524 research outputs found

    Személynevek az irodalmi művek címeiben

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    Personal names in the titles of literary works     This paper intends to answer the question whether there is a kind of connection between the title involving a personal name and the genre of a literary work. Titles of literary works belonging to certain genres (e.g. adventure stories, historical novels and genre variants commemorating a person) include personal names quite often. A close connection, however, could be proved only in the case of romances

    Azonosságok és különbözőségek a magyar népmese és az irodalmi mese névadási szokásaiban

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    Similarities and differences in the name stock of Hungarian folk and literary tales This paper presents how patterns of name giving practices adapted in literary tales are dependent upon those used in folk tales. Naming practices of folk tales – especially those of the genre “fairy tales” – in their typical functions are partly bequeathed to contemporary literary tales. The more folk tale motives the story-writer uses, the more naming practices (s)he adapts from folk tales. Differences in name giving practices of literary tales can be traced to the increase and special features of base words, in the personalities of the characters referred to by their names, in the authors’ unique styles as well as in the differentiation of the readers

    Public Relation és a fizikatanítás

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    Desfile de caballería, durante la Revista militar llevada a cabo el jueves 9 de agosto de 1934, días después de la posesión presidencial de Alfonso López Pumarejo.Las Revistas, desfiles o paradas militares son eventos en los que las distintas instituciones que conforman las Fuerzas Militares marchan o desfilan, en calles, plazas, campos deportivos u otros espacios públicos. En Colombia, estos desfiles se celebran con ocasión de fiestas patrias o eventos políticos y civiles. Gumersindo Cuéllar registró varias de las Revistas militares llevadas a cabo en Bogotá, entre 1928 y 1938

    Environment conscious consumers' opinion on selective waste management

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    Consumers have become environmentally conscious, they are keen on energy efficiency and the increasing importance of the environmental values in general has made this research relevant. We analyse the special elements of eco-marketing so that we can see which are the tools and marketing activities which might help in forming the eco-conscious attitude and behaviour. We have realised that it was not enough to inform people about different types of ecological problems globally and locally, but that they also need to be motivated to become really active. After completing the literature review we also considered the already available and relevant studies.The ecoconscious consumer behaviour was surveyed through the attitude towards selective waste collection. A standardized questionnaire based survey was carried out to analyse the consumers' selective waste collection habits as a primary research. The data was processed with SPSS. At the end of the research we made recommendations concerning the methods of marketing communication, the promotion tools and the motivation of citizens to become more eco-committed
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