33 research outputs found


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    CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LEPIDOPTERA IN SOUTHERN ITALY: v. H et erocera: NoctuidaeBy this work the author communicates the data about Noctuidae he has got during his research campaigns the aim of which was a wider knowledge of the Lepidopterofauna of Southern Italy. In twelve years 360 species have been collected and together with them this work lists also the 42 taxa which are cited in literature as living in Southern Italy even if they have never been collected in the places where researches have been carried out. Altogether 402 species of Noctuidae have been listed but three of them: Episema tersa D. S., Allophyes protai Brsn. and Conistra veronicae Hb. are to be wiped out because they have been replaced by: Episema glaucina Esp., Allophyes parenzani De Laever and Conistra camastra De Laever , respectively. Among the 399 listed species 128 have been cited for the first time in South-Italy; they are added to the 20 new species the author has already pointed out (1976 and 1977 a) and to the two species described by E. DE LAEVER (Allophyes parenzani D. L. and Conistra camastra D. L.) after specimens collected in Apulia and Basilicata . Con questo quinto contributo vengono resi noti i dati acquisiti sulla fa- miglia dei Nottuidi, nel corso delle ricerche condotte a partire dal 1966 allo scopo di approfondire le conoscenze sulla composizione e distribuzione della Lepidotterofauna in Puglia e Basilicata.


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    CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LEPIDOPTERA IN SOURTHERN ITALY IV. Heterocera (Bombyces ET Sphinges) OF APULIA AND LUCANIA By this first work on the Heterocera the author gives some results of researches on the Lepidopterofauna, carried out in Apulia and Lucania during 1967-77. In the first part are described the main localities explored, except the ones already dealt with in a former paper on the Rhopalocera. In the second part the collected species are listed with some data upon geonemy, frequency and, in the case of agricultural and foresta! interesting species, with regard to the damages they have clone. There are also listed the species mentioned by other authors for Apulia and Lucania, and not collected during the present researches. The species l i s t follows FoRSTER WoHLFARTH's terminology , w i t h some necessary revisions and the addition of species since now uncollected in Centrai Europe. 182 species are listed (45,8% of the species known as living in Continental ltaly). Eilema rungsi Toulg. is reported for the first time in Europe; Orgyia ericae Germ., Notodonta tiefi Bartel and Hypopta thrips Hb. as new in Italy; Penestoglossa dardoinella Mill. are mentioned for the first time in Continental Italy; Eilema depressa Esp. and Celama subchlamydula Stgr. are mentioned for the first time in Centrai and Southern Italy . Also in Southern Italy are mentioned for the first time: Nola cucullatella L., Ocneria prolai Htg., Nudaria mundana L., Apaidia rufeola Rbr., Eilema unita Schifi., Eilema lurideola Zinck., Chelis maculosa Germ., Rhyparia purpurata L., Hyphoraia testu- dinaria Fourc., Pelosia muscerda Hfn., Pelosia obtusa H.-S., Sphinx ligustri L., Hemaris t i t y u s L., Malacosoma castrensis L., Malacosoma franconica Esp., T richiura crataegi L., Macrothylacia rubi L., Acanthopsyche atra L., Amictoides sera Wisk., Phalacropteryx api- formis Rossi, Fumea crassiorelia Brd., Pryropteron chrysidiformis Esp., Hypopta caestrum Hb., Phragmatecia castaneae Hb. Most of the other species here reported are not yet mentioned in Apulia or Lucania


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    This works starts the publication of the results of a research campaign carried out in Puglia and Lucania from 1966 to 1974 in order to widen the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of Southern Italy. 365 day-time excursions have been made in five localities of Puglia and in four localities of Lucania. Two skilled correspondents have supplied us with the data of two other localities of Puglia. In the first part of the book are presented the two mentioned regions in their generai characteristics with some considerations abouth their present ecological situation. There follows a more detailed description, both geologica! and botanical, of the principal research stations, with a list of the most important species. In the second part are listed the caught species with some considerations on the etology and the geonemy of the most important species. For some of these there are charts showing the data. In listing the species is followed the nomenclature of VERITY with some revisions from HIGGINS. In the determination on subspecific level, the races are to be considered in some cases geographical races or subspecies, in other cases ecological forms « broadly speaking ». Sometimes the specimens are only similar to the listed races, which are mentioned only to give an idea of the characteristics of the specimens, as the author doesn't think it necessary to create new races. Finally there is a table presenting the summary of the species living in Puglia and in Lucania. Altogether, with the 119 described species, the number of the species known to occur in the two regions amounts to 127 (85 for Puglia and 124 for Lucania), which represent· nearly the 55% of the species known to live in Continental ltaly.  Con questo lavoro inizia la pubblicazione dei risultati di una campagna di ricerche condotta in Puglia e Lucania dal 1966 al 1974, per ampliare le conoscenze sulla lepidotterofauna dell'Italia meridionale, ancora poco nota. Sono state effettuate complessivamente 365 escursioni diurne in 5 località pugliesi ed in 4 lucane, cui si aggiungono i dati di altre due stazioni della Puglia, forniti da due appassionati entomologi. In una prima parte vengono presentate le due regioni esplorate nelle loro caratteristiche generali, con considerazioni sulla situazione ecologica attuale, cui segue una descrizione più dettagliata, sia geologica che botanica, delle principali località visitate, con l'elencazione delle specie di Ropaloceri di maggior rilievo. Nella seconda parte sono elencate le specie raccolte, con alcune considerazioni sulla etologia e sulla geonemia delle specie più notevoli. Nella elencazione delle specie viene seguita essenzialmente la nomenclatura del VERITY, con alcuni aggiornamenti tratti da HIGGINS . Nella determinazione a livello subspecifico talvolta le razze hanno valore puramente orientativo. In certi casi trattasi di razze o sottospecie geografiche, in altri di forme ecologiche « sensu lato ». Infine segue una tabella che presenta il quadro completo delle specie presenti in Puglia e Lucania. Complessivamente, con le 119 specie trattate, viene portato a 127 il numero di quelle note per le due regioni (più precisamente 85 per la Puglia e 124 per la Lucania), che costituisce quasi il 55% delle specie note per l'Italia continentale


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    THE PRESENCE IN APULIA OF Laelia coenosa HB. AND Leucania arbia BRS.-RC:S. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae, Noctuidae) The autor reports the capture at Torre Guaceto, a marshy land at about 15 km on the North of Brindisi, of seven specimens of Laelia coenosa Hb. and two males of Leucania arbia Brs.-Rgs . For both the species it is the third italian report. Laelia coenosa is known to occur from Toscana (Ansedonia and Burano Lake), Leucania arbia from Lazio (Palo Laziale and Lake of Bracciano). These captures confìrm the necessity of protecting the integrity of the last marshy areas in Apulia. L'autore segnala la cattura a Torre Guaceto, area paludosa a circa 15 km a Nord di Brindisi, di sette esemplari di Laelia coenosa Hb. e di due esemplari di Leucania arbia Brs.-Rgs. Per entrambe le specie si tratta della terza segnalazione italiana. Laelia coenosa è nota di Toscana (Ansedonia e Lago di Burano), Leucania arbia del Lazio (Palo Laziale e Lago di Bracciano). Queste catture confermano la necessità di salvaguardare l'integrità delle ultime zone umide della Puglia


