3 research outputs found

    Identifying Crystal Structures Beyond Known Prototypes from X-ray Powder Diffraction Spectra

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    The large amount of powder diffraction data for which the corresponding crystal structures have not yet been identified suggests the existence of numerous undiscovered, physically relevant crystal structure prototypes. In this paper, we present a scheme to resolve powder diffraction data into crystal structures with precise atomic coordinates by screening the space of all possible atomic arrangements, i.e., structural prototypes, including those not previously observed, using a pre-trained machine learning (ML) model. This involves: (i) enumerating all possible symmetry-confined ways in which a given composition can be accommodated in a given space group, (ii) ranking the element-assigned prototype representations using energies predicted using Wren ML model [Sci.\ Adv.\ 8, eabn4117 (2022)], (iii) assigning and perturbing atoms along the degree of freedom allowed by the Wyckoff positions to match the experimental diffraction data (iv) validating the thermodynamic stability of the material using density-functional theory (DFT). An advantage of the presented method is that it does not rely on a database of previously observed prototypes and, therefore is capable of finding crystal structures with entirely new symmetric arrangements of atoms. We demonstrate the workflow on unidentified XRD spectra from the ICDD database and identify a number of stable structures, where a majority turns out to be derivable from known prototypes, but at least two are found to not be part of our prior structural data sets.Comment: 18 pages including citations and supplementary materials, 4 figures; overall text improvement; revision of some results in Page

    Na in diamond: high spin defects revealed by the ADAQ high-throughput computational database

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    Abstract Color centers in diamond are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. A handful of defects are in use, and finding ones with all the desired properties for quantum applications is arduous. By using high-throughput calculations, we screen 21,607 defects in diamond and collect the results in the ADAQ database. Upon exploring this database, we find not only the known defects but also several unexplored defects. Specifically, defects containing sodium stand out as particularly relevant because of their high spins and predicted improved optical properties compared to the NV center. Hence, we studied these in detail, employing high-accuracy theoretical calculations. The single sodium substitutional (NaC) has various charge states with spin ranging from 0.5 to 1.5, ZPL in the near-infrared, and a high Debye-Waller factor, making it ideal for biological quantum applications. The sodium vacancy (NaV) has a ZPL in the visible region and a potential rare spin-2 ground state. Our results show sodium implantation yields many interesting spin defects that are valuable additions to the arsenal of point defects in diamond studied for quantum applications

    Rapid discovery of stable materials by coordinate-free coarse graining.

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    A fundamental challenge in materials science pertains to elucidating the relationship between stoichiometry, stability, structure, and property. Recent advances have shown that machine learning can be used to learn such relationships, allowing the stability and functional properties of materials to be accurately predicted. However, most of these approaches use atomic coordinates as input and are thus bottlenecked by crystal structure identification when investigating previously unidentified materials. Our approach solves this bottleneck by coarse-graining the infinite search space of atomic coordinates into a combinatorially enumerable search space. The key idea is to use Wyckoff representations, coordinate-free sets of symmetry-related positions in a crystal, as the input to a machine learning model. Our model demonstrates exceptionally high precision in finding unknown theoretically stable materials, identifying 1569 materials that lie below the known convex hull of previously calculated materials from just 5675 ab initio calculations. Our approach opens up fundamental advances in computational materials discovery