114 research outputs found

    Honors and distinctions regulations: a strategy of interaction with publics.The awards granted and revoked by the Diput ación Provincial de Seville

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    A través de las Relaciones Públicas las organizaciones inician sistemas de comunicación dialógicos con los públicos de su entorno, posicionando mensajes a través de la interactividad con su entorno. Tradicionalmente concebidas desde el ámbito empresarial, han sido poco estudiadas desde el sector público como sistema a través del cual las administraciones públicas gestionan sus relaciones con sus administrados. En este sentido, desde el prisma de la comunicación organizacional, este trabajo pretende analizar cómo los reglamentos de honores y distinciones regulados y otorgados por la administración pública española, se erigen como un sistema de comunicación bidireccional que permite al Estado posicionar determinados mensajes relacionados con el ensalzamiento de determinados valores vigentes en cada contexto histórico, previamente detectados como dignos de respeto por la opinión pública. Para llevar a cabo el objetivo principal de este estudio, se selecciona como objeto de estudio la normativa de reglamentos de honores y distinciones de la Diputación de Sevilla para demostrar que la historia, la normativa y su ejecución nos hablan de honores y distinciones que ensalzan valores que deben ser referencia para la sociedad del momento.Through public relations organizations starts a dialogic communication system with the public in their environment, positioning messages through the interactivity with their environment. Traditionally designed from the business sector, they have received little attention from the public administrations as a system through which government manages their relationships with their citizens. Thus, from the perspective of organizational communication, this paper analyzes how the regulations of honors and distinctions awarded by the Spanish publics administrations, stand as a bidirectional communication system that allows the state to position certain related messages exaltation of certain values prevailing in each historical context, previously identified as interesting for public opinion. To accomplish the main objective of this study, it is selected as a case of study the award regulations of honors of the Diputación de Sevilla to demonstrate that history, and law enforcement tell of honors and distinctions extolling values should be referenced for the society

    Expression patterns of homeobox genes in the mouse vomeronasal organ at postnatal stages

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    AbstractHomeodomain proteins are encoded by homeobox genes and regulate development and differentiation in many neuronal systems. The mouse vomeronasal organ (VNO) generates in situ mature chemosensory neurons from stem cells. The roles of homeodomain proteins in neuronal differentiation in the VNO are poorly understood. Here we have characterized the expression patterns of 28 homeobox genes in the VNO of C57BL/6 mice at postnatal stages using multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization. We identified 11 homeobox genes (Dlx3, Dlx4, Emx2, Lhx2, Meis1, Pbx3, Pknox2, Pou6f1, Tshz2, Zhx1, Zhx3) that were expressed exclusively in neurons; 4 homeobox genes (Pax6, Six1, Tgif1, Zfhx3) that were expressed in all non-neuronal cell populations, with Pax6, Six1 and Tgif1 also expressed in some neuronal progenitors and precursors; 12 homeobox genes (Adnp, Cux1, Dlx5, Dlx6, Meis2, Pbx2, Pknox1, Pou2f1, Satb1, Tshz1, Tshz3, Zhx2) with expression in both neuronal and non-neuronal cell populations; and one homeobox gene (Hopx) that was exclusively expressed in the non-sensory epithelium. We studied further in detail the expression of Emx2, Lhx2, Meis1, and Meis2. We found that expression of Emx2 and Lhx2 initiated between neuronal progenitor and neuronal precursor stages. As far as the sensory neurons of the VNO are concerned, Meis1 and Meis2 were only expressed in the apical layer, together with Gnai2, but not in the basal layer

    La Internet que no aparece en los buscadores

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    El principal objetivo de este documento es realizar un estudio de cómo y qué contenidos no aparecen en Google ni en ningún otro buscador y, de esta forma, resultan inaccesibles para la mayoría del público. Por otro lado, también se pretende investigar sobre cómo esta técnica puede utilizarse para ocultar actividades fraudulentas. Se busca identificar las características principales de la denominada Internet Invisible, identificar las causas de su existencia, investigar las técnicas de ocultación de contenidos en la Web y aprender cómo se pueden consultar los contenidos presentes en ella. Para dar paso a toda la información recogida sobre la Internet Invisible, primero se hablará de los buscadores, su arquitectura y las técnicas que utilizan para indexar el contenido de la Web.Ingeniería Informátic

    Los Títulos De “Hijo Predilecto” E “Hijo Adoptivo”, La Historia Local De Las Provincias Andaluzas

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    The abundant literature on protocol that exists in Spain strange has stopped to analyse the importance of the regulations of honours and distinctions of the local authorities as the tool of transmission of the constitutional values to the society. An example of it are the accolades, prizes, appointments or medals that the County councils of the Autonomous Andalusia Community gives every year to people, institutions or companies that try to exemplify a new model of society. La abundante literatura sobre protocolo que existe en España raramente se ha detenido a analizar la importancia que juegan los reglamentos de honores y distinciones de las Entidades Locales como la herramienta de transmisión de los valores constitucionales al conjunto de la ciudadanía. Buena prueba de ello son los galardonados con alguno de los premios, nombramientos o medallas con los que, a lo largo de la geografía andaluza, realizan las Diputaciones Provinciales de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza. Personas, instituciones o empresas que ejemplifican el nuevo modelo de sociedad._______________________________The abundant literature on protocol that exists in Spain strange has stopped to analyse the importance of the regulations of honours and distinctions of the local authorities as the tool of transmission of the constitutional values to the society. An example of it are the accolades, prizes, appointments or medals that the County councils of the Autonomous Andalusia Community gives every year to people, institutions or companies that try to exemplify a new model of society.

    Epistemology of ceremonial and protocol: Theoretical approach to qualitative research

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    El contexto académico actual evidencia un importante déficit de textos científicos relativos al estudio del ceremonial y el protocolo en revistas académicas indexadas de alto impacto. La perspectiva relacional de la organización de actos permite abordar estas disciplinas desde la solidez metodológica que permiten las ciencias sociales. Así, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar una aproximación a la cuestión epistemológica, enmarcada en las Ciencias Sociales, que permita el desarrollo de diseños metodológicos excelentes, de corte cualitativo, para el estudio científico del ceremonial y el protocolo.The current academic context shows an important deficit of scientific texts related to the study of the ceremonial and the protocol in high-impact indexed academic journals. The relational perspective of the organization of events allows us to approach these disciplines from the methodological solidity that the social sciences allow. Thus, the main objective of this work is to make an approach to the epistemological question, framed in the Social Sciences, which allows the development of excellent methodological designs, of a qualitative nature, for the scientific study of the ceremonial and the protocol

    Educar sin excluir

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    Una educación inclusiva sólo es viable si se tejen amplias y sólidas redes de colaboración e interdependencia a todos los niveles y entre todos los actores implicados. Se trata de revisar actitudes, valores, ideas y prácticas para convertir el centro escolar en una auténtica comunidad de aprendizaje, abierta a la participación del profesorado, alumnado, familias y demás agentes educativos

    Controversias de actualidad en las ciencias biológicas: virtudes y retos de un curso de educación general

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    After a revision of the undergraduate curriculum of the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico in the year 2005-06, it was established, as a requisite for the students of Natural Sciences, to take six credits of general education in their fields of study. Those courses have to be offered by the Faculty of General Studies. In order to satisfy said requirement, our Department developed a seminar denominated "Current Controversies in the Biological Sciences". The course discusses controversial topics in Biology and their scientific, technological, social, ethical, and humanistic relevance within a national and global context. It also establishes connections between the topics discussed and other disciplines of knowledge. Additionally, the course provides the space for the development of a thematic investigation regarding these debates, within an interdisciplinary frame. This course gains pertinence in face of the globalization phenomenon and the easy access to information, which calls for a revision of generally accepted paradigms. The article will discuss the virtues of the seminar, how the main objectives of a general education course are met, the challenge it provides to both the student and professor, and its impact on the integral development of the student.A raíz de la Revisión del Currículo del Bachillerato en el Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en el año 2005-06, se estableció como requisito para los estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales el tomar seis créditos de educación general en su campo de estudio, a ser ofrecidos por la Facultad de Estudios Generales. Para poder satisfacer dicho requerimiento, nuestro Departamento desarrolló un curso tipo sombrilla denominado Controversias de actualidad en las ciencias biológicas. En dicho curso, tipo seminario, se discuten temas biológicos de actualidad que originan controversias y debates de relevancia científica, tecnológica, social, ética y humanística, en el contexto nacional e internacional. Se establecen conexiones entre los temas biológicos discutidos y otras disciplinas del conocimiento. Además el curso provee el espacio para el desarrollo de una investigación temática en torno a esos debates, dentro de un marco interdisciplinario. Este curso cobra pertinencia ante el fenómeno de la globalización y el fácil acceso a la información, lo que obliga a la revisión de los paradigmas generalmente aceptados. En el artículo se discutirán las virtudes del curso, cómo se cumplen los objetivos principales de un curso de educación general, los retos que supone el curso tanto para el estudiante como para el docente y su impacto en el desarrollo integral del estudiante

    The influence of alcohol consumption on Self-Rated Health and Mood during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain

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    Introduction: There is evidence of a significant upturn of certain unhealthy lifestyle choices such as Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To analyze whether Alcohol Consumption has increased since the onset of pandemic and whether it affects the relationship between Mood and Self-Rated Health among adult Spanish population. Methodology: Study of two cross-sectional cohorts (1—initial period of confinement COVID-19 pandemic, 2—between fifth and sixth waves of pandemic) to examine Alcohol Consumption in the relationship between Mood and Self-Rated Health using a moderation analysis with PROCESS macro for SPSS. Results: 5,949 people (62.1% women) participated in the study. Alcohol Consumption showed a significant increase, with men consuming more Alcohol than women in both periods (58.6% vs. 44.7% and 72.1% vs. 56.7%, respectively, p < 0.001). The moderation analysis revealed that sex and Alcohol Consumption conditioned the relationship between Mood and Self-Rated Health in the first survey, with a greater effect on women, who stated that not consuming Alcohol had a positive effect on the relationship between Mood and Self-Rated Health (B: −0.530; p < 0.001). Discussion: Currently it is about of implementing strategies to manage the pandemic—some of them aimed at promoting healthy living and stress management as assets that favor healthy lifestyles with fewer risk factors. New studies are needed to address the social thresholds of alcohol consumption, considering different perspectives for understanding variations in the intrapersonal and social perception of drunkenness, as this has been shown to be inconsistent across cultures and time periods

    Isotopic labelling-based analysis elucidates biosynthesis pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Melatonin, Serotonin and Hydroxytyrosol formation

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    Yeasts can synthetise bioactive compounds such as Melatonin (MEL), Serotonin (SER) and Hydroxytyrosol (HT). Deciphering the mechanisms involved in their formation can lead to exploit this fact to increase the bioactive potential of fermented beverages. Quantitative analysis using labelled compounds, 15-N2 l-tryptophan and 13-C tyrosine, allowed tracking the formation of the above-mentioned bioactive compounds during the alcoholic fermentation of synthetic must by two different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Labelled and unlabelled MEL, SER and HT were undoubtedly identified and quantified by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS). Our results prove that there are at least two pathways involved in MEL biosynthesis by yeast. One starts with tryptophan as precursor being known for the vertebrates’ pathway. Additionally, MEL is produced from SER which in turn is consistent with the plants’ biosynthesis pathway. Concerning HT, it can be formed both from labelled tyrosine and from intermediates of the Erlich pathway.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2016-77505-C3-2-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-108722RB-C32Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento P18-RT-309