4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Inflasi dan BI Rate Terhadap Volume Simpanan Masyarakat pada Bank Umum Pemerintah di Indonesia Periode 2013-2017

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    The aims of the research is to find out how the inflation and BI Rate influence on the Volume of Public Saving at Government Commercial Banks in the 2013-2017 period. The sample of research is use the government commercial banks in Indonesia which is recorded in Bank Indonesia that fulfilled the predetermined criteria as the sample. The data analysis was carried out by classical assumption and hypothesis testing using multiple linier regression methods. The result of the research is in partially, the inflation and BI Rate have a negative and significant effect. Simultaneously, the inflation and BI Rate, influence the volume of the public savings in government commercial bank significantly

    Analisis Efisiensi Penyaluran Kredit pada Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) di Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan

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    Village Credit Institutions are financial institutions operating in villages that have a role in the development of trade in Pakraman village in Bali Province. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the efficiency of lending carried out by LPDs in South Denpasar District. Determination of samples in this study using saturated sample techniques or census Data collection using questionnaires and research respondents as many as 33 respondents. Data analysis used is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, and multiple linear regression method. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that the control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, control and monitoring activities had a positive and significant effect on the efficiency of lending to LPDs in South Denpasar District

    Constructing Orange Economy to Sustaining Local Communities in Bali, Indonesia

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    The sustainability of local communities whose economic and social well-being depends on nature, culture and place-based knowledge is threatened when transfers of ideas, investments and resources occur at the global level in the era of globalization. When global trends have an impact on local populations, traditional ways of managing community resource development may be outdated. Therefore, to support the sustainability of local communities in Bali where culture is at the core of sustainable development, we propose a conceptual framework through a multi-disciplinary approach to guide researchers and policies in these interconnected cultural, economic and social fields. This article reveals three dynamic components; the place identity with local wisdom as a character in which the Balinese concept of the balance and harmony of life between beliefs, nature, and people, known as Tri Hita Karana as the basis, orange economy as an opportunity for economic activities based on a culture that is constructed, and culturally sustainable development and policies that should support the components. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga, Kecukupan Modal dan Risiko Kredit terhadap Profitabilitas LPD Desa Adat Jimbaran Periode Tahun 2013-2017

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    To answer the questions posed in this study, the method of the Classic Assumption Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heterocedasticity Test, Autocorrelation, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, t Test, Determination Coefficient, and the third F Test, capital adequacy and credit risk to the profitability of Credit Institutions Desa (LPD) Adat Jimbaran Village, and through the data collection method used is a multiple linear regression data analysis technique method. Thus it can be made multiple linear regression as follows: DPK variables are positive and not significant to profitability, if deposits increase then profitability will increase, and vice versa. The capital adequacy variable has a positive and not significant effect on profitability, if capital adequacy increases the profitability increases, so that the opposite variable credit adequacy has a negative and not significant effect on profitability, if credit credit increases then profitability will increase, and vice versa.To answer the questions posed in this study, the method of the Classic Assumption Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heterocedasticity Test, Autocorrelation, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, t Test, Determination Coefficient, and the third F Test, capital adequacy and credit risk to the profitability of Credit Institutions Desa (LPD) Adat Jimbaran Village, and through the data collection method used is a multiple linear regression data analysis technique method. Thus it can be made multiple linear regression as follows: DPK variables are positive and not significant to profitability, if deposits increase then profitability will increase, and vice versa. The capital adequacy variable has a positive and not significant effect on profitability, if capital adequacy increases the profitability increases, so that the opposite variable credit adequacy has a negative and not significant effect on profitability, if credit credit increases then profitability will increase, and vice versa