770 research outputs found

    The synchrotron radiation from the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation

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    The aim of this article is to show it is possible to get the power spectrum of the synchrotron radiation from the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation and the S-matrix. We also generalize the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation for the spin motion in case it involves the radiative term. This equation can play crucial role for the spin motion of protons in LHC. The axion production in the magnetic field described by the Volkov solution is discussed.Comment: 14 page

    The propagation of a pulse in the real string and rods

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    The elastic string (rod) of a large mass M is considered, the left end of which is fixed to a body of a small mass m. The second body of mass m is fixed to the right end of the string. The force of the delta-function form is applied to the left side of the string. We find the propagation of a pulse in the system. The problem is related to the quark-string model of mesons.Comment: 9 page

    New paradox in the special theory of relativity generated by the string dynamics

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    It is proved that the definition of simultaneity by Einstein leads to the paradox motion of he string from the viewpoint of the observer in the inertial system S' moving with velocity v with regard to the inertial system S.Comment: 3 page

    The Moessbauer effect in homogeneous magnetic field

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    We derive the probability of the Moessbauer effect realized by the charged particle moving in the homogeneous magnetic field, or, in accelerating field. The submitted approach represents new deal of the Moessbauer physics. KeyComment: 7 page

    To the nonlinear quantum mechanics

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    The Schroedinger equation with the nonlinear term is derived by the natural generalization of the hydrodynamical model of quantum mechanics. The nonlinear term appears to be logically necessary because it enables explanation of the classical limit of the wave function, the collaps of the wave function and solves the Schroedinger cat paradox.Comment: 9 page

    Massive photons in particle and laser physics

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    The massive electrodynamics is applied to the Dirac equation to find the generalized Volkov solution with massive photon field. The resulting equation is the Riccati equation which cannot be solved in general. We use the approximative Volkov function for massive photons and then consider an electron in the periodic field and in the laser pulse of the delta-function form. We derive the modified Compton formulas for the interaction of the multiphoton object with an electron for both cases.Comment: 18 page

    The rocket equations for decays of elementary particles

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    The decay of elementary particles is described nonrelativistically and using the method of the special theory of relativity. Then the Tsiolkovskii rocket equation is applied to the one photon decay of the excited nucleus of the M\"ossbauer effect. The formation time of photons during decay is supposed nonzero. The Me\v{s}\v{c}erskii equation is possible to identify with the bremsstrahlung equation. All decays described in the ``Review of Particle physics properties'' can be investigated from the viewpoint of the rocket equationsComment: 11 page

    The two-body electromagnetic pulsar

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    The power spectrum formula of the synchrotron radiation generated by the electron and positron moving at the opposite angular velocities in homogenous magnetic field is derived in the Schwinger version of quantum field theory. The asymptotical form of this formula is found. It is surprising that the spectrum depends periodically on radiation frequency omega which means that the system composed from electron, positron and magnetic field forms the two-body electromagnetic pulsar.Comment: 9

    Theory of the magnetronic laser

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    We determine the total power of radiation of electron moving in the planar magnetron fields and the power spectrum generated by a single electron and by a system of N electrons moving coherently in the planar magnetron. We argue that for large N and high intensity of electric and magnetic fields, the power of radiation of such magnetronic laser, MAL, can be sufficient for application in the physical, chemical, biological and medicine sciences. In medicine, the magnetronic laser, can be used for the therapy of the localized cancer tumors. The application of MAL in CERN as an ion source for LHC is not excluded.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum Field Theory of the Laser Acceleration

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    After the historical background concerning the pressure of light, we derive the quantum field theory force of the laser radiation acting on electron. Numerically, we determine the velocity of an electron accelerated by laser beam, after acceleration time Δt=1s\Delta t = 1 {\rm s}.Comment: 8
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