14 research outputs found

    Bunch characteristics evolution for lepton and hadron rings under the influence of the Intra-beam scattering effect

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    The physical parameter quantifying particle events’ production and thereby the performance of a collider is the luminosity. High luminosities are reached by increasing the beam brightness, i.e. the intensity on a specific phase space volume (emittance). In this respect, the luminosity of hadron and lepton rings is limited by a combination of collective effects causing particle losses and emittance growth. In particular, Intra-beam scattering (IBS) impacts beam quality, through emittance growth. Several IBS theoretical models and their approximations exist, all assuming Gaussian beams. This thesis elaborates the optimization of the lattice design for a lepton ring and the study of the bunch characteristics evolution for a hadron ring, under the influence of IBS. Taking into account IBS, based on analytical results and numerical simulations, the optics design optimization is presented for the damping rings (DRs) of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Specifically, aiming to reduce the betatron emittance of the DRs, dipoles whose magnetic field varies longitudinally are used together with high-field SC wigglers. Based on measurements and Monte-Carlo simulations, the interplay between IBS and radiation effects is also studied for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in view of understanding the bunch parameters evolution that determine the delivered luminosity. For the LHC bunch profiles which are observed to be non-Gaussian along the LHC energy cycle, appropriate fitting functions are used in order to describe accurately the distributions. In addition, the impact of the non-Gaussian distributions on the estimation of the beam size and thus, of the luminosity is studied. The importance to develop analytical formulas and simulation tools that calculate IBS for any distribution is underlined

    Alternative Optics Design of the CLIC Damping Rings with Variable Dipole Bends and High-field Wigglers

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    The CLIC Damping Rings baseline design aims to reach an ultra-low horizontal normalised emittance of 500nm-rad at 2.86GeV, based on the combined effect of TME arc cells and high-field super-conducting damping wigglers, while keeping the ring as compact as possible. In this paper, an alternative design is described, based on TME cells with longitudinally variable bends and an optimized Nb3_{3}Sn high-field wiggler. The impact of these changes on ring optics parameters and the associated optimisation steps are detailed taking account the dominant effect of intrabeam scattering

    Longitudinally Variable Field Dipole Design Using Permanent Magnets For CLIC Damping Rings

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    The latest CLIC damping ring lattice is based on magnets with longitudinally variable dipole fields in order to achieve ultralow beam emittance while keeping the ring circumference small. These magnets need to provide a focusing gradient of 11 T/m as well. The good field region radius is 5 mm. The field harmonics shall be in the order of 1E-4 of the main one. Since only a small variation of the field is requested, permanent magnets are the most cost-effective solution. Beam dynamics calculations have provided idealized field profiles, and magnetic calculations have been performed to check their feasibility. FEM electromagnetic computations are complicated because the cross-section of the magnet is not constant. Therefore, iron poles cannot be modeled by extrusion, and only 3-D computations are meaningful. Finally, this paper shows that small variations of field strength are possible by using movable parts

    Effect of a resonant excitation on the evolution of the beam emittance and halo population

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    Collimation with hollow electron beams or lenses (HEL) is currently one of the most promising concepts for active halo control in HL-LHC. In previous studies it has been shown that the halo can be efficiently removed with a hollow electron lens. Equally important as an efficient removal of the halo, is to demonstrate that the core stays unperturbed. In the case of an ideal hollow electron lens without bends, the field at the location of the beam core vanishes and the core remains unperturbed. In reality, the field at the beam core does not vanish entirely due to imperfections in the electron beam profile and the electron lens bends necessary to guide the electron in and out of the proton aperture. In particular, in the case of a pulsed operation of the electron lens the non-vanishing residual field induces noise on the proton beam. To identify the most sensitive pulsing patterns for the resonant mode and derive tolerances on the profile imperfections, a first MD was carried out of which the first results are presented in this note

    Impact of the ADT on the beam quality with high brightness beams in collision (MD2155)

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    The results of an experiment aiming at determining indirectly the noise level in the LHC, isolating the contribution of the transverse damper, through their impact on the emittance of colliding high brightness bunches at 6.5 TeV in the LHC are presented

    Limitations due to strong head-on beam-beam interactions (MD 1434)

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    The results of an experiment aiming at probing the limitations due to strong head on beam-beam interactions are reported. It is shown that the loss rates significantly increase when moving the working point up and down the diagonal, possibly due to effects of the 10th and/or 14th order resonances. Those limitations are tighter for bunches with larger beam-beam parameters, a maximum total beam-beam tune shift just below 0.02 could be reached

    MD1271: Effect of low frequency noise on the evolution of the emittance and halo population

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    For the High Luminosity upgrade the β* in IR1 and IR5 will be further reduced compared to the current LHC. As the β* decreases the β-functions in the inner triplet (IT) increase resulting in a higher sensitivity of the HL-LHC to ground motion in the IT region or to increases of the low frequency noise. Noise can in general lead to emittance growth and higher halo population and diffusion rate. However, it is usually assumed in the literature that only frequencies close to the betatron frequencies and sidebands have an effect on the emittance and tail population. To test this theory, an MD was carried out to observe if also low frequency noise can lead to emittance growth and stronger halo population and diffusion. This MD conducted on 24.08.2016 follows a previous MD on 05.11.2015/06.11.201

    Effect of low frequency noise on the evolution of the emittance and halo population

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    For the High Luminosity upgrade the β* in IR1 and IR5 will be further reduced compared to the current LHC. As the β* decreases the β-functions in the inner triplet (IT) increase resulting in a higher sensitivity of the HL-LHC to ground motion in the IT region or to increases of the low frequency noise. Noise can in general lead to emittance growth and higher halo population and diffusion rate. However, it is usually assumed in the literature that only frequencies close to the betatron frequencies and sidebands have an effect on the emittance and tail population. To test this theory, an MD was carried out to observe if also low frequency noise can lead to emittance growth and stronger halo population and diffusion

    LHC Configuration and Operational Scenario for Run 3

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    After its second successful run period, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) shut down for three years with the plan of being recommissioned in 2022 for a three-year physics production period, the Run 3. The future restart of the machine coincides with the completion of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, offering to the LHC the opportunity and the challenge to operate with up to two times higher beam brightness, pending the complete installation of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), which should take place in Long Shutdown 3 (LS3). In this context, Run 3 is clearly a transition between the LHC and the HL-LHC, with key ingredients which will be made available, either gradually (LIU beam) or immediately (ATS optics). Run 3 shall therefore be exploited not only for performance, but also as a full scale demonstrator of the HL-LHC in terms of beams, optics and beam manipulation (e.g. β∗ levelling over a very large dynamic range). To this aim, the so-called LHC configuration, namely the optics, needs to be adapted in order to cope or mitigate constraints of different nature, from beam brightness limitations due to the machine impedance, to specific desiderata of some LHC experiments. After reviewing these constraints, including the intensity limitations coming from the existing hardware, the beam parameters targeted for the LHC in Run 3 are given. A possible solution for the machine configuration will then be described, and analyