72 research outputs found

    ACAT1 Benchmark of RANS-Informed Analytical Methods for Fan Broadband Noise Prediction: Part II—Influence of the Acoustic Models

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    A benchmark dedicated to RANS-informed analytical methods for the prediction of turbofan rotor–stator interaction broadband noise was organised within the framework of the European project TurboNoiseBB. The second part of this benchmark focuses on the impact of the acoustic models. Twelve different approaches implemented in seven different acoustic solvers are compared. Some of the methods resort to the acoustic analogy, while some use a direct approach bypassing the calculation of a source term. Due to differing application objectives, the studied methods vary in terms of complexity to represent the turbulence, to calculate the acoustic response of the stator and to model the boundary and flow conditions for the generation and propagation of the acoustic waves. This diversity of approaches constitutes the unique quality of this work. The overall agreement of the predicted sound power spectra is satisfactory. While the comparison between the models show significant deviations at low frequency, the power levels vary within an interval of ±3 dB at mid and high frequencies. The trends predicted by increasing the rotor speed are similar for almost all models. However, most predicted levels are some decibels lower than the experimental results. This comparison is not completely fair—particularly at low frequency—because of the presence of noise sources in the experimental results, which were not considered in the simulations

    ACAT1 Benchmark of RANS-Informed Analytical Methods for Fan Broadband Noise Prediction - Part I - Influence of the RANS Simulation

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    A benchmark of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)-informed analytical methods, which are attractive for predicting fan broadband noise, was conducted within the framework of the European project TurboNoiseBB. This paper discusses the first part of the benchmark, which investigates the influence of the RANS inputs. Its companion paper focuses on the influence of the applied acoustic models on predicted fan broadband noise levels. While similar benchmarking activities were conducted in the past, this benchmark is unique due to its large and diverse data set involving members from more than ten institutions. In this work, the authors analyze RANS solutions performed at approach conditions for the ACAT1 fan. The RANS solutions were obtained using different CFD codes, mesh resolutions, and computational settings. The flow, turbulence, and resulting fan broadband noise predictions are analyzed to pinpoint critical influencing parameters related to the RANS inputs. Experimental data are used for comparison. It is shown that when turbomachinery experts perform RANS simulations using the same geometry and the same operating conditions, the most crucial choices in terms of predicted fan broadband noise are the type of turbulence model and applied turbulence model extensions. Chosen mesh resolutions, CFD solvers, and other computational settings are less critical

    Aerofoil geometry effects on turbulence interaction noise

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    Fan broadband is one of the dominant noise sources on an aircraft engine, particularly at approach. The dominant noise generation mechanism is due to turbulent- aerofoil interaction noise (TAI). This thesis investigates the effect of changes in 2D aerofoil geometry on TAI noise. The main focus of this thesis is to attempt to reduce it through the development of innovative leading edge geometries. The first two chapters of the thesis deals with an experimental and numerical investigation into the effect of aerofoil geometry on interaction noise on single aerofoils and on cascades. Consistent with previous work, they show that variations in aerofoil parameters, such as aerofoil thickness, leading edge nose radius and camber, produce only a small changes in broadband interaction noise at approach conditions. Subsequent chapters deal with the development of innovative leading edge serration profiles aimed at reducing interaction noise. Chapter 4 is a detailed study into the limitations of single-wavelength serrations in reducing interaction noise. The optimum profile is identified. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 all deal with the development of innovative profiles that can provide up to 10dB of additional noise reductions compared to single-wavelength serrations. For each of the profiles investigated a simple model is developed to aid the understanding of their interaction mechanism

    Effect of wall thickness on the end corrections of the extended inlet and outlet of a double-tuned expansion chamber

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    Simple expansion chambers, the simplest of the muffler configurations, have very limited practical application due to the presence of periodic troughs in the transmission loss spectrum which drastically lower the overall transmission loss of the muffler. Tuned extended inlet and outlet can be designed to nullify three-fourths of these troughs, making use of the plane wave theory. These cancellations would not occur unless one altered the geometric lengths for the extended tube in order to incorporate the effect of evanescent higher-order modes (multidimensional effect) through end corrections or lumped inertance approximation at the area discontinuities or junctions. End corrections of the extended inlet and outlet have been studied by several researchers. However the effect of wall thickness of the inlet/outlet duct on end correction has not been studied explicitly. This has significant effect on the tuning of an extended inlet/outlet expansion chamber. It is investigated here experimentally as well as numerically (through use of 3-D FEM software) for stationary medium

