8 research outputs found

    The evolution of policy enactment on gender-based violence in schools

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    This paper examines how policies and strategies to address school-related gender-based violence have evolved since 2000, when gender-based violence within education was largely invisible. Through an exploration of policy enactment in three countries, Liberia, South Africa and Brazil, it traces remarkable progress in policy, programmes and research. The analysis asks why, despite such achievements, there is little evidence that these policy enactments have succeeded in reducing violence. The case studies reveal disconnects in the ways violence is conceptualised and acted upon by policy actors, which inhibit effective action. The paper concludes that more attention is needed to the space between national and local policy enactments, and to tackling at national, district, school and community levels the norms and inequalities at the heart of gender-based violence

    Lutter contre les violences basées sur le genre en milieu scolaire en Côte d’Ivoire: Étude exploratoire

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    Les violences basées sur le genre en milieu scolaire (VBGMS) désignent les actes de violence physique, sexuelle et psychologique contre les garçons et les filles perpétrés au sein et aux abords des écoles, des communautés et des familles et fondés sur un accès inégal aux ressources et au pouvoir, ainsi que sur des normes et stéréotypes inéquitables. Bien que ce type de violences bénéficie d’une reconnaissance accrue en tant que problème majeur à l’échelle internationale, un examen rigoureux de la documentation disponible démontre l’absence de solutions concrètes dont l’efficacité serait avérée. Les liens entre les différents niveaux d’action (que ce soit au niveau des politiques internationales et nationales, des lois ou au niveau des projets et des actions mises en oeuvre au sein de l’école ou des communautés) n’ont, jusqu’ici, pas fait l’objet d’une attention à la hauteur de la problématique. L’initiative visant à mettre fin aux VBGMS est un partenariat entre l’UNICEF, l’Institute of Education de l’University College de Londres, l’Initiative des Nations Unies pour l’éducation des filles, le Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation et les partenaires de Côte d’Ivoire, d’Éthiopie, du Togo et de Zambie (2015–2017), et est financé par les subventions aux activités mondiales et régionales du Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation. L’initiative a pour objectif de mettre en évidence les faits en vue d’étayer, de renforcer et de mieux comprendre le processus de mise en oeuvre des politiques relatives aux VBGMS en Côte d’Ivoire, en Éthiopie, au Togo et en Zambie. Les conclusions de cette initiative contribueront aux débats internationaux et nationaux sur les façons de lutter contre les VBGMS. L'objectif principal de l'étude était d'analyser les réponses à la violence sexiste dans et aux abords des écoles en Côte d'Ivoire, en vue d'éclairer la planification des politiques et des initiatives pratiques à venir. Ce rapport s'appuie sur les données recueillies par l'équipe de recherche, l’UNICEF CO, des consultants nationaux et des partenaires, et expose les résultats d’une étude préliminaire sur les politiques, les pratiques et les faits relatifs aux VBGMS en Côte d’Ivoire

    Addressing School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Zambia and Ethiopia: A Cross-country Report

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    This report synthesises findings from four scoping studies of policy, practice and evidence on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Zambia, Togo, Ethiopia and Côte d’Ivoire carried out in 2016-2017.This work forms part of End Gender Violence in Schools (EGVS), an initiative led by UNICEF, with support from Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and UNGEI, which aims to strengthen the production and use of high quality evidence in order to build effective approaches to address SRGBV. Data were collected through stakeholder interviews, workshops and analyses of research, policy and programme texts. The research design offers a valuable framework through which to evaluate and strengthen national action on SRGBV through collecting evidence on: prevalence and patterns of SRGBV; laws, policies and plans; structures and partnerships; responses in and around schools; prevention through teaching and learning; and systems for data collection.Overall, these findings point to the need for using an evidence-based, multi-dimensional approach when analysing, developing and enacting policy and practice on SRGBV. The analysis generates an Action Map on SRGBV through legislation, policy and structures; work in schools; and through partnerships and communities

    Addressing SRGBV in Ethiopia: A scoping study of policy and practice to reduce gender-based violence in and around schools

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    School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) describes physical, sexual and psychological acts of violence in and around schools, underpinned by unequal access to resources and power, and inequitable norms and stereotypes. While there is increasing recognition of SRGBV as a major issue globally, rigorous reviews of literature have concluded that evidence about effective ways to address it is lacking. The End Gender Violence in Schools (EGVS) initiative, led by UNICEF with support from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and UNGEI, aims to build evidence to better understand, inform and strengthen the process of policy enactment on SRGBV in Ethiopia, Zambia, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire. Findings from the initiative in these four countries will contribute to global debates on how to address SRGBV. This summary presents draft findings from a scoping study of policy, practice and evidence on SRGBV in Ethiopia, which was carried out in 2016. The main objective of the study was to analyse responses to gender-based violence in and around schools in Ethiopia, in order to inform future planning of policy and practice initiatives. The study was a collaboration between the Government of Ethiopia, UNICEF, and the UCL Institute of Education. Several methods for data collection were employed: 1) Two interactive workshops led by the Ministry of Education and facilitated by UNICEF and the UCL Institute of Education (March 2016; December 2016); 2) Literature review and documentary analysis of legislative and policy texts, research reports and datasets, and documents describing programmes or interventions addressing SRGBV in Ethiopia; 3) 23 in-depth interviews with governmental and non-governmental experts. The research questions addressed 1) what we know about SRGBV in Ethiopia, 2) what policies, laws and programmes exist and how well they are enacted, and 3) the availability and quality of evidence on SRGBV

    Addressing School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Côte d’Ivoire: A Scoping Study

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    The main objective of the study was to analyse responses to gender-based violence in and around schools in Côte d’Ivoire, in order to inform future planning of policy and practice initiatives. This report draws on the data gathered by the research team, UNICEF CO, national consultants and partners, and presents findings from a scoping study of policy, practice and evidence on schoolrelated gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Côte d’Ivoire

    Addressing School Related Gender Based Violence in Zambia: A Scoping Study

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    This report presents findings from a scoping study of policy, practice and evidence on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Zambia, which was carried out in 2016. The main objective of the study was to analyse responses to gender-based violence in and around schools in Zambia, in order to inform future planning of policy and practice initiatives. The study was a collaboration between the government of Zambia, UNICEF, and researchers at the UCL Institute of Education working alongside consultant, Romana Maumbu. Its core elements consist of: analysis of legislation and policy; analysis of programming on SRGBV; mapping of stakeholders working on SRGBV; and the identification and evaluation of research and data sets. The findings presented here will be used to guide decision making for phase two of the initiative which will take place during 2017, as well as longer term planning and action on SRGBV in Zambia. The findings will provide the basis for reflection and the development of the action plan for the next phase of the EGVS initiative

    A Rigorous Review of Global Research Evidence on Policy and Practice on School-Related Gender-Based Violence

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    This rigorous literature review, commissioned by UNICEF, aimed to examine research evidence on approaches to addressing SRGBV globally, with an emphasis on lower and middle income countries. Key Findings • Major evidence gaps exist in how to provide safe, inclusive and violence-free learning environments for girls and boys. Research has been skewed towards evaluations of short-term interventions at a moment of practice, with little long-term follow-up. While there is a good evidence base on violence prevention interventions with groups of children, work that is not specifically focused on sexual violence tends to be gender-blind. • Addressing the links between violence, identities, social and cultural norms and intersecting structural inequalities is crucial to effective interventions related to SRGBV. • Policies and practices need to be shaped based on critical reflection of how they influence girls’ and boys’ day-to-day experiences of violence • The most promising approaches involve those working with groups of young people on gender, sex and violence with reflection and consciousness-raising on gender identities, social norms and inequalities that shape the risk and experience of sexual violence. Single sex groups (e.g., girls’ and boys’ clubs), sometimes combined with mixed group sessions, can provide ‘safe spaces’ for building awareness about gender equality, violence prevention and redress. • Holistic community-based programmes that develop critical reflection and interpersonal skills, alongside socio-economic support/training can help deter peer violence, gang involvement, cyber bullying, violent crime and other negative behaviours. Psychological interventions in war zones need to be carefully tailored to local conditions, and more evidence is needed using a gender lens. • Supporting teachers and schools is paramount. Evidence suggests that women and men teachers’ confidence in addressing SRGBV can be strengthened by supporting reflection on their own values, beliefs and personal histories; curriculum materials and training in strategies to address discrimination and violence; and training in interactive, inclusive pedagogies. • Robust evidence is needed for interventions that focus on changing laws, developing policy or working with macro institutions; as well as interventions at district level by officials and organizations tasked with disseminating, implementing and monitoring policies. • Critical reflection on values, norms, professional cultures and institutions has the potential to strengthen policy enactment at the level of the ‘missing middle’

    Analyse Méthodique des données issues de la recherche mondiale sur les politiques et les pratiques de lute contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire (VGMS)

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    Cette analyse documentaire méthodique a été commandée par l’UNICEF dans le but d’examiner les données issues de la recherche sur les différentes approches en matière de lutte contre les violence liée au genre en milieu scolaire (VGMS). Bien que la portée de l’analyse soit mondiale, l’accent a été mis sur les recherches menées dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire