6,697 research outputs found

    The first lizard fossil (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Mesozoic of South Korea

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    Upper Cretaceous deposits in Mongolia, Chinese Inner Mongolia, and, more recently, southern China, have yielded individually rich and taxonomically diverser lizard assemblages. Here we describe the remains of a new terrestrial lizard, Asprosaurus bibongriensis gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Cretaceous of South Korea. It represents the first record of a Mesozoic lizard from the Korean Peninsula and, although incomplete, is exceptional in its very large size. Characters of the mandible support attribution to crown-group Anguimorpha, with the closest similarities being to monstersaurs, the group represented today by the venomous North American Beaded lizard and Gila monster, genus Heloderma. This group is well-represented in the Upper Cretaceous fossil record in of eastern Asia, and the remains of large monstersaurs have been recovered from several dinosaur egg localities, suggesting dietary preferences similar to those of the living genus. The new Korean lizard, recovered from the Boseong Bibong-ri Dinosaur Egg Site, fits the same pattern

    A Spectral Line Survey from 138.3 to 150.7 GHZ toward Orion-KL

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    We present the results of a spectral line survey from 138.3 to 150.7 GHz toward Orion-KL. The observations were made using the 14 m radio telescope of Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory. Typical system temperatures were between 500 and 700 K, with the sensitivity between - 0.06 K in units of TA\rm T_A^*. A total of 149 line spectra are detected in this survey. Fifty lines have been previously reported, however we find 99 new detections. Among these new lines, 32 are `unidentified', while 67 are from molecular transitions with known identifications. There is no detection of H or He recombination lines. The identified spectra are from a total of 16 molecular species and their isotopic variants. In the range from 138.3 to 150.7 GHz, the strongest spectral line is the J=3-2 transition of CS molecule, followed by transitions of the H2CO\rm H_2CO, CH3OH\rm CH_3OH, CH3CN\rm CH_3CN, and SO2\rm SO_2. Spectral lines from the large organic molecules such as CH3OH\rm CH_3OH, CH3OCH3\rm CH_3OCH_3, HCOOCH3\rm HCOOCH_3, C2H5CN\rm C_2H_5CN and CH3CN\rm CH_3CN are prominent; with 80 % of the identified lines arising from transitions of these molecules. The rotational temperatures and column densities are derived using the standard rotation diagram analysis for CH3OH\rm CH_3OH (13CH3OH\rm ^{13}CH_3OH), HCOOCH3\rm HCOOCH_3, CH3CN\rm CH_3CN and SO2\rm SO_2 with 10270K\rm 10\sim 270 K and 0.220×1015cm2\rm 0.2\sim 20\times 10^{15} cm^{-2}. These estimates are fairly comparable to the values for the same molecule in other frequency regions by other studies.Comment: 10 figures, 2 tex files for a manuscript and tables, accepted to Ap

    ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) Bidirectionally Regulates Dendritic Spine Formation Depending on Neuronal Maturation and Activity

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    Background: Conflicting results regarding the role of ARF6 in dendritic spine development have not been answered. Results: ARF6-mediated Rac1 or RhoA activation via PLD pathway either positively or negatively regulates spine formation. Conclusion: The key factor underlying conversion of the ARF6 effect during development is neuronal activity. Significance: Activity dependence of ARF6-mediated spine formation may play a role in structural plasticity of mature neurons. Recent studies have reported conflicting results regarding the role of ARF6 in dendritic spine development, but no clear answer for the controversy has been suggested. We found that ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) either positively or negatively regulates dendritic spine formation depending on neuronal maturation and activity. ARF6 activation increased the spine formation in developing neurons, whereas it decreased spine density in mature neurons. Genome-wide microarray analysis revealed that ARF6 activation in each stage leads to opposite patterns of expression of a subset of genes that are involved in neuronal morphology. ARF6-mediated Rac1 activation via the phospholipase D pathway is the coincident factor in both stages, but the antagonistic RhoA pathway becomes involved in the mature stage. Furthermore, blocking neuronal activity in developing neurons using tetrodotoxin or enhancing the activity in mature neurons using picrotoxin or chemical long term potentiation reversed the effect of ARF6 on each stage. Thus, activity-dependent dynamic changes in ARF6-mediated spine structures may play a role in structural plasticity of mature neurons.1199Ysciescopu

    In Vitro Microvessel Growth and Remodeling within a Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Environment

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    This paper presents in vitro microvascular network formation within 3D gel scaffolds made from different concentrations of type-I collagen, fibrin, or a mixture of collagen and fibrin, using a simple microfluidic platform. Initially, microvascular network formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells was examined using live time-lapse confocal microscopy every 90 min from 3 h to 12 h after seeding within three different concentrations of collagen gel scaffolds. Among the three collagen gel concentrations, the number of skeletons was consistently the highest at 3.0 mg/mL, followed by those of collagen gel scaffolds at 2.5 mg/mL and 2.0 mg/mL. Results demonstrated that concentration of collagen gel scaffolds, which influences matrix stiffness and ligand density, may affect microvascular network formation during the early stages of vasculogenesis. In addition, the maturation of microvascular networks in monoculture under different gel compositions within gel scaffolds (2.5 mg/mL) was examined for 7 days using live confocal microscopy. It was confirmed that pure fibrin gel scaffolds are preferable to collagen gel or collagen/fibrin combinations, significantly reducing matrix retractions during maturation of microvascular networks for 7 days. Finally, early steps in the maturation process of microvascular networks for 14 days were characterized by demonstrating sequential steps of branching, expanding, remodeling, pruning, and clear delineation of lumens within fibrin gel scaffolds. Our findings demonstrate an in vitro model for generating mature microvascular networks within 3D microfluidic fibrin gel scaffolds (2.5 mg/mL), and furthermore suggest the importance of gel concentration and composition in promoting the maturation of microvascular networks.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technolog

    Appropriate number of observations for determining hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers

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    Abstract We sought to determine the minimum number of observations needed to determine hand hygiene (HH) compliance among healthcare workers. The study was conducted at a referral hospital in South Korea. We retrospectively analyzed the result of HH monitoring from January to December 2018. HH compliance was calculated by dividing the number of observed HH actions by the total number of opportunities. Optimal HH compliance rates were calculated based on adherence to the six-step technique recommended by the World Health Organization. The minimum number of required observations (n) was calculated by the following equation using overall mean value (ρ), absolute precision (d), and confidence interval (CI) (1 − α) [the equation: nZα/22×ρ×(1ρ)/d2{\text{n}} \ge Z_{\alpha /2}^{2} \times \rho \times \left( {1 - \rho } \right)/d^{2} n ≥ Z α / 2 2 × ρ × 1 - ρ / d 2 ]. We considered ds of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%, with CIs of 99%, 95%, and 90%. During the study period, 8791 HH opportunities among 1168 healthcare workers were monitored. Mean HH compliance and optimal HH compliance rates were 80.3% and 59.7%, respectively. The minimum number of observations required to determine HH compliance rates ranged from 2 ( dd d : 30%, CI: 90%) to 624 ( dd d : 5%, CI: 99%), and that for optimal HH compliance ranged from 5 ( dd d : 30%, CI: 90%) to 642 ( dd d : 5%, CI: 99%). Therefore, we found that our hospital required at least five observations to determine optimal HH compliance

    Localized versus 360-degree laser photocoagulation with limited pars plana vitrectomy in the management of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Abstract Background To compare the efficacy of intraoperative localized and 360-degree laser photocoagulation in 23-gauge limited pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods This retrospective, comparative, consecutive, interventional study included 155 eyes of 155 patients who underwent primary repair of RRD utilizing 23-gauge PPV with at least six months of follow up. Medical records were retrospectively reviewed, and the corresponding demographic data, preoperative ophthalmic features, surgical management, and postoperative course were recorded. Main outcome measures included single surgery anatomical success, pre- and post-operative visual acuity, and complications. Results Eighty-three patients (group A) received localized laser photocoagulation in PPV, while the remaining 72 patients (group B) received underwent circumferential 360-degree laser photocoagulation in PPV. Two skilled-surgeons performed all the surgeries, and 23-gauge PPV instrumentation, a wide-angle viewing system, endolaser photocoagulation, and gas tamponade were used in each case. No significant difference was identified in baseline characteristics. The single surgery anatomical success rate was 96.4 % in group A, and 95.8 % in group B, showing no significant difference (p = 1.00). Primary anatomical failure was caused by re-detachment due to break in 2 eyes in each group (no new break 1 eye, new break 1eye in group A, 2 eyes with no new break in group B), and proliferative vitreoretinopathy in 1 eye in each group. Other complications were epiretinal membrane in 7 eyes (3 in group A, 4 in group B), and macular hole in 1 eye in group B. There were no differences in pre- and post-operative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) as well as BCVA improvement (p=0.144, p=0.866 and p=0.263, respectively). Conclusion Localized laser photocoagulation showed no difference in anatomic and visual outcome in RRD patients, when compared with 360-degree laser photocoagulation in limited PPV. Routine circumferential 360-degree laser photocoagulation may not be necessary in vitrectomy surgery for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment without severe PVR

    DNA end recognition by the Mre11 nuclease dimer: insights into resection and repair of damaged DNA

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    The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex plays important roles in sensing DNA damage, as well as in resecting and tethering DNA ends, and thus participates in double-strand break repair. An earlier structure of Mre11 bound to a short duplex DNA molecule suggested that each Mre11 in a dimer recognizes one DNA duplex to bridge two DNA ends at a short distance. Here, we provide an alternative DNA recognition model based on the structures of Methanococcus jannaschii Mre11 (MjMre11) bound to longer DNA molecules, which may more accurately reflect a broken chromosome. An extended stretch of B-form DNA asymmetrically runs across the whole dimer, with each end of this DNA molecule being recognized by an individual Mre11 monomer. DNA binding induces rigid-body rotation of the Mre11 dimer, which could facilitate melting of the DNA end and its juxtaposition to an active site of Mre11. The identified Mre11 interface binding DNA duplex ends is structurally conserved and shown to functionally contribute to efficient resection, non-homologous end joining, and tolerance to DNA-damaging agents when other resection enzymes are absent. Together, the structural, biochemical, and genetic findings presented here offer new insights into how Mre11 recognizes damaged DNA and facilitates DNA repair.X111513Ysciescopu

    Role of Potash Alum in Hepatitis C virus Transmission at Barber's Shop

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main cause of severe liver disease, including hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis and end stage liver disease. In Pakistan most of HCV positive patients have history of facial/armpit shaving from barbers. 79% of barbers are rubbing Potash Alum stone on facial shaving cuts. Dark blood spots are analyzed on Potash Alum stones being used at different barber shops. The aim of the study was to check the viability of hepatitis C virus on potash alum stone being used at barber shops. Blood samples from HCV positive patients were taken and treated with 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 molar concentrations of Potash Alum for different periods of time. Blood was centrifuged to isolate the serum; HCV RNA was extracted from serum and subjected to first strand synthesis and PCR. PCR fragments were confirmed by sequencing. PCR amplification was observed in all the samples, treated with different concentrations of Potash Alum, indicated that the virus remains alive on Potash Alum stone for a long period of time. Potash Alum being used by barbers on facial shaving cuts has definite role in HCV transmission in Pakistani population. Therefore use of Potash Alum stone should be banned on facial shaving cuts at barber shops