34 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential of neural networks to predict statistics of solar wind turbulence

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    Time series datasets often have missing or corrupted entries, which need to be ignored in subsequent data analysis. For example, in the context of space physics, calibration issues, satellite telemetry issues, and unexpected events can make parts of a time series unusable. Various approaches exist to tackle this problem, including mean/median imputation, linear interpolation, and autoregressive modeling. Here we study the utility of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict statistics, particularly second-order structure functions, of turbulent time series concerning the solar wind. Using a dataset with artificial gaps, a neural network is trained to predict second-order structure functions and then tested on an unseen dataset to quantify its performance. A small feedforward ANN, with only 20 hidden neurons, can predict the large-scale fluctuation amplitudes better than mean imputation or linear interpolation when the percentage of missing data is high. Although, they perform worse than the other methods when it comes to capturing both the shape and fluctuation amplitude together, their performance is better in a statistical sense for large fractions of missing data. Caveats regarding their utility, the optimisation procedure, and potential future improvements are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Statistics of Turbulence in the Solar Wind. I. What is the Reynolds Number of the Solar Wind?

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    The Reynolds number, Re, is an important quantity for describing a turbulent flow. It tells us about the bandwidth over which energy can cascade from large scales to smaller ones, prior to the onset of dissipation. However, calculating it for nearly collisionless plasmas like the solar wind is challenging. Previous studies have used "effective" Reynolds number formulations, expressing Re as a function of the correlation scale and either the Taylor scale or a proxy for the dissipation scale. We find that the Taylor scale definition of the Reynolds number has a sizeable prefactor of approximately 27, which has not been employed in previous works. Drawing from 18 years of data from the Wind spacecraft at 1 au, we calculate the magnetic Taylor scale directly and use both the ion inertial length and the magnetic spectrum break scale as approximations for the dissipation scale, yielding three distinct Re estimates for each 12-hour interval. Average values of Re range between 116,000 and 3,406,000, within the general distribution of past work. We also find considerable disagreement between the methods, with linear associations of between 0.38 and 0.72. Although the Taylor scale method is arguably more physically motivated, due to its dependence on the energy cascade rate, more theoretical work is needed in order to identify the most appropriate way of calculating effective Reynolds numbers for kinetic plasmas. As a summary of our observational analysis, we make available a data product of 28 years of 1 au solar wind and magnetospheric plasma measurements from Wind