20 research outputs found

    Structure, Composition, Distribution Patterns and Diversity of Tree Species in Forest Protected Areas of Nona Mountain Ambon City

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    Vegetation Protection Forest Nona Mount Ambon City, based on its functions and designation has a very important role in supporting the integrity of natural resources and ecosystems on Ambon island as a whole. However, the conflict in Ambon a few years ago resulted in forest vegetation in the region changed the face and function. Many residential areas have sprung up in the region after the social conflict in Ambon, making illegal logging for individual interests can not be prevented. The purposes of this study were 1) to obtain information about the Importance Value Index (IVI) plant species in Protected Forest Areas of Mount Nona; 2) to determine the structure, composition, distribution patterns of vegetation and diversity of tree species in Protected Forest Areas of Mount Nona. The results showed the species composition of vegetation on forest vegetation in line 1 in the hamlet Siwang 128 types, line 2 includes the hamlet Series as many as 49 types, line 3 includes the area that comprises the backwoods were, the forest area around the TV transmitter RI and PENSIP found 106 types and line 4 covers most of the village castle and the village Amahusu found 56 tree species. The structure of the vegetation consists of trees, poles / saplings, and shrubs, while the pattern of spread of the tree is generally distributed clustered. Keywords: structure, composition, distribution patterns, diversity of tree species, protected Forest of Nona Mountain, Ambon city

    Vegetation Physiognomy, Diversity, Evenness and Abundance of Trees in the Protected Sirimau Forest Soya Village, Ambon City

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    Sirimau protected forest is one forest area that still has the characteristics of the forest consists of primary forest and old secondary forest. Particularly for the purpose of education and research, Sirimau Protected Forest Area has a diversity of flora and fauna as well as the high potential tourist attraction. This study aims to determine the condition of the vegetation Physiognomy, evenness, the abundance and diversity of tree species in the Forest Preserve Sirimau Ambon City. In general, Ambon city Sirimau Protected forests consist of protected forest vegetation characteristic of the region indicate that the tropical rainforest is typically display the five strata or layers of the tree. The number of species found in protected forests Sirimau Ambon city a total of 93 species. Gandaria (Bouea macrophylla) has the highest frequency of protected forest in Sirimau, followed by Durio zibethinus and Lansium domesticum. The results of the analysis of diversity, evenness and abundance on all observation stations index values ​​obtained are relatively the same. Measurement of Importance Value Index (IVI) do indicate a shift in the dominance of plant species and the difference between the research stations throughout the observation station. Keywords: physiognomy, diversity, evenness, Sirimau protected forest, the village of Soya, Ambon cit


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    Background: The concept of classification of living things, especially the determination key materials, is one of the concepts in learning biology is quite difficult to understand by students. The concept of learning in the classroom tend to use traditional approaches in the form of lectures and experiments. Questioning skills very important to have a teacher, because it can increase student participation in the learning activity, generate interest and curiosity, develop ways of thinking and active learning, and focus on students. Methods: This study was conducted using the Class Action Research (PTK) is carried out in collaboration with the seventh grade biology teacher and vice principal at Junior High School Curriculum affairs 6 Ambon. PTK is held in the classroom while the class VII1 VII2 used as a test model of learning. Results: The results showed that apply the concepts and principles in biology through scientific work asked to improve the performance of teachers. Application of scientific work asks improve student learning outcomes. Application of scientific work asks improve student motivation. Application of scientific work asked to create a climate conducive learning and Application of scientific work asks improve students' science process skills. Conclusions: The implementation of learning in the classroom that teachers must practice more to phrase questions to reveal the facts, prepare questions about the procedure, prepare questions about the reasons for the use of certain tools or materials and prepare questions for designing a scientific activity

    The effect of application of learning start with a question concept photosynthesis on students' cognitive learning outcomes, critical thinking and scientific work IPA SMP

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    One of the roles of the teacher in implementing an education is by using a learning starts with a question method. The learning starts with a question method is a method in which students are directed to learn independently by making questions based on the reading provided by the teacher. This study aims to see the effect of applying learning starts with a question on photosynthesis material on students' cognitive learning outcomes, critical thinking, and scientific work in class VIII SMP Negeri 15, SMP Negeri 7, SMP Kristen Kusu-Kusu, SMP Negeri 11, and SMP Negeri 4. Research data was analyzed quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics in the form of anacova analysis to see the effect of applying learning starts with a question on students' cognitive learning outcomes, critical thinking, and scientific work. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of the application of the learning starts with photosynthesis material on students' cognitive learning outcomes, critical thinking, and scientific work


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    This study aims to determine increased understanding of the concept of science through the integration of ethnoscience tenun ikat project based learning at SMP tanimbar, improving the ability to think creatively through the integration of the ethnoscience, differences in understanding the concept of science through the integration of project based learning ethnoscience, and differences in the ability to think creatively through the integration of ethnoscience. This research was conducted on April 26 – June 26 2021 located at SMPN 3 Wuarlabobar, SMPN 3 Waturu, SMP Christen Batuputih, SMPN 1 Atap Wermatang. The research design used a quasi-experimental design used two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. The results of the study show that the integration of project based learning into the learning process can improve understanding of science concepts and ability to think creatively. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant difference in the value of understanding science concepts and students' creative thinking ability between the sample groups of SMP Negeri 3 Wuarlabobar, SMP Negeri 3 Waturu, SMP Christen Batuputih and SMP 1 Atap Wertmatang