    Tuning of the extended concentric tube resonators

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    It has been shown recently that the acoustic performance of the extended tube expansion chambers can be improved substantially by making the extended inlet and outlet equal to half and quarter chamber lengths, duly incorporating the end corrections due to the evanescent higher order modes that would be generated at the discontinuities. Such chambers, however, suffer from the disadvantages of high back pressure and generation of aerodynamic noise at the area discontinuities. These two disadvantages can be overcome by means of a perforated bridge between the extended inlet and extended outlet. This paper deals with design or tuning of these extended concentric tube resonators. One dimensional control volume approach is used to analyze this muffler configuration. It is validated experimentally making use of the two source-location method. It is thus shown that the inertance of holes plays a role similar to the lumped inertance generated by evanescent 3-D modes at the terminations of the quarter wave resonators in the case of the double-tuned extended tube chambers. The effect of mean flow is also investigated. The resultant transfer matrix is then used to carry out a systematic parametric study in order to arrive at empirical expressions for the correction lengths. Thus, an extended concentric tube resonator can be tuned such that the first three troughs, which characterize the corresponding simple chamber transmission loss (TL) curve, may be eliminated making use of the proposed procedure. In fact, the entire TL curve at low and medium frequencies may be substantially lifted, making the tuned extended concentric tube resonator a viable design option.<br/

    Analytical and experimental investigation into the effects of leading-edge radius on gust–aerofoil interaction noise

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    This paper investigates the effects of local leading-edge geometry on unsteady aerofoil interaction noise. Analytical results are obtained by extending previous work for parabolic leading edges to leading edges of the form xm for 0 &lt; m &lt; 1. Rapid distortion theory governs the interaction of an unsteady vortical perturbation with a rigid aerofoil in compressible steady mean flow that is uniform far upstream. For high-frequency gusts interacting with aerofoils of small total thickness this allows a matched asymptotic solution to be obtained. This paper mainly focusses on obtaining the analytic solution in the leading-edge inner region, which is the dominant term in determining the total far-field acoustic directivity, and contains the effects of the local leading-edge geometry. Experimental measurements for the noise generated by aerofoils with different leading-edge nose radii in uniform flow with approximate homogeneous, isotropic turbulence are also presented. Both experimental and analytic results predict that a larger nose radius generates less overall noise in low-Mach-number flow. By considering individual terms in the analytic solution, this paper is able to propose reasons behind this result

    Aerofoil broadband noise reductions through double-wavelength leading edge serrations; a new control concept

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    Aerofoils operating in a turbulent flow generate broadband noise by scattering vorticity into sound at the leading edge. Previous work has demonstrated the effectiveness by which serrations, or undulations, introduced onto the leading edge, can substantially reduce broadband leading edge noise. All of this work has focused on sinusoidal (single-wavelength) leading edge serration profiles. % In this paper, a new leading edge serration geometry is proposed which provides significantly greater noise reductions compared to the maximum noise reductions achievable by single-wavelength serrations of the same amplitude. This is achieved through destructive interference between different parts of the aerofoil leading edge, and therefore involves a fundamentally different noise reduction mechanism from conventional single-wavelength serrations. % The new leading edge serration profiles simply comprise the superposition of two single-wavelength components of different wavelength, amplitude and phase with the objective of forming two roots that are sufficiently close together and separated in the streamwise direction. Compact sources located at these root locations then interfere leading to less efficient radiation than single-wavelength geometries. A detailed parametric study is performed experimentally to investigate the sensitivity of the noise reductions to the profile geometry. A simple model is proposed to explain the noise reduction mechanism for these double wavelength serration profiles and shown to be in close agreement with the measured noise reduction spectra. The study is primarily performed on flat plates in an idealized turbulent flow. The paper concludes by introducing the double-wavelength serration on a 10\% thick aerofoil, where near-identical noise reductions are obtained compared to the flat plate. </span

    Bayesian optimisation for low-noise aerofoil design with aerodynamic constraints

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    This paper presents an optimisation approach for designing low-noise Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs) for fan broadband noise generated due to the interaction of turbulence and a cascade of 2-dimensional aerofoils. The paper demonstrates the usage of Bayesian optimisation with constraints to reduce the computation cost of optimisation. The prediction is based on Fourier synthesis of the impinging turbulence and the aerofoil response is predicted for each vortical modal component. A linearised unsteady Navier-Stokes solver is used to predict the aerofoil response due to an incoming harmonic vortical gust. This paper shows that to achieve noise reductions of 0.5 dB the penalty on the aerodynamic performance of 33% is observed compared to baseline aerofoil. Hence, the geometry changes such as thickness and nose radius can't reduce broadband noise without effecting aerodynamic performance

    Measurement and validation of acoustic source characteristics

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    To measure insertion loss of muffler, one needs to calculate the source impedance. The internal impedance of a sound source can be measured using direct or indirect methods. The four-load SPL measurement method is one such indirect method wherein there are three nonlinear equations in terms of two unknowns which makes one of the equations redundant. This leads to erroneous results. To overcome this inherent weakness, two alternatives multi-load methods have been offered in the literature; namely, the least squares and the direct least squares method, to analyze the measured data used for four (or more) different loads. These two methods produce better results than the four-load SPL measurement method used earlier. These measurement methods have been tested on a loudspeaker to measure its source impedance and the results are validated with a known additional acoustic load. An extensive literature review had been done and presented in this paper