2 research outputs found

    Traumatic posterior fossa extradural hematoma: A comprehensive analysis of cases from a tertiary care centre in Southwestern Rajasthan

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    Background. Extradural hematoma of posterior fossa (PFEDH) is less common and there are not many articles about PFEDH. These patients can deteriorate very rapidly due to compression over brainstem. Thus, early identification and immediate intervention can save the lives of these patients.Objective. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of patients with PFEDH and evaluate the postoperative outcome which may be of help to make further preventive strategies.Methods and Materials. The study included 16 patients admitted with traumatic PFEDH from July 2016 to July 2018 at R.N.T. Medical College & M.B. Groups of Hospital Udaipur, southwestern Rajasthan, India. We have retrospectively reviewed the data. Analysed factors were gender, age, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Noncontrast CT scan findings, associated brain injury, type of intervention, Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). GOS was assessed at discharge, at 3 months and 6 months follow-up.Results. Out of a total of 16 patients, 11 were male and 5 were female with age ranging from 05-46 years. 12 patients had GCS 13 -15 at admission and only one of them had GCS < 8. 15 patients underwent surgical intervention. At 6 months follow-up, 12 patients had good recovery GOS is 5.Conclusion. Early detection and immediate evacuation of PFEDHs should be done if causing fourth ventricle, basal cistern or brain stem compression. It may be rapidly fatal due to the expansion of hematoma leading to brainstem compression, tonsillar herniation, and/or obstructive hydrocephalus. Early detection and immediate evacuation lead to a better outcome in these patients

    Bilateral traumatic basal ganglia haemorrhage, a rare entity: Experience at single institute with review of literature

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    Aims. Traumatic basal ganglia haemorrhage is rare entity but post traumatic bilateral basal ganglia hematoma is even extremely rare and was earlier presented as case reports. Its incidence is about 3% after a closed head injury however, the incidence is higher in post mortem studies. Material & Methods. Out of 1485 head injury patients admitted to our institute from January 2012 to January 2019, there were 9 cases of traumatic bilateral basal ganglia haemorrhage. The incidence of traumatic bilateral basal ganglia Haemorrhage in our series is 0.61% which is very less compared to previous literature. Results. There were 6 males and 3 females; age ranging from 19 to 50 years (average 32 years). Patients with hypertension, history of drugs abuse, history of coagulopathy, with doubtful history of trauma or unknown mode of injury were excluded from the study. The mode of injury in all the patients was road traffic accidents. Average follow up was 9.54 months. Outcome was assessed by Glasgow outcome Score. In 8 out of 9 patients, outcome was good. One patient died. All the nine cases were managed conservatively. Conclusion. We report nine cases from a single institute which to the best of our knowledge is the largest series in world literature. Prognosis is variable and dependent on many factors. The prognosis of TBGH is favourable if not associated with other disorders like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and coagulation disorders or diffuse axonal injury