74 research outputs found

    A solitary cutaneous tumor with distinct areas of verruca and seborrheic keratosis-like lesion

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    A single, exophytic, cutaneous tumor on the thigh of a 52-year-old man was examined by light microscopy, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. It demonstrated distinct areas of verruca and of seborrheic keratosis-like morphology simultaneously. Focally, architectural abnormalities were noted in some deeper parts of the tumor, but there was no morphological evidence of malignancy. The patient has remained disease-free for two a half years after surgery. Biotinylated full genomic DNA probes of HPV confirmed the presence of types 6/11 exclusive in the verrucous portion of the neoplasm. In the verrucous component p53 protein was overexpressed and, additionally, increased Ki-67 immunopositive signals were detected, being localized below the HPV-DNA-expressing spinous cells


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    [EN] The distribution of leucine aminopeptidase in normal duodenal, jejunal, ileal, crecal and colonic mucosa of the rabbit has been studied using a histochemical method. Thirty New Zealand White rabbits were used ranging from 26-day old foetuses to 43-day old young (3 rabbits per age). Small intestine siles performed a leucine aminopeptidase reaction starting from the 301 h day of foetal life. After birth the reaction was variable in intensity up to 19 days of age, while in older animals it became very strong. Similarly, the large intestine followed the same pattern with the exception that from the 241 h day of age onwards it performed no reaction.[FR] La méthode histochimique a été utilisée pour étudier la répartition de la leucine aminopeptidase dans les muqueuses du duodénum, du jéjunum, de l'iléon, du caecum et du colon de jeunes lapins. Trente lapins néo-zélandais blancs allant de foetus ilgés de 26 jours jusqu'a de jeunes lapereaux ilgés de 43 jours ont été utilisés (3 par stade d'observation). La leucine aminopeptidase a été détectée dans l'intestin gréle a partir du 30éme jour de vie foetale. Aprés la naissance l'intensité de la réponse est variable jusqu'a 19 jours d'ilge, tandis qu'elle devient trés forte chez les animaux plus ilgés. Le gros intestin suit le méme modéle avec une exception notable : a partir de l'ilge de 24 jours il n'y a plus d'activité détectable.Sabatakou, O.; Xylouri-Frangiadaki, E.; Paraskevakou, E. (2000). HISTOCHEMICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LEUCINE AMINOPEPTIDASE (LAP-ase)IN THE YOUNG RABBIT INTESTINE. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.2000.434SWORD08


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    [EN] The distribution of non-specific esterase in normal duodenal, jejunal, ileal and large intestinal mucosa of the rabbit has been studied using histochemical methods. Thirty three New Zealand White rabbits were used ranging from 26-day old fetuses to 43-day old young (3 rabbits I age). Distribution and intensity (strong to very strong) varied little throughout the small and large intestine from the 301 h day of foetal life and as after birth up to 43 days. At the 26 or 281 h days of foetal life only mild to positive reactions were seen. 1 In the caecum and in the upper colon, a low non-specific esterase activity was observed in the 7- and 15 day-old rabbits, although this activity was very strong in younger one-day-old rabbits, and in the 19-day-old and older rabbits.[FR] La répartition de l'estérase non spécifique dans la muqueuse du duodénum, du jéjunum, de l'ileum et du gros intestin du lapin a été étudiée en utilisant une méthode histochimique. Trente trois lapins néozélandais blancs allant de fcetus é'.!gés de 26 jours jusqu'a de jeunes lapereaux é'.!gés de 43 jours ont été utilisés (3 lapins a chaque é'.!ge). La répartition et l'intensité de l'activité (forte a tres forte) varient peu dans le gros intestin et le gréle a partir du 3o•m• jour de vie fcetale et jusqu'au 43éme jour. Par contre, au 26-2a•m• jour de vie fcetale il y a une réaction seulement positive ou moyenne. D'autre part, il faut souligner que dans le caecum et le colon (partie haute) un faible activité de l'estérase non spécifique est observée chez les lapereaux é'.!gés de 7 et 15 jours alors que l'activité est tres forte chez les lapereaux d'1 jour et chez ceux de 19 jours et plus.Sabatakou, O.; Xylouri-Frangiadaki, E.; Paraskevakou, E. (2000). HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF NON-SPECIFIC ESTERASE ACTIVITY IN SMALL AND LARGE INTESTINE OF YOUNG RABBIT. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.2000.435SWORD08

    Hemolytic-uremic syndrome, malignant hypertension and IgA nephropathy: Successful treatment with plasma exchange therapy

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    A young patient with hemolytic-uremic syndrome and malignant hypertension with serious deterioration of renal function is described whose biopsy specimen showed additional IgA mesangial deposits. The patient responded to steroid treatment and to plasma exchange therapy without the need of hemodialysis sessions. In the following years, he achieved clinical remission and his blood pressure was in normal ranges without any further complications. IgA glomerulonephritis is rarely associated to hemolytic-uremic syndrome and malignant hypertension, with only a few previously described cases. We present an overview of potential pathophysiological connections between these diseases. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma

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    Lectin histochemistry as a predictor of dysplasia grade in colorectal adenomas

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    Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that bind to specific cellular carbohydrates, commonly affecting cellular physiology. Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA), ulex europaeus isoagglutinin-I (UEA-I), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA) are among the most well studied lectins in various tissues. The purpose of this study was to detect the above lectins' binding sites and so examine alterations in glycoconjugate expression in neoplastic cells of 52 colorectal adenomas with various clinicopathologic characteristics and proliferation rates. Lectin histochemistry was performed in paraffin sections with and without neuraminidase treatment. Proliferative fraction was determined by immunolabelling for Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. PHA was the more frequently positive lectin in the examined specimens; however, it was simultaneously detected in normal colonic mucosa and so was WGA. The frequency of high grade dysplasia was significantly greater in older patients and in samples with UEA-I positivity without neuraminidase pretreatment. UEA-I-reactive adenomas were generally characterized by high cell proliferation rates. A statistical model based on patients' age and UEA-I binding without neuraminidase treatment can generally predict grade of dysplasia in 83% of adenomas and particularly high grade dysplasia in up to 93% of adenomas; so, such a model may be potentially useful for the early detection of neoplasia, for instance in exfoliative cells from the large intestine