146 research outputs found

    The Study on The Relationship Between Privacy Concerns and Information Systems Effectiveness

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    We examined the impact of users’ information privacy concerns on information systems (IS) effectiveness in organizations. Specifically, we investigated system users’ psychological mechanisms that may involve in the relationship between privacy concerns and IS effectiveness (i.e., perceived usefulness and IS satisfaction) via information systems reactance (ISR) on systems and procedural justice (PJ) toward their Information systems. The results supported our hypotheses in that: (1) Privacy concerns were negatively related to system users’ perceived usefulness and IS satisfaction, (2) Both ISR and PJ of the system users mediated the relationships between privacy concerns and IS effectiveness. We discuss the implications of the findings for theory and practice, and their limitations and the directions that future research in this area might explore

    Investigating Time-Varying Effects of Stakeholder Relations on Firm Performance through Brand Equity

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    From the resource-based view of the firm, good stakeholder relations provide sustainable competitive advantages. To manage their scarce resources effectively, firms should understand how (1) multiple stakeholder relations influence firm performance separately and jointly through brand equity over time and (2) stakeholder relations interact with firms’ strategic emphasis – a relative emphasis by which firms decide to allocate their resources toward value creation or appropriation. Using a sample of 165 North American firms during 2009-2015, the authors apply a hierarchical linear model (HLM) approach to measure the time-varying effects of multiple stakeholder relationships on firm performance. Following the classification of stakeholders in the literature, the authors subdivide multiple stakeholders into two categories: primary stakeholders that are essential for business operations and secondary stakeholders that are not essential for the survival of the firm. The results show the existence of individual time-varying effects of primary and secondary stakeholder relations on brand equity, as well as a time-varying synergistic effect. The authors find a slightly higher, but statistically insignificant, positive effect of primary stakeholder relations on brand equity than of secondary stakeholder relations. In addition, the authors find that when firms focus more on value creation, the effect of primary stakeholder relations on brand equity is stronger than is the effect of secondary stakeholder relations and vice versa. Brand equity is found to fully mediate the effect of relations with each group of stakeholders on long-term firm performance and to partially mediate the synergistic effect between primary and secondary stakeholders on long-term firm performance. These findings offer insights for managers to make strategic decisions about effectively and efficiently managing stakeholder relations considering their time-varying effects

    Guest Editorial Part 2: Emerging Issues for Secure Knowledge Management—Results of a Delphi Study

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    Secure Knowledge Management (SKM) is one of the emerging areas in both knowledge management and information system disciplines. SKM refers to the management of knowledge while adhering to principles of security and privacy. This study identifies key issues on SKM and draws a consensus among domain experts on the key issues. This study is an attempt to accelerate further research and development in the SKM field. In this study, the authors conducted a three-round Delphi study, identifying 21 issues in the SKM area, along with their importance and urgency ratings. Analyses show that participating experts achieved a higher level of consensus on the importance and urgency of the issue as the rounds progressed. The findings will allow both practitioners and researchers to focus and prioritize research needs in the SKM area. The paper also discusses some future-research directions

    Transformational Leadership and Information System Effectiveness

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    The Effect of Using WLANs on Data Breaches: The Examination of the Moderating Role of Meaningful-Use Attestation

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    Organizations have increasingly deployed wireless local area networks (WLANs) due to the benefits they can have such as mobility and flexibility. Unfortunately, the usage of wireless networks has raised many security concerns due to its capability of mobility. For instance, wireless networks are susceptible to many attacks such as eavesdropping, traffic analysis, data tampering and denial of service (DoS). Our study aims to identify a variable that moderates the effect of the usage of wireless local area networks (WLANs) on the occurrence of data breaches. Therefore, we propose a model that provides a basis for identifying the impact of meaningful-use attestation on the relationship between WLANs and the occurrence of healthcare data breaches. Our contribution is to extend existing research on security mechanisms of WLANs by empirically investigating the impact of meaningful-use attestation on the reduction of data breaches (hacking or malware) when using WLANs

    How ECS Improve Creative Use of Employees’ Knowledge?

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    Recently, organizations are using crowdsourcing systems (CSs) to collect innovative ideas from their employees harnessing their insights of companies’ products, processes, customers, and competitors. While crowd workers in third-party CSs are a diverse and multifaceted population with a range of motives and experience, and yet few researchers have grappled with the facilitators of the employees’ behavior comprising the creative application of their knowledge using enterprise CSs. This study develops a theoretical framework to identify enterprise CSs role and to provide the way how CSs are related to creative behavior via knowledge sharing. In this research, we used a survey to collect data from organizational employees and conducted data analysis to understand how enterprise CSs affect employees’ creative knowledge application. The findings of this study can help organization refine their ECSs and innovative initiatives

    Cultural Influence and the Effective Use of Security Awareness in Congolese Organizations

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    In today’s global economy, there is a growing need to apply technological advancements as well as training and awareness materials from western countries on information security programs in developing nations. To understand the underlying drivers of employees’ effective use behaviors in relation to security awareness programs in organizations, this study examines the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors that influence employees located in developing nations. The results indicate that influencing employees’ attitudes toward security is a better predictor of employees’ effective use of security awareness programs than their intention to comply. Cultural effects has also proven to have an influence on employees’ effective use of security awareness programs

    The Influence of Peers Social Structure in Healthcare Social Networking Websites

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    Although the demand for online patients to look for online health information is in high, few of them seems to demonstrate effective use of the health Social Network Sites (SNSs) (Fox and Jones 2009). Exploring the design features that can motivate individuals to actively participate in the health SNSs is crucial to develop platforms that can support sustainable online social structures (Butler 2001). This study seeks to investigate the influence of the peers structure capacity as an important feature of health SNSs on two individuals’ behaviors, effective SNSs use and willingness to share Personal Health Information (PHI). Accordingly, our goals in this paper are in twofold: First, identifying the psychological influence of the SNSs structure that helps individuals find others who have similar medical conditions and concerns (i.e. shape their peer group), and second, examining the impact of these psychological factors on effective SNSs use and willingness to disclose PHI
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