2 research outputs found

    Investigation of possible effects of boron containingcompounds on neurodegeneration in vitro axotomymodel

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    Toplumdaki yaşam ömrü ortalamasının artması nörodejeneratif hastalıkların artmasına, bu da araştırmacıların bu konuya olan dikkatlerinin artmasına sebep olmuştur. Sinir sistemi hücrelerinin kabul edilen yargıyla bölünememesi, hasar söz konusu olduğunda geri dönüşümsüz bir "ölüm yolu"'na girmelerine sebep olmaktadır. Hasarlı bölge hücrenin gövdesinde olmadığında veya bu bölgeye erişemediğinde hücrenin hasarı geri döndürme şansı olduğu periferik sistem üzerinde gösterilmiştir. Son yapılan çalışmalarda bu durumun merkezi sinir sistemi için de mümkün olduğu öğrenilmiştir. Akson hasarlama yöntemlerinden biri olan aksotomi; hücre sağ kalım oranlarının yüksek olması sebebiyle bu deneysel çalışmada hasar modeli olarak kullanılmıştır. Yenidoğan farelerde, kortikal hücre kültüründe aksotomi yöntemiyle oluşturulan hasarların etkilerini azaltmak ve hatta süreci tersine çevirmek adına kullanılmak üzere bor bileşiği tercih edilmiştir. Bor mineralinin bitki, hayvan ve insanlar da ve hatta canlıların evrimsel süreçlerinin devamlılıklarında esansiyel olduğu yıllardır süregelen çalışmalarla gösterilmektedir. Bor bileşiklerinin nörodejenerasyona olan etkilerini görmek adına, literatürde oldukça çok karşımıza çıkan iki bileşik seçilmiştir; boraks ve borik asit. Hücreler, hasar verilmeden önce, bu bileşiklere maruziyete uğratılmış, daha sonra aksotomi yapılmıştır. Eklenen maddelerin etkinliğini gözlemek için PI(propidyum iyodür) boyaması ile canlılık tespiti yapılmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlar daha önceki çalışmalarla korelasyon göstermiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmanın henüz çok araştırma yapılmamış olan bu alanda öncü olması beklenmektedir.The increase in the average life expectancy in society has led to an increase in neurodegenerative diseases, which has increased the attention of researchers to this topic. Failure of the nervous system cells to divide by the accepted formation, causes them to enter an irreversible "death path" in case of damage. It has been shown on the peripheral system that the damaged region has a chance of returning damage to the cell when it is not in its body or when it cannot reach this region. In recent studies it has been learned that this situation is also possible for the central nervous system. Axotomy, which is the one of the methods of axon injury, was used as the damage model in this experimental study because of the high survival rate of the cells. In neonatal mice, boron compound was preferred to reduce and even to reverse the process the effects of axotomy-induced damage in cortical cell cultures. For many years researches show that the boron mineral is essential to the continuity of the evolutionary processes of plants, animals, humans, and even living things. In order to see the effects of boron compounds on neurodegeneration, two compounds were chosen which appeared quite common in the literature; borax and boric acid. Cells were exposed to these compounds before being damaged, then axotomized. To observe the efficacy of the added substances, viability was determined by PI (propidium iodide) staining. Results correlated with previous studies. It is expected that this study will be a pioneer in this field which has not been much investigated yet

    Distinct brain oscillatory responses for the perception and identification of one's own body from other's body

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    The body recognition process includes complex visual processing, the sensation, perception, and distinction stages of the stimulus. This study examined this process by using the time-frequency analysis of EEG signals and analyzed the obtained data by using the event-related oscillations method. This study aimed to examine the oscillatory brain responses and distinguish one's own body from other's body. In the present study, 17 young adults were included and the EEGs were recorded with 32 electrodes placed in different locations. Event-related power spectrum and phase-locking analyzes were performed. ITC and ERSP data were analyzed using 2 (condition) x 11 (location) x 2 (hemisphere) ANOVA Design. As we observed a prolonged response in the theta band in the grand averages, we included the time variable in the overall model. As a result, we found that the phase-locking and the event-related power spectrum of the theta response in recognizing one's own body were higher when compared to the phase-locking and the event-related power spectrum of the theta response in recognizing others' body (p < 0.05). When the time variable was included, the early theta response was more phase-locked and had a higher power spectrum compared to the late theta response (p < 0.05). As a result of the power spectrum analysis, the condition x hemisphere interaction effect in the beta band was higher in the left hemisphere regarding increased responses in recognizing one's own body (p < 0.05). As a result of ITC, the main effect of the condition was higher in the recognition of the stimulus of one's own body (p < 0.05). Finally, the theta oscillator response stood out in distinguishing one's own body from other's body. Similarly, the power spectrum in the beta response was higher in the left hemisphere, and this finding is consistent with the literature