6 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Inevitable Collision States for a Car-Like vehicle

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    voir basilic : http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2006/Par06/ school: Inst. Nat. Polytechnique de Grenoble address: Grenoble (FR)Navigation is an important aspect of mobile robotics. Recently, we see a trend in robotic systems leaving laboratories and clean rooms and moving to real world environments. At this point, it is critical to ensure the safety of the robotic system and the environment in which it moves. In this work, the topic of "safe navigation" of a robotic system in a highly dynamic environment is considered. It is suggested that the dynamics of the robotic system and of the moving obstacles must be taken into account while performing navigation. It is illustrated that the idea of using a time-horizon for calculating a navigation plan does not guarantee safety. Developing on these points as the motivation, the novel concept of Inevitable Collision States (ICS) is introduced. An inevitable collision state is a state from which any action taken by the robotic system will lead to a collision. A theoretical extension, the notion of imitating manoeuvres is proposed and proved to be efficient in calculating the ICS for a robotic system. A case study involving the characterization of the ICS for a car-like vehicle is per- formed. A polynomial complexity algorithm complexity is proposed for an efficient com- putation of the ICS. The algorithm is implemented in C++. Experimental results obtained in various environments are presented

    An Inevitable Collision State-Checker for a Car-Like Vehicle

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    An Inevitable Collision State (ICS) for a robotic system is a state for which, no matter what the future trajectory followed by the system is, a collision with an obstacle eventually occurs. The ICS concept takes into account both the dynamics of the robotic system and the future motion of the moving objects of the environment. For obvious safety reasons, a robotic system should never ever end up in an ICS hence the interest of the ICS concept when it comes to safely drive robotic systems in dynamic environments. In theory, determining whether a given state is an ICS requires to check for collision all possible future trajectories of infinite duration that the robotic system can follow from this particular state! In practise, it is fortunately possible to build a conservative approximation of the ICS set by considering only a finite subset of the whole set of possible future trajectories. The primary contribution of the paper is a general principle to select the subset of trajectories based upon the concept of imitating manoeuvres, ie trajectories leading the robotic system to duplicate the behaviour of the environment objects (fixed or moving), it is shown how a good approximation of the ICS set can be obtained. The second contribution of the paper is an ICS-Checker for a car-like vehicle moving in a dynamic environment. This ICS-Checker integrates the above-mentioned selection principle. It is efficient and could be used in practise to compute truly safe motions for a car-like vehicle amidst moving objects

    Characterization of the Inevitable Collision States for a Car-Like vehicle

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    voir basilic : http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2006/Par06/ school: Inst. Nat. Polytechnique de Grenoble address: Grenoble (FR)Navigation is an important aspect of mobile robotics. Recently, we see a trend in robotic systems leaving laboratories and clean rooms and moving to real world environments. At this point, it is critical to ensure the safety of the robotic system and the environment in which it moves. In this work, the topic of "safe navigation" of a robotic system in a highly dynamic environment is considered. It is suggested that the dynamics of the robotic system and of the moving obstacles must be taken into account while performing navigation. It is illustrated that the idea of using a time-horizon for calculating a navigation plan does not guarantee safety. Developing on these points as the motivation, the novel concept of Inevitable Collision States (ICS) is introduced. An inevitable collision state is a state from which any action taken by the robotic system will lead to a collision. A theoretical extension, the notion of imitating manoeuvres is proposed and proved to be efficient in calculating the ICS for a robotic system. A case study involving the characterization of the ICS for a car-like vehicle is per- formed. A polynomial complexity algorithm complexity is proposed for an efficient com- putation of the ICS. The algorithm is implemented in C++. Experimental results obtained in various environments are presented

    Report on industrial attachment with Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology

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    This report describes Building an infrared sensor module and integrating it with a Sonar Module. Principle of Infrared obstacle detection and distance calculation is explained with various experiments and setup

    An inevitable collision statechecker for a car-like vehicle

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    Abstract — An Inevitable Collision State (ICS) for a robotic system is a state for which, no matter what the future trajectory followed by the system is, a collision with an obstacle eventually occurs [1]. The ICS concept takes into account both the dynamics of the robotic system and the future motion of the moving objects of the environment. For obvious safety reasons, a robotic system should never ever end up in an ICS hence the interest of the ICS concept when it comes to safely drive robotic systems in dynamic environments. In theory, determining whether a given state is an ICS requires to check for collision all possible future trajectories of infinite duration that the robotic system can follow from this particular state! In practise, it is fortunately possible to build a conservative approximation of the ICS set by considering only a finite subset of the whole set of possible future trajectories. The primary contribution of the paper is a general principle to select the subset of trajectories based upon the concept of imitating manoeuvres, ie trajectories leading the robotic system to duplicate the behaviour of the environment objects (fixed or moving), it is shown how a good approximation of the ICS set can be obtained. The second contribution of the paper is an ICS-Checker for a car-like vehicle moving in a dynamic environment. This ICS-Checker integrates the abovementioned selection principle. It is efficient and could be used in practise to compute truly safe motions for a car-like vehicle amidst moving objects