427 research outputs found
Sustainable conversion of light to algal biomass and electricity: A net energy return analysis
A substantial interest is growing in the cultivation of microalgae as a source of biofuel production, considering their relatively high lipid content, fast growth rates, use of alternative water sources, and growth on non-arable land. This paper conducts an energy life cycle analysis for a novel hypothetical hybrid energy system where the electricity required for microalgae cultivation is generated from semi-transparent PV panels to energise paddle wheels and light emitting diodes installed on raceway ponds. The combined system configuration allows for a full utilisation of the solar spectrum, while enhancing the photosynthetic productivity of microalgae cultivation and reducing the evaporation from raceway ponds. The findings of study for a hypothetical system installed in Western Australia show that the amount of land use substantially decreases by 43%, the productivity of microalgae cultivation increases by 75%, while the net energy return of the system remains significantly higher than one, in comparison with a microalgae cultivation system energised by grid electricity. Among a range of variables affecting the energy performance of the proposed system, the primary energy demand for PV panels and conversion efficiency of LEDs exert the highest impact on energy life cycle of the syste
Agronomy of Dwarf oats.
Location: Mt Barker Research Station, Pardelup Prison Farm, Kojonup, Williams and Mayanup.
Time of sowing x oat cultivars, 87AL6, 87BR5, 87KA4, 87MT4, 87NA7.
N rates x oat cultivars, 87AL4, 87BR8, 87KA2, 87MT2, 87NA5.
Seed rates x oat cultivars, 87AL5, 87BR4, 87KA3, 87MT3, 87NA6.
Oat cultivar factorial, 87AL7, 87BR6, 87KA5, 87MT5, 87NA8
Mature plant and tissue resistance in the groundnut-peanut bud necrosis virus system
Leaves and plants of different ages of one susceptible (JL24) and two resistant (ICGV86031 and ICGV86388) groundnut genotypes were mechanically inoculated with peanut bud necrosis [tospo]virus, and the percentage of plants with systemic symptoms (incidence) and the incubation period were determined. The incidence decreased sharply in all three genotypes with the age of the inoculated leaves and plants. The incubation period increased with the age of leaves and plants. Apparently, only young tissue of young plants is susceptible, while mature tissue and plants are highly resistant. This mature tissue and plant resistance occurs irrespective of the susceptibility level of the genotype to peanut bud necrosis virus, however, it develops earlier in the resistant than in the susceptible genotype
Group Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) for persistently depressed outpatients:a retrospective chart review
BACKGROUND: Cognitive behavioural analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is an effective individual treatment for persistent depressive disorder (PDD), but evidence on group treatment (Group-CBASP) is limited. Our aim was to review the effect of Group-CBASP on self-report depression severity in outpatients with PDD, overall and by age of depression-onset. METHODS: A retrospective chart review study (November 2011-March 2017) in 54 patients with PDD (29 late-onset, 25 early-onset). Patients were previously treated by pharmacotherapy (92.6%), psychotherapy (98.1%) and/or electroconvulsive therapy (11.1%). Group-CBASP involved 24 weekly sessions during 6 months, followed by individual appointments over 6 months. The Inventory of Depressive Symptoms -self rating(IDS-SR) was used at baseline and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, computing mean differences and response rates. RESULTS: The mean IDS-SR score decreased significantly from 39.83 at baseline to 33.78 at 6 months: a decrease from severe to moderate depression after 24 weeks of Group-CBASP, with a medium effect size (Cohen's d = .49). At 12 months, the mean IDS-SR score was 32.81, indicating moderate symptom levels remained. At 6 and 12 months, mean IDS-SR scores were similar among late- versus early-onset patients, but at 12 months response rates were higher among late-onset patients. LIMITATIONS: Although results of our study provide valuable input for future prospective studies, limitations were the use of a retrospective design and the small group size. CONCLUSION: Group-CBASP offered to an outpatient population with PDD was associated with clinically relevant decrease in self-reported symptom severity, and with sustained response particularly in patients with late onset of depression. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Group-CBASP seems to be a good alternative for CBASP in individual setting. Patients with late age of depression-onset seem to benefit more from Group-CBASP. This study shows that clinical relevant effects of Group-CBASP, followed by individual contacts, remain at least for 6 months. Research on personalizing treatment strategies is needed to improve patient assignment for Group-CBASP
Recent Studies on Peanut Bud Necrosis Disease: Proceedings of a Meeting 20 Mar 1995
The current status of research on peanut bud necrosis disease caused by the peanut bud necrosis
virus and transmitted by Thrips palmi is reviewed. Recent advances in the genome structure, host
range, transmission, and spread of tospoviruses wi t h emphasis on the peanut bud necrosis virus
are discussed. Epidemiology of the disease and resistance to both the vector and the virus are
reviewed in detail. Agronomically acceptable varieties wi th resistance to either the vector or to the
vector and the virus are now available
Dementiediagnostiek bij oudere migranten op de geheugenpolikliniek: obstakels en oplossingen
De komende tien jaar verdubbelt het aantal niet-westerse allochtone ouderen. Door specifieke risicofactoren (zoals
hypertensie en diabetes) zal het aantal oudere migranten met dementie waarschijnlijk toenemen. Geheugenpoliklinieken zijn
onvoldoende voorbereid op deze nieuwe patiëntenstroom, omdat zorgprofessionals onvoldoende kennis hebben van de
obstakels die bij interculturele dementiediagnostiek een rol spelen. Zij dienen rekening te houden met taalbarrière,
cultuurbarrière, het lage opleidingsniveau en analfabetisme van een aanzienlijk aantal patiënten, maar ook met onbekendheid
met dementie, schaamte en bijzondere zorgverwachtingen van de patiënten en hun familie. Er worden aanbevelingen gedaan
voor het verbeteren van communicatie, (neuropsychologische) testdiagnostiek en zorgadviezen in de klinische praktijk
The Cross-Cultural Dementia Screening (CCD):A new neuropsychological screening instrument for dementia in elderly immigrants
Objective: Currently, approximately 3.9% of the European population are non-EU citizens, and a large part of these people are from "non-Western" societies, such as Turkey and Morocco. For various reasons, the incidence of dementia in this group is expected to increase. However, cognitive testing is challenging due to language barriers and low education and/or illiteracy. The newly developed Cross-Cultural Dementia Screening (CCD) can be administered without an interpreter. It contains three subtests that assess memory, mental speed, and executive function. We hypothesized the CCD to be a culture-fair test that could discriminate between demented patients and cognitively healthy controls. Method: To test this hypothesis, 54 patients who had probable dementia were recruited via memory clinics. Controls (N = 1625) were recruited via their general practitioners. All patients and controls were aged 55 years and older and of six different self-defined ethnicities (Dutch, Turkish, Moroccan-Arabic, Moroccan-Berber, Surinamese-Creole, and Surinamese-Hindustani). Exclusion criteria included current or previous conditions that affect cognitive functioning. Results: There were performance differences between the ethnic groups, but these disappeared after correcting for age and education differences between the groups, which supports our central hypothesis that the CCD is a culture-fair test. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) and logistic regression analyses showed that the CCD has high predictive validity for dementia (sensitivity: 85%; specificity: 89%). Discussion: The CCD is a sensitive and culture-fair neuropsychological instrument for dementia screening in low-educated immigrant populations.</p
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