3 research outputs found

    Gender, generation and agrarian change: Cases from Myanmar and Camodia

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    Rural communities, physical landscapes and social relations have been deeply transformed in countries in Southeast Asia by the effects of the global land rush. The surge of initiatives around industrial development, hydropower projects, monocrop commercial plantations, mining and conservation has given way to a process of appropriation of land and natural resources unprecedented in scale, speed and scope. This has been underwritten by a favourable environment of neoliberal market-driven reforms, trade policies and investment flows that are the expression of the fast-track development model embraced by most countries in the region, including Cambodia and Myanmar. Today, the climate change agenda and the commitments to reduce emissions have created the conditions for an expanded menu of land and resource grabs justified in the name of the environmental good, so-called ā€˜green grabsā€™. Southeast Asia has thus become a ā€œcore region of concern in land grab studiesā€. This body of work has also begun to integrate gender and, to a lesser extent, generational perspectives in analyses of agrarian and environmental transformations, advancing a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of land grabs. However, to date literature in these areas remains limited, while, as in land grabs studies, ā€˜local peopleā€™ and ā€˜local communitiesā€™ are often assumed to be homogeneous groups of people with similar interests, identities and aspirations. This has not only severe analytical limitations but also political implications. Building on feminist political economy and with feminist political ecology as the overarching intellectual and political project, this thesis contributes to furthering the understanding of the implications of land grab in Southeast Asia with an analysis of gendered and ā€˜generationedā€™ patterns of rural dispossession, incorporation and political reactions from below with empirical evidence from Cambodia and Myanmar. The thesis also aims to make the case for centring gender and generations into the politics of land grabs and argues that there can be no real social justice if attention is not paid to everyday struggles in diverse contexts and without a commitment to changing power relations that perpetuate social injustices

    The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities. A Case Study of Agricultural Investments in Lao PDR

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    Concerns about the potential gender and equity implications of land-related investments on labour and income-generating opportunities and access, use and control of land come in the context of the current global policy interest in supporting agricultural investment in developing countries in general. However, there is a long history of land-related investments in developing countries, particularly agricultural investments, which partially explains the current concerns. Over the last 60-70 years, large-scale rural development and agricultural investment schemes have been a feature of economic development efforts in many former colonies and newly-independent states, albeit mainly in the period up to the ā€˜structural adjustmentā€™ crises of the 1980s when the importance of the private sector for sustainable development started to become increasingly clear. These land-related development schemes frequently had very strong government involvement and donor financial support, and they are therefore not directly comparable with the current situation where the private sector is generally much more involved