewed. Moreover, some strategies toward the improvement of solar cells performance contemplating modified deposition are reviewed. Furthermore, how these strategies can be executed in order to make it cost effective methods is also discussed in detail. Prevailing constrictions for the commercial maturity are deliberated, and future perspectives for improvement at lab as well as industrial scalabilities are outlined
Complications as indicators of quality assurance after 401 consecutive colorectal cancer resections: the importance of surgeon volume in developing colorectal cancer units in India
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The low incidence of colorectal cancer in India, coupled with absence of specialized units, contribute to lack of relevant data arising from the subcontinent. We evaluated the data of the senior author to better define the requirements that would enable development of specialized units in a country where colorectal cancer burden is increasing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed data of 401 consecutive colorectal resections from a prospective database of the senior author. In addition to patient demographics and types of resections, perioperative data like intraoperative blood loss, duration of surgery, complications, re-operation rates and hospital stay were recorded and analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median age was 52 years (10-86 years). 279 were males and 122 were females. The average duration of surgery was 220.32 minutes (range 50 - 480 min). The overall complication rate was 12.2% (49/401) with a 1.2% (5/401) mortality rate. The patients having complications had an increase in their median hospital stay (from 10.5 days to 23.4 days) and the re-operation rate in them was 51%. The major complications were anastomotic leaks (2.5%) and stoma related complications (2.7%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This largest ever series from India compares favorably with global standards. In a nation where colorectal cancer is on the rise, it is imperative that high volume centers develop specialized units to train future specialist colorectal surgeons. This would ensure improved quality assurance and delivery of health care even to outreach, low volume centers.</p
High accuracy theoretical investigations of CaF, SrF, and BaF and implications for laser-cooling
The NL-eEDM collaboration is building an experimental setup to search for the
permanent electric dipole moment of the electron in a slow beam of cold barium
fluoride molecules [Eur. Phys. J. D, 72, 197 (2018)]. Knowledge of molecular
properties of BaF is thus needed to plan the measurements and in particular to
determine an optimal laser-cooling scheme. Accurate and reliable theoretical
predictions of these properties require incorporation of both high-order
correlation and relativistic effects in the calculations. In this work
theoretical investigations of the ground and the lowest excited states of BaF
and its lighter homologues, CaF and SrF, are carried out in the framework of
the relativistic Fock-space coupled cluster (FSCC) and multireference
configuration interaction (MRCI) methods. Using the calculated molecular
properties, we determine the Franck-Condon factors (FCFs) for the transition, which was successfully used for
cooling CaF and SrF and is now considered for BaF. For all three species, the
FCFs are found to be highly diagonal. Calculations are also performed for the
transition recently
exploited for laser-cooling of CaF; it is shown that this transition is not
suitable for laser-cooling of BaF, due to the non-diagonal nature of the FCFs
in this system. Special attention is given to the properties of the
state, which in the case of BaF causes a leak channel, in contrast
to CaF and SrF species where this state is energetically above the excited
states used in laser-cooling. We also present the dipole moments of the ground
and the excited states of the three molecules and the transition dipole moments
(TDMs) between the different states.Comment: Minor changes; The following article has been submitted to the
Journal of Chemical Physics. After it is published, it will be found at
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