2 research outputs found

    Hubungan Modal Sosial Kognitif Terhadap Performansi Dusung di Desa Murnaten Kecamatan Taniwel

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    Dusung performance is the condition and performance of dusung management managed by the community of dusung owners, as measured by productivity, sustainability, fairness, and efficiency. This study analyzes the rank-spearman correlation between cognitive, social capital to dusung performance in Murnaten Village, Taniwel District, West Seram Regency. Rank-Spearman's correlation results show that the relationship between cognitive, social capital (trust, cooperation, and solidarity) and performance (productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and fairness) overall shows a direct and quite strong relationship. It is supported by the values and norms that apply in society that are maintained as ancestral heritage


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    The cognitive social capital of the Murnaten village community in managing dusung includes trust, cooperation, and solidarity-based on norms, values, attitudes, and oriented beliefs in the form of action to strengthen positive efforts in dusung management. This study aims to analyze the effect of cognitive, social capital on the performance of dusung in Murnaten Village, Taniwel District, West Seram Regency. The results showed that the effect of cognitive, social capital (trust, cooperation, and solidarity) on dusung performance (productivity, efficiency, sustainability and fairness with a determinant coefficient value adjusted R2 of 0.771, with F-count (25.359)> F-table (2.759), and the partial test t-count> t-table (2.059) shows that cognitive, social capital (trust, cooperation, and solidarity) has a significant effect simultaneously and partially on dusung performance (productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and justice) at the 0.01 level of confidence. and 0.05.fairness) at the 0.01 and 0.05 confidence levels