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    In the last five years (1976-1980), four new taxa of Rhopalocera have been collected by other Authors in Southern Italy: Everes alcetas Hoffmsg., Scoliantides orion Pali., Erebia gorge Hb. carboncina Vrty. and Agrodiaetus gallai Balletto Toso, described from speci- mens collected on Mt. Pollino. Anthocharis euphenoides Stdgr. is reported for the first time in Southern Italy in this work. The following species are listed by other Authors only for the locality of Campania and Calabria, and are not mentioned in my previous work: Papilio alexanor Esp., Parnassius apollo L. pumilus Stich., Anthocharis damone Boisd., Tarucus teophrastus Fabr.. Iolana iolas Ochs., Limenitis camilla L. herculeana Stich., Brenthis ino Rott., Hipparchia aristaeus Bon. blachieri Fruhst. and Eteropterus morpheus Pallas. The first five added to the above nine, make up to 140 the number of species listed up to now in Southern Italy. Colias hyale L. and Agrodiaetus ripartii Frr. exuberans Vrty. are not present in Southern Italy, because they have been substitued by Colias australis Vrty. and Agrodiaetus gallai Balletto Toso respectively .Nell'ultimo quinquennio (1976-1980) cinque nuovi taxa di Ropaloceri si sono aggiunti alle specie note per l'Italia Meridionale: Anthocharis euphenoides Stdgr., che è citata per la prima volta per il Sud Italia nel presente lavoro; Everes alcetas Hoffmnsg., Scoliantides orion Pallas e Erebia gorge Hb. carboncina Vrty., rinvenute da altri autori; Agrodiaetus gallai Balletto Toso, dc- scritto su esemplari del Pollino. Le specie note solo per località della Campania o della Calabria, non citate nel mio precedente lavoro (1975), e precisamente: Papilio alexanor Esp., Parnassius apollo L. pumilus Stich., Anthocharis damone Boisd., Tarucus teophrastus Fabr., Iolana iolas Ochs., Limenitis camilla L. herculeana Stich., Brenthis ino Rott., Hipparchia aristaeus Bon. blachieri Fruhst. e Heteropterus morpheus Pallas, portano, unitamente alle cinque precedentemente citate, a 140 il numero delle specie di Ropaloceri a tutt'oggi note per il Meridione d'Italia. Colias hyale L. e Agrodiaetus ripartii Frr. exuberans Vrty. non sono pre- senti nelle regioni considerate, in quanto sostitmtl rispettivamente da Colias australis Vrty. e Agrodiaetus gallai Balletto Toso.  


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     CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LEPIDOPTERA IN SOUTHERN ITALY II. NEW CAPTURES OF Noctuidae AND Geometridae During the research compaign carried out to widen the knowledge of the Lepidoptera m Southern Italy, some captures very interesting have been made. Twenty-eight species, 22 Noctuidae and 6 Geometridae, are listed. For the first time in Continental and Paeninsular ltaly are reported: Hadena armeriae Gn., Ammopolia witzenmanni Stndf., Pseudoxestia apfelbecki Rbr., Aegle koekeritziana Hb., Eulocastra bipartita H.-S., Zethes insularis Rbr., Myrinodes interpunctaria H.-S., Zamacra flabellaria Heeger, Gnopharmia stevenaria B. Mesogona oxalina Hb., Amephana aurita F., Luperina nickerlii Frr., Hydraecia petasitis Dbld., Catocala lupina H.-S., Odontognophos dumetata Tr. daubearia B. had never been collected in Central and Southern Italy . The areai of Noctua interposita Hb., Panolis flammea Schiff., Mesogona acetosellae Schiff., Copiphana olivina H.-S., Omphalophana anatolica Led., Ulochlaena hirta Hb., Egira pulla Schiff., Drasteria cailino Lef., Idaea rubraria Stgr ., Chemerina caliginearia Rbr . is extended to Southern Italy . The presence in Lucania of Apamea lithoxylea Schiff., Lamprosticta culta Schiff., Trichoplusia daubei B. is confirmed and the last two species are for the first time recorded in Puglia. Nel corso della campagna di ricerche condotta per ampliare la conoscenza della Lepidotterofauna dell'ltalia meridionale, sono state effettuate delle catture altamente interessanti. Sono elencate 28 specie, 22 Noctuidae e 6 Geometridae. Vengono segnalate per la prima volta in tutta l'Italia continentale e peninsulare: Hadena armeriae Gn., Ammopolia witzenmanni Stndf., Pseudoxestia apfelbecki Rbr., Aegle koekeritziana Hb., Eulocastra bipartita H.-S., Zethes insularis Rbr., Myrinodes interpunctaria H.-S., Zamacra flabellaria Heeger, Gnopharmia stevenaria B. Risultano nuove per l'Italia centro-meridionale: Mesogona oxalina Hb., Amephana aurita F., Luperina nickerlii Frr., Hydraecia petasitis Dbld., Catocala lupina H.-S., Odontognophos dumetata Tr. daubearia B. Viene esteso all'Italia meridionale l'areale di: Noctua interposita Hb., Panolis flammea Schifi., Mesogona acetosellae Schifi., Copiphana olivina H.-S., Omphalophana anatolica Led., Ulochlaena hirta Hb., Egira pulla Schifi., Drasteria cailino Lef., Idaea rubraria Stgr., Chemerina caliginearia Rbr. Viene confermata la presenza in Lucania di: Apamea lithoxylea Schifi., Lam- prosticta culta Schifi., Trichoplusia daubei B., e queste due ultime specie vengono segnalate per la prima volta in Puglia


