644 research outputs found

    A Chimeric Nucleobase - Phenylazo Derivative as an Intrinsic Nucleobase Quencher

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    Molecular beacons are important bioanalytical probes which are most often constructed from a single-stranded oligonucleotide which has been labeled at opposite termini with a fluorophore and a quencher. When the fluorophore and quencher are in close proximity, no fluorescence is observed due to FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer). DABCYL (4-dimethylaminoazobenzene- 4\u27-carboxylic acid) has been used as a quencher in the molecular beacon to absorbs excitation energy from a fluorophore and to dissipate the energy as heat. However, DABCYL is unable to form a base-pair and is conventionally placed as an overhanging residue. This produces a derivative wherein the chromophore has substantial mobility and limits the types of other conjugates that can be prepared. In order to overcome these limitations, we have embarked on the synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside and peptide nucleic acid (PNA) analogue possessing DMPAU (5-[(4-dimethylaminophenyl) diazenyl]uracil) as the nucleobase. DMPAU has DABCYL-like properties due to the installation of an azo moiety at the 5-position of the uracil base. This base is designed to have the ability to form a complementary base pair with adenosine by canonical hydrogen bonding and also to quench the fluorescence emission in a molecular beacon construct. Both DMPAUridine and DMPAU PNA analogue are determined to have same UV-Vis absorbance ranges as DABCYL and reasonable quenching effect to the fluorophore

    Lepton non-universality at LEP and charged Higgs

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    A recent analysis of the LEP data shows an interesting deviation from lepton universality in W boson decays. An excess at the level of 2.8 sigma is found in the tau mode branching ratio with respect to the other two modes. It is suggested that this seeming lepton non-universality might stem from pair production of charged Higgs bosons almost degenerate with W, that preferentially decay to heavy fermions. It is shown that the deviation can be reduced to 1.4 sigma in two Higgs doublet model I without any conflict with the existing direct or indirect constraints. This conclusion is largely independent of tan beta, the ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values. This scenario can be tested at the forthcoming international linear collider.Comment: 16 pages, published version with minor change

    Renormalized Path Integral for the Two-Dimensional Delta-Function Interaction

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    A path-integral approach for delta-function potentials is presented. Particular attention is paid to the two-dimensional case, which illustrates the realization of a quantum anomaly for a scale invariant problem in quantum mechanics. Our treatment is based on an infinite summation of perturbation theory that captures the nonperturbative nature of the delta-function bound state. The well-known singular character of the two-dimensional delta-function potential is dealt with by considering the renormalized path integral resulting from a variety of schemes: dimensional, momentum-cutoff, and real-space regularization. Moreover, compatibility of the bound-state and scattering sectors is shown.Comment: 26 pages. The paper was significantly expanded and numerous equations were added for the sake of clarity; the main results and conclusions are unchange

    The Phonon Drag Effect in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    A variational solution of the coupled electron-phonon Boltzmann equations is used to calculate the phonon drag contribution to the thermopower in a 1-D system. A simple formula is derived for the temperature dependence of the phonon drag in metallic, single-walled carbon nanotubes. Scattering between different electronic bands yields nonzero values for the phonon drag as the Fermi level varies.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Mesoscopic interplay of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ultra-small metallic grains

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    We review the effects of electron-electron interactions on the ground-state spin and the transport properties of ultra-small chaotic metallic grains. Our studies are based on an effective Hamiltonian that combines a superconducting BCS-like term and a ferromagnetic Stoner-like term. Such terms originate in pairing and spin exchange correlations, respectively. This description is valid in the limit of a large dimensionless Thouless conductance. We present the ground-state phase diagram in the fluctuation-dominated regime where the single-particle mean level spacing is comparable to the bulk BCS pairing gap. This phase diagram contains a regime in which pairing and spin exchange correlations coexist in the ground-state wave function. We discuss the calculation of the tunneling conductance for an almost-isolated grain in the Coulomb-blockade regime, and present measurable signatures of the competition between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the mesoscopic fluctuations of the conductance.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To be published in the proceedings of the NATO Advance Research Workshop "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex System Physics.

    Green functions for generalized point interactions in 1D: A scattering approach

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    Recently, general point interactions in one dimension has been used to model a large number of different phenomena in quantum mechanics. Such potentials, however, requires some sort of regularization to lead to meaningful results. The usual ways to do so rely on technicalities which may hide important physical aspects of the problem. In this work we present a new method to calculate the exact Green functions for general point interactions in 1D. Our approach differs from previous ones because it is based only on physical quantities, namely, the scattering coefficients, RR and TT, to construct GG. Renormalization or particular mathematical prescriptions are not invoked. The simple formulation of the method makes it easy to extend to more general contexts, such as for lattices of NN general point interactions; on a line; on a half-line; under periodic boundary conditions; and confined in a box.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, 3 EPS figures. To be published in PR

    Functional determinants for general self-adjoint extensions of Laplace-type operators resulting from the generalized cone

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    In this article we consider the zeta regularized determinant of Laplace-type operators on the generalized cone. For {\it arbitrary} self-adjoint extensions of a matrix of singular ordinary differential operators modelled on the generalized cone, a closed expression for the determinant is given. The result involves a determinant of an endomorphism of a finite-dimensional vector space, the endomorphism encoding the self-adjoint extension chosen. For particular examples, like the Friedrich's extension, the answer is easily extracted from the general result. In combination with \cite{BKD}, a closed expression for the determinant of an arbitrary self-adjoint extension of the full Laplace-type operator on the generalized cone can be obtained.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Kaluza-Klein gravitino production with a single photon at e^+ e^- colliders

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    In a supersymmetric large extra dimension scenario, the production of Kaluza-Klein gravitinos accompanied by a photino at e^+ e^- colliders is studied. We assume that a bulk supersymmetry is softly broken on our brane such that the low-energy theory resembles the MSSM. Low energy supersymmetry breaking is further assumed as in GMSB, leading to sub-eV mass shift in each KK mode of the gravitino from the corresponding graviton KK mode. Since the photino decays within a detector due to its sufficiently large inclusive decay rate into a photon and a gravitino, the process e^+ e^- -> photino + gravitino yields single photon events with missing energy. Even if the total cross section can be substantial at sqrt(s)=500 GeV, the KK graviton background of e^+ e^- -> photon + graviton is kinematically advantageous and thus much larger. It is shown that the observable, sigma(e^-_L)-sigma(e^-_R), can completely eliminate the KK graviton background but retain most of the KK gravitino signal, which provides a unique and robust method to probe the supersymmetric bulk.Comment: Reference added and typos correcte

    Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the standard model with two Higgs doublets

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    The muon anomalous magnetic moment is investigated in the standard model with two Higgs doublets (S2HDM) motivated from spontaneous CP violation. Thus all the effective Yukawa couplings become complex. As a consequence of the non-zero phase in the couplings, the one loop contribution from the neutral scalar bosons could be positive and negative relying on the CP phases. The interference between one and two loop diagrams can be constructive in a large parameter space of CP-phases. This will result in a significant contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment even in the flavor conserving process with a heavy neutral scalar boson (mhm_h \sim 200 GeV) once the effective muon Yukawa coupling is large (ξμ50|\xi_\mu|\sim 50). In general, the one loop contributions from lepton flavor changing scalar interactions become more important. In particular, when all contributions are positive in a reasonable parameter space of CP phases, the recently reported 2.6 sigma experiment vs. theory deviation can be easily explained even for a heavy scalar boson with a relative small Yukawa coupling in the S2HDM.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex file, 5 figures, published version Phys. Rev. D 54 (2001) 11501

    Horizons, Constraints, and Black Hole Entropy

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    Black hole entropy appears to be ``universal''--many independent calculations, involving models with very different microscopic degrees of freedom, all yield the same density of states. I discuss the proposal that this universality comes from the behavior of the underlying symmetries of the classical theory. To impose the condition that a black hole be present, we must partially break the classical symmetries of general relativity, and the resulting Goldstone boson-like degrees of freedom may account for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In particular, I demonstrate that the imposition of a ``stretched horizon'' constraint modifies the algebra of symmetries at the horizon, allowing the use of standard conformal field theory techniques to determine the asymptotic density of states. The results reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy without any need for detailed assumptions about the microscopic theory.Comment: 16 pages, talk given at the "Peyresq Physics 10 Meeting on Micro and Macro structures of spacetime