244 research outputs found

    Gapless interface states at the junction between two topological insulators

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    We consider a junction between two topological insulators, and calculate the properties of the interface states with an effective low energy Hamiltonian for topological insulators with a single cone on the surface. This system bears a close resemblance to bilayer graphene, as both result from the hybridization of Dirac cones. We find gapless interface states not only when the helicity direction of the topological surface states are oppositely oriented, but they can also exist if they are equally oriented. Furthermore, we find that the existence of the interface states can be understood from the closing of the bulk gap when the helicity changes orientation. Recently, superluminal tachyonic excitations were also claimed to exist at the interface between topological insulators. However, here we show that these interface states do not exist

    Extended homologous series of Sn-O layered systems: a first-principles study

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    Apart from the most studied tin-oxide compounds, SnO and SnO2, intermediate states have been claimed to exist for more than a hundred years. In addition to the known homologous series (Seko et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 045702 (2008)), we here predict the existence of several new compounds with an O concentration between 50 % (SnO) and 67 % (SnO2). All these intermediate compounds are constructed from removing one or more (101) oxygen layers of SnO2. Since the van der Waals (vdW) interaction is known to be important for the Sn-Sn interlayer distances, we use a vdW-corrected functional, and compare these results with results obtained with PBE and hybrid functionals. We present the electronic properties of the intermediate structures and we observe a decrease of the band gap when (i) the O concentration increases and (ii) more SnO-like units are present for a given concentration. The contribution of the different atoms to the valence and conduction band is also investigated.Comment: 8 page

    Crystalline topological states at a topological insulator junction

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    We consider an interface between two strong time-reversal invariant topological insulators having surface states with opposite spin chirality, or equivalently, opposite mirror Chern number. We show that such an interface supports gapless modes that are protected by mirror symmetry. The interface states are investigated with a continuum model for the Bi2Se3 class of topological insulators that takes into account terms up to third order in the crystal momentum, which ensures that the model has the correct symmetry. The model parameters are obtained from ab initio calculations. Finally, we consider the effect of rotational mismatch at the interface, which breaks the mirror symmetry and opens a gap in the interface spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Rutherford scattering of electron vortices

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    By considering a cylindrically symmetric generalization of a plane wave, the first Born approximation of screened Coulomb scattering unfolds two new dimensions in the scattering problem: transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum of the incoming beam. In this paper, the elastic Coulomb scattering amplitude is calculated analytically for incoming Bessel beams. This reveals novel features occurring for wide angle scattering when the incoming beam is correctly prepared. The result successfully generalizes the well known Rutherford formula, incorporating transverse and orbital angular momentum into the formalism.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Inelastic electron-vortex-beam scattering

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    Recent theoretical and experimental developments in the field of electron vortex beam physics have raised questions on what exactly this novelty in the field of electron microscopy (and other fields, such as particle physics) really provides. An important part in the answer to those questions lies in scattering theory. The present investigation explores various aspects of inelastic quantum scattering theory for cylindrically symmetric beams with orbital angular momentum. The model system of Coulomb scattering on a hydrogen atom provides the setting to address various open questions: How is momentum transferred? Do vortex beams selectively excite atoms, and how can one employ vortex beams to detect magnetic transitions? The analytical approach presented here provides answers to these questions. OAM transfer is possible, but not through selective excitation; rather, by pre- and post-selection one can filter out the relevant contributions to a specific signal

    Exceeding the Shockley-Queisser limit within the detailed balance framework

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    The Shockley-Queisser limit is one of the most fundamental results in the field of photovoltaics. Based on the principle of detailed balance, it defines an upper limit for a single junction solar cell that uses an absorber material with a specific band gap. Although methods exist that allow a solar cell to exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit, here we show that it is possible to exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit without considering any of these additions. Merely by introducing an absorptivity that does not assume that every photon with an energy above the band gap is absorbed, efficiencies above the Shockley-Queisser limit are obtained. This is related to the fact that assuming optimal absorption properties also maximizes the recombination current within the detailed balance approach. We conclude that considering a finite thickness for the absorber layer allows the efficiency to exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit, and that this is more likely to occur for materials with small band gaps.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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