20 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic assisted reduction of jejuno-jejunal intussusception with resection of jejunal polyp in children: A case series

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    Jejunojejunal intussusceptions secondary to polyp as a lead point are extremely rare. Only a few cases have been reported in the English literature. Here, we report the case series of two such cases who presented to us as irreducible intussusceptions and were managed successfully by laparoscopic-assisted transumbilical reduction and resection. Thus laparoscopic-assisted management of this rare presentation is feasible even in smaller children

    Y-type urethral duplication with posterior perineal fistula: A new variant

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    13 months old boy presented with constipation and straining during micturition with poor urinary stream and voiding of urine per rectum. Perineal examination revealed posterior perineal fistula. Voiding cysto-urethrogram showed bilateral vesicoureteral reflux with bladder diverticuli, normal dorsal urethra and dye going from urethra to rectum suggestive of Y type urethral duplication. Under stoma cover, he underwent excision of posterior perineal fistula with accessory ventral urethra and anorectoplasty was done. At present patient is passing urine in good stream without straining. The uniqueness of our case is the presence of Y type of urethral duplication with normal calibre dorsal urethra and presence of posterior perineal fistula. Therefore, we consider our case to be an unusual variant of Y type of urethral duplication that has not been described before.

    Detubularized isolated ureterosigmoidostomy in a complicated common cloaca: A case report

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    Urinary incontinence in a child secondary to a severe congenital anatomical disorder or due to complication of a previous surgery can be difficult to manage. Decisions can be especially hard when a redo procedure is being considered. We present one such case where a 6 year old girl previously operated for cloaca was brought with incontinence and after much consideration of options available, underwent a modified ureterosigmoidostomy to aid in her continence. The modification used was detubularized isolated ureterosigmoidostomy, described by Atta et al in 1996

    Ureteric valve: Case report with an insight into anatomy, embryology, presentation and management

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    Congenital ureteric obstruction caused by a ureteric valve is an exceedingly rare entity. Our patient, a nine-year-old male, had undergone evaluation for recurrent pain in the abdomen and was diagnosed as a case of left hydronephrosis on ultrasound abdomen. Intravenous urography and magnetic resonance urography showed incomplete duplex system on the right side along with left hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Cystoscopy with left ascending gram followed by excision of lower third of ureter along with valve and Cohen's ureteroneocystostomy was done. Histopathology revealed Type II ureteric valve. A high index of suspicion is required to make a correct preoperative diagnosis

    Posterior urethral polyps and review of literature

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    Urethral polyp is a rare finding in young children. Fibroepithelial polyps of the urethra are usually diagnosed during the first decade of life. They present with obstruction, voiding dysfunction and hematuria. They can be associated with other congenital urinary tract anomalies. They are usually benign fibroepithelial lesions with no tendency to recur and are treated by surgical ablation, fulguration or laser therapy

    Role of magnetic resonance urography in diagnosis of duplex renal system: Our initial experience at a tertiary care institute

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    Aim: To determine diagnostic value of magnetic resonance urography in cases of duplex renal system. Method: Twenty cases between five month to nine years with suspected or known duplex renal system were evaluated by ultrasound (USG), micturating cystourethrography (MCU), intravenous urography (IVU) and magnetic resonance urography (MRU). The findings of these diagnostic imaging studies were then compared with each other and against the results of final diagnosis established at surgery. Results: Duplex renal system could be identified in two of these cases on USG, was diagnosed in four in IVU and could be diagnosed in all cases with MRU. Conclusion: MRU is superior and far accurate than IVU, MCU and USG in diagnosing duplex renal system

    Pleomorphic adenoma of deep lobe of parotid: A rare pediatric tumor

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    Salivary gland neoplasms are extremely rare in children and comprise less than 1% of all pediatric neoplasms. Benign neoplasms account for 60% of these salivary tumors in children. They are most commonly vascular in origin with parotid glands being affected commonly. Pleomorphic adenoma is common in adults; it is extremely rare in pediatric age group. We report a 9 year old girl with a parotid region swelling; suspected to be a pleomorphic adenoma of the superficial lobe of parotid. However, it was arising from the deep lobe & hence was managed with an enucleation of the tumor with no evidence of recurrence after 3 years of follow up

    Neonatal jejunal polyp with jejunojejunal intussusception causing atresia: A novel cause

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    AbstractNeonatal intestinal obstruction is an acute emergency with varied etiology. Neonatal jejunal polyp leading to intussusception and obstruction is extremely rare. We report a male newborn, diagnosed antenatally with intestinal obstruction. He also presented with abdominal distension. On exploration there was type III jejunal atresia with a 4 cm long segment of jejunojejunal intussusception with a polyp being the lead point. Resection anastomosis was done. Histopathology report was suggestive of an inflammatory polyp