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    This study aims to determine the improvement of skills in communicated plant morphological characteristics in Junior High School students in Ambon used the application of the experimental method and the method of gived assignments. Find out the differences in the skills of communicating plant morphological characteristics in Junior High School students used the application of the experimental method and used the assignment method. The research used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The subjects of the study were 7th grade students. The samples taked in this study were divided into 12 classes, namely the experimental class, 4 classes, the assignment class, 4 classes and the control class, 4 classes each received different treatment. Data analysis was carried out experimentally. Results were calculated manually and Anacova statistical analysis. The result is a different test or comparative test with the dependent variable having an interval or ratio data scale, while the independent variables consist of a mixture of categorical data and numerical data


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    The socialization of mangrove differentiated environmental awareness based on PjBL STEAM aims to produce high-order thinking skills oriented products by implementing them in learning. In addition to producing art products about mangrove plants. This activity was motivated by the teacher's limitations in empowering participants' awareness of differentiated environment because the design and learning patterns were still traditional based on low-level cognitive achievement. On the other hand, teachers are limited to participating in various activities to support the improvement of their performance and profession including information on developing issues related to the environment as well as competencies and skills in teaching students according to the needs of the times. This activity also aims to introduce teachers to ideal pedagogical competencies in line with the demands of globalization, especially in cultivating and training creative thinking skills about environmental issues for elementary education students

    Ethnobioconservation with a Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Strategy Against Student Cooperative Skills

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    Student cooperative skills are an internal representation of the conceptual understanding of Maluku's natural resource conservation biology. Currently, students still have difficulty explaining the relationship between biological conservation and biological, physical and chemical conditions of a natural resource phenomenon, at a concrete level. These difficulties require research, through Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Strategy, Ethnobioconservation Development of Maluku Natural Resources. This study aimed to reveal the development and differences in students' cooperative skills after learning Bioconservation with POE and conventional learning. Indicators of students' cooperative skills were adapted from Johnson, & Holubec, (2002). The topic of Maluku Natural Resources Ethnobioconservation combined with the POE Strategy consists of five topics, namely 1) Burning rocks in Maluku Tenggara Barat Indonesia; 2) Sasi Lompa Opening Ceremony in Haruku Village, Maluku Indonesia; 3) Timba Laor, Latuhalat Village, Ambon Maluku Indonesia; 4) Meti Kei Ceremony in Southeast Maluku Indonesia; and 5) The Opening Ceremony of Sasi Teripang in Noloth Village, Saparua Island, Maluku Indonesia. The findings indicated that the POE strategy resulted in better student cooperative skills. The N-Gain scores of students in the class using the POE and conventional strategies were found to be 71.43 and 47.73, respectively. Meanwhile, the value of coopetarif skills was higher (36.67%) compared to conventional learning. Thus, it can be concluded that POE Strategy learning is effective in increasing the cooperative skills of students. This research recommends that POE is very important and useful for use in biology learning. because the POE strategy facilitates student concept chang

    Project-based Learning: Changing Students' Scientific Thinking to Be Creative from Waste Natural Materials

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    The main objective of this study is to analyze students' scientific creativity in each domain with an essay test referring to the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. This research was conducted on 50 teachers and 500 students in 10 elementary schools in Cluster 2, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City. The results of this study report descriptive demographic results of respondents and the level of creativity, namely fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration among students is very good. The results of the study as a whole show that most of the students are at a good level after being taught with the PjBL model. Students increase their creativity with the teacher's instructions and directions. Initially in detail, many students lack the dimensions of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration so they cannot provide more ideas, and cannot provide answers. So that the originality becomes less and they have no ideas to elaborate further than the answers given. However, based on the findings from several student meetings, there has been a significant increase. This is because it applies a problem-oriented learning model that enhances each realm of creativity in science subjects. In addition, the researcher also recommends conducting more in-depth research on creative thinking processes among students based on the local advantages of each school based on geographical location which has its own unique value. Therefore, teachers are expected to be able to better understand cognitively, affectively and psychomotor in students' minds and possibly improve students' creative thinking skills on each dimension of creativityTujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kreativitas sains siswa pada setiap domain dengan instrumen Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 50 guru dan 500 siswa pada 10 Sekolah Dasar Pada Gugus 2 Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon. Hasil penelitian ini melaporkan hasil deskriptif demografi responden dan tingkat kreativitas yaitu kelancaran, keluwesan, orisinalitas dan elaborasi dikalangan siswa sangat baik. Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa berada pada level baik setelah diajarkan dengan model PjBL. Siswa meningkatkan  kreativitas mereka dengan instruksi dan arahan guru. Awalnya secara rinci, banyak siswa kurang memiliki dimensi kefasihan, fleksibilitas, orisinalitas dan elaborasi sehigga tidak dapat memberikan lebih banyak ide, dan tidak dapat memberikan cara jawaban. Sehingga  orisinalitasnya menjadi kurang dan mereka tidak punya ide untuk mengelaborasi lebih jauh dari jawaban yang diberikan. Namun, berdasarkan hasil temuan dari beberapa pertemuan siswa mengalami peningkatan yang cukup tinggi. Hal ini karena menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang berorientasi masalah yang meningkatkan masing-masing ranah kreativitas dalam mata pelajaran IPA. Selain itu, peneliti juga merekomendasikan untuk melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam tentang proses berpikir kreatif di kalangan siswa berdasarkan keunggulan lokal masing-masing sekolah berdasarkan letak geografis yang memiliki nilai keunikan tersendiri. Oleh karena itu, guru diharapkan dapat lebih memahami secara kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor dalam pikiran siswa dan mungkin dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa pada setiap dimensi pada kreativitas