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    This work describes two aberrations of Lepidoptera Nymphalidae caught in Southern Italy. The first one is a male of Polygonia c-album L. hutchinsoni Robson (Pict. l) which was caught on August the 8th 1971 at Gambarie (3900 ft) in Aspromonte. Morfologically it shows a more indented wing-margin which gives the wings a more scythed look. Cromatically the upperside of the fore-wings presents a complete fusion of the black spots except in a basai and centrai area retaining the typical reddish colour, and in a lighter apical area with ochreous shades. The upperside of hind-wings is of an omogenous reddish brown, with darker shades in the centre and a yellowish dusting in the proximal area. The undersides are of a uniform blackish brown with a shining surface, as in the variety carbonaria Vrty., with a black spot in the piace of the light area between the centrai distai and the subterminal systems. The ocellar system is formed by a chain of whitish spots. Similar aberrations are the cloqueti Clément, the su.ffusa Frohawk, the P-album Esper and the ones described by ENGRAMELLE and GIRARD. The second aberration concerns four specimens (two males and two females) of Brenthis daphne Schifi. ;apygia Stdr., (Pict. 2) caught in different years in the Park of the Pianelle (1100-1200 ft) in the province of Taranto (Puglia). The specimens present the aberration radiata described by VERITY and TURATI m Faunula Valderiensis (Pict. 3)


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     CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LEPIDOPTERA IN SOUTHERN ITALY III - Polyploca neoridens n. sp. (Lepidoptera, Thyatiridae) Polyploca neoridens, a new species so far confused with Polyploca ridens F., is described on the basis of a set of specimens captured in South-Italy. It may probably be an endemism widespread ali over Italy because some specimens from Latium and Marches are found to belong to this new species. Polyploca neoridens n. sp., specie confusa fino ad ora con Polyploca ridens F., viene descritta su una serie di esemplari catturati in Italia meridionale. Si tratta probabilmente di un endemismo esteso a -tutta l'Italia, poiché esemplari del Lazio e delle Marche risultano appartenere a questa nuova specie


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    Candica (Platysenta) europaea N. SP. (Lepidoptera-Noctuidae), A NEW GENUS FOR EUROPE. (CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF LEPIDOPTERA IN SOUTHERN ITALY. VII) Candica (Platysenta) europaea n. sp. is described and figurated on a specimen collected in a characteristic biotope near Rossano (Calabria). It's the first record of the genus Candica Wlk. for Italy and Europe

    I macrolepidotteri italiani. Fauna Lepidopterorum Italiae (Macrolepidoptera) - Addenda et corrigenda. I

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    This Addenda corrigenda reports data about more than five hundred Lepidoptera specie related to the Italian fauna. The generic names listed in the main publication were respected despite their changes in very recent publications. This was made in order to make both texts uniform. Key words: zoogeography, mediterranean area, paleartic, corology, distribution. Gli autori precisano ulteriormente lo stato della fauna dei macrolepidotteri italiani fornendo aggiunte e correzioni riguardanti oltre cinquecento specie. I dati sono stati aggiornati sulla base delle più recenti pubblicazioni mantenendo, però, i nomi dei generi presenti nel lavoro principale per favorirne la consultazione. Parole chiave: zoogeografia, regione mediterranea, paleartide, corologia, distribuzione