10 research outputs found
Speech acts are an important part of pragmatics. Speech acts have various forms in order to convey certain intentions which are divided into three types, namely speech acts 1) locus 2) illocution and 3) perlocution. Illocutionary speech acts were chosen to be studied in this study. The choice of illocutionary speech acts isintended to find outthe hidden meanings inthe fairy tale SchneeweiĂźchen und Rosenrot. Illocutionary speech acts are actions and utterances that are carried out with a specific purpose, function and purpose. The theory used is speech acts according to Yule. Yule's theory divides illocutionary speech acts into five types of functions, namely assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative. This research is included indescriptive qualitative research. This research data in the form of sentences contained in the fairy tale SchneeweiĂźchen und Rosenrot. From the results of the data as many as 98 sentences, found 12 sentences which are types of illocutionary speech acts in the fairy tale SchneeweiĂźchen und Rosenrot. The twelve data found consisted of three sentences of assertive illocutionary types, three sentences of directive illocutionary types, two sentences of expressive illocution types, two sentences of commissive illocution types, and two sentences of declarative illocution types.
Keywords: Pragmatics, Illocutionary Speech Act, fairy tale
In literary works there are speech or utterations in the form of writing in the form of dialogue or conversation. In this study, short stories are used as a source of research data because short stories are an effective medium for review in speech act studies. Assertive illocutionary speech acts are used as objects in this study. Illocutionary speech acts are acts of doing something with specific goals and functions, whereas assertive speeches that bind the speaker to the truth of what is said, such as stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining and complaining ). Ich schenk dir eine Geschichte is a collection of German short stories in 2011 consisting of several authors, namely Michael Borlik, Sissy Flegel, Annette Langen, Sabine Ludwig, Regina Rusch, Ursel Scheffler, Anja Tuckerman as well as the discussion in this study. In this study, researchers chose four short stories, namely Cassandras Geheimnis by Michael Borlik, Wie Timmy zum Hund kam by Sissi Flegel, Blauer Montag by Sabine Ludwig, Nina by Anja Tuckermann. The four stories were chosen because there are narratives supported by narratives that clarify the context. The formulation of the problem under study is How to assert illocutionary speech in a collection of Geschichte-Mutgeschichten-Ichchenk dir-eine short story 2011. From the formulation of the problem, this study aims to describe the assertive illocutionary speech contained in a collection of Ich Schenk dirine's Geschichte-Mutgeschichten 2011 short story. This research is descriptive qualitative because the data obtained in the form of dialogue or conversation as well as context that contains assertive illocutionary speech acts. From the research that has been done, the results of the four short stories are obtained. Assertive illocution which consists of 8 functions not found in all four short stories. The first short story contains 5 functions; the second short story contains 6 functions; the third short story contains 4 functions; and the fourth short story contains 6 functions.
Keywords: Speech Act, Assertive Illocution, Short Story
Analisis Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia Abraham Maslow oleh Karakter Utama “Maik” dalam Film “Tschick” Karya Fatih Akin
Literary works have developed quite rapidly, apart from being in the form of writing literary works, they are also often developed in the world of film. The author examines a German film entitled "Tschick" by Fatih Akin. This film is an adventure film between two teenagers taking a cross-city trip in Germany during their summer school holidays. Here, the author is interested in focusing more on the main character in the film, namely Maik, to find out and describe the hierarchy of basic human needs seen in the film. This paper uses an interpretive descriptive data analysis technique in describing the basic human needs that appear in the main character of the film “Tschick” by Fatih Akin. The theory used in this paper uses a literary psychology approach that focuses more on characterizing the characters. Furthermore, to see the fulfillment of basic needs as a human being uses the psychological theory of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs which consists of five levels, namely 1) physiological needs, the need for clothing, food and shelter; 2) the need for security, namely avoiding foreign and unstable things; 3) the need for affection, the need for friends, feelings of acceptance and love; 4) the need to be appreciated, the need to get recognition and appreciation; 5) the need for self-actualization, the need to develop and increase self-potential. The result of this research is that the main character as the focus of the research has fulfilled Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This fulfillment is obtained through the life process that the main character in the film goes through.
Keywords: Film, literary psychology, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the main characte
Ekranization is a process of moving, the voyage of a literary work into a film. Fairy tales are one of the literary works that can be used as objects in the process of ekranization. The process of moving from fairy tales to films requires a series of processes and requires a lot of consideration, especially on the intrinsic elements of literary works such as characterization, setting, and plot. In reality, there are many differences in characterization, setting and plot in the film with the fairy tale used. Therefore, this study examines the process of ecranization from fairy tales to films. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis, the source of which is the sentence in the fairy tale Tischlein Deck Dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack by Brüder Grimm and written sentences and sentences in screenshots in the film Tischlein Deck Dich by Ulrich König. This fairy tale is a fairy tale that is well known by the German people and is interesting to research. This study focuses on identifying the characterizations, settings and plots contained in the fairy tales and films by using the Nurgiyantoro (1994) theory of characterization, setting and plot. Meanwhile, Eneste's (1991) ecranization theory was used to identify the ecranization process. The results showed that there were 16 data related to characterizations, settings and plots in both films and fairy tales. There are 7 characterizations data, 5 settings data and 4 plots data. The data from the fairy tales and the film resulted in 11 ecranization data, with details of 1 reduction, 2 additions and 2 character variations. 1 reduction, 2 additions and 1 settings variation. And also 2 plotvariations
There are two types of language style based on the direct meaning or absence of meaning, namely rhetorical language style and figurative language style. Satire belongs to a figurative language style. Satire style is often used as a satire in conveying a criticism of someone or something. Satire style is not only found in writing, but can also be found in dramas and films. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing the satire style contained in the film entitled Er ist Wieder da by David Wnendt. The formulation of the problems in this research are: (1) What kinds of satire language styles appear in David Wnendt's Er ist Wieder da? (2) What is the function of the satire style found in David Wnendt's Er ist wieder da? Based on these two problem formulations, the objectives of this research are: (1) to find out what kinds of satire styles appear in David Wnendt's Er ist Wieder da; (2) to find out the function of the satire style found in David Wnendt's film Er ist Wieder da. The theory used in this research is Holbert's (2011) theory about Horatian and Juvenalian Satire. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the results of the study in the form of sentences in dialogue between characters that contain satire styles and functions of the satire style. The results of this study found eight types of satire style sentences consisting of three data types of satire horatian style, four data types of juvenalian satire style, one data of types of satire horatian style and juvenalian style. The eight data have the function of satire style as entertainment, social criticism, and learning.
Keywords: satire, film, function of satire
The presence of the plot in the film give a great contribution in the form of success to shows contents of the film's story. Stanton (2007:22), said if the plot is a story that consists of a sequence of events, but in any event contained in a film linked together by cause and effect, one event is caused, produce other events from other events. That is what makes a film could be more interesting because of the presence of plot in the film. One of a movie with a good plot is Lola Rennt (1998) by Tom Tykwer, the film is about Lola’s three alternate to help Manni to get 100.000 Mark in 20 minutes. Lola Rennt won dozens of awards and features international, one of them the Title of Best Film (Bester Spielfilm) in 1999 by the Award of the Association of critics of German film. Thus, this study aims to describe the plot based on criteria of time Lola Rennt’s. The theory used in this research to describe the plot in the film is the theory's Tasrif in Nurgiyantoro (2013) to describes the plot. This research methods using qualitative descriptive type of research and using the approach of narrative structure. The research data source is a film with a title Lola Rennt (1998) by a work from a director named Tom Tykwer. The data from this research are sentence, the dialogue, and images of in the Lola Rennt’s. The results of this research found staging plots is based on the criteria of the time, ie: 1) the stage of situation that containted in the film Lola Rennt by Tom Tykwer, 2) the stage of generating circumtances that contained in the film Lola Rennt by Tom Tykwer, 3) the stage of rising action that contained in the film Lola Rennt by Tom Tykwer, 4) the stage of climax that contained in the film Lola Rennt by Tom Tykwer, 5) the stage of denouement that containe in the film Lola Rennt by Tom Tykwer
This research examines the main characters’ sadism in the collection of fairy tales Der Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann. It aims to describe (1) the main characters’ sadism and (2) the causes of the main characters’ sadism in Heinrich Hoffmann's fairy tales. A qualitative approach was applied to conduct this research. The data sources were the fairy tales entitled Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug, Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher, and Die Geschichte vom bösen Friederich in the collection of fairy tales Der Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann. This study applied the sadism theory by Erich Fromm (2000) to identify the main characters’ sadism and the aggression theory by Sears (1994) and Myers (2012) to analyze the main characters’ motives for doing the sadism. The results reveal six data which show kinds of sadism and seven data of the causes. Two data prove the main characters’ sadism in each fairy tale. Four data regarding the causes of sadism are found in Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug. Other two similar data are found in Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher and the other one in Die Geschichte vom bösen Friederich. In conclusion, sadism in the three of Heinrich Hoffmann’s fairy tales is described as non-sexual (physical) sadism, while the type of sexual and sadism is not found. Moreover, the motives of the main character in the Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug are caused by observation and imitation of other people’s activities. The main character’s biological factor is the motive in the Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher and Die Geshichte vome bösen Friederich. There are two similarities found in these three fairy tales: non-sexual (physical) sadism acted by the main characters and instrumental aggression as the type of aggression. 
This study focuses on moral values in the fairy tales Frau Holle, Die Sterntaler, Hans im GlĂĽck by BrĂĽder Grimm. The first objective of this study is to describe the moral values in BrĂĽder Grimm's Frau Holle, Die Strentaler, Hans im GlĂĽck fairy tales in terms of Kant's deontological moral theory. And for the second purpose, looking for similarities in the moral values of the three fairy tales. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method using descriptive analysis methods. The research data is in the form of word and sentence data and contains Kant's deontological moral classification. The data source is the fairy tale Die Sterntaler, Hans im GlĂĽck by BrĂĽder Grimm which was downloaded from the internet. The theory used is Kant's deontological moral theory. The method of data collection is done by recording words, phrases and sentences that show the moral values in the fairy tales according to the deontological theory of Immanuel Kant, after which they are classified according to the type of moral values. The results showed that there are: 4 moral values in the Frau Holle fairy tale, 2 moral values in Die Sterntaler, and 3 moral values in the Hans im GlĂĽck fairy tale. Data from Frau Holle's fairy tale found 2 values of autonomous moral and material moral objects, as well as 2 values of formal moral objects. Then from the Die Sterntaler fairy tale found 2 autonomous moral values and moral material objects. Meanwhile, in the Hans im GlĂĽck fairy tale, it is found that there is 1 value data which includes autonomous morals and moral material objects and 2 data including values of formal moral objects. The similarity of moral values in the fairy tales Frau Holle, Die Sterntaler, Hans im GlĂĽck is helping those in need. The equation of moral values is found in the data 1,5,6,8
The word Gitarre in the short story entitled der Gitarrenverkäufer are 49 words and has a relationship with each other so that it has the opportunity to examine its connotative meaning. In addition, based on the UNESA journal website, this work has never been studied, said Gitarre. The connotative meaning is the "second" meaning that is still hidden (Septiana, Rina: 2019). To analyze the connotative meaning, Roland Barthes' semiotic theory is needed. In its application, Roland Barthes' semiology deepens meaning by looking for signs and connotations of language, literature, and society. In this study, the researcher analyzed the connotative meaning of Gitarre in short stories. The formulation of the research problem is what is the connotative meaning of Gitarre contained in the short story der Gitarrenverkäufer and what is the function of the connotative meaning of Gitarre in this short story. This type of research is qualitative research. The data presented are sentences and words that contain the word guitar. Then the 3 short stories were analyzed using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes in 1968. The results of this study are that the connotative meaning of Gitarre in this short story is divided into three, namely wealth, valuables, and part of life. Then the function of the connotative meaning of the guitar is to beautify and refine the word
Der blonde Eckbert is a fairy tale written by Ludwig Tieck in 1719 and one of the popular German romantic tales in 1720. Der blonde Eckbert presents mysteries and also moral messages related to psychological problems experienced by the main character who often hallucinates and leads to psychiatriccomplex. This fairy tale is a literary work that has psychological meanings and psychological problems that can be analyzed through psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud (1923) explained that personality is a system consisting of 3 elements, namely the Id, the Ego, and the Superego (in German it is expressed as das Es, das Ich, and das Ueber Ich), each of which has principle of operation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality structures in determining the psychiatric disorders experienced by the main character. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. The theory applied in this study is the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud in 1923. The results showed that there were 6 data showing the personality structure of the Id, Ego, and Superego, as well as 3 data showing anxiety disorders and schizophrenia which were analyzed through psychopathology studies of abnormal behavior