46 research outputs found

    A framework to evaluate land degradation and restoration responses for improved planning and decision-making

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    Avoiding, reducing or reversing land degradation will require increased restoration investments, carefully targeted and implemented to maximize environmental, economic and social benefits. Our objective was to develop a multi-criteria framework to assess effectiveness of land degradation responses for enhanced land use planning and restoration by evaluating both direct biophysical and socio-economic responses and indirect effects of various restoration strategies. The effectiveness of restoration responses is demonstrated for degraded forestland using a comprehensive literature review and case study in Nepal. The results show that most forestland restoration responses have an ecological focus with tree planting being the dominant direct response and economic and financial instruments the indirect responses. The results confirmed that environmental desirability was the dominant factor and economic feasibility was secondary for assessing restoration responses. Cultural acceptability was given the least consideration. Among sub-criteria, improved vegetative structure was the dominant restoration response. This study, originating from the Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, supports the view that the scientific community and decision-makers must give greater attention to cultural, social, technical, and political dimensions that influence the outcomes of restoration responses to solve the pervasive problem of land degradation

    Forest Structure, Wood Standing Stock, and Tree Biomass in Different Restoration Systems in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    Reliable estimates of tree growth and wood yield are fundamental to support the management of restored forests and better reconcile the objectives of recovering biodiversity with the provision of ecosystem services. In this study, wood standing volumes and tree biomass stocks were estimated in different ecological restoration systems and at two sites with contrasting soil fertility, in order to evaluate the potential trade-offs between biodiversity and forest production. At each site, a complete randomized block design, with three replications of six treatments, was established in 1997–1998: direct seeding (DIRS), high-diversity tree plantation (HDIV), modified “Taungya” agroforestry system (AFS), mixed plantation with timber and firewood species (MIX), managed agroforestry system (AFSm) and managed mixed plantation (MIXm). We inventoried all trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm in 450 m2 per treatment per plot, 19–20 years after establishment, using site-specific allometric models. Significant site effects were found for tree height, tree density and wood volume. Restoration systems (treatments) affected forest structure and forest productivity. Higher wood stock and biomass tree were observed in the less complex system (DIRS), while AFSm and HDIV reconciled higher species richness and diversity with good wood volume yields and tree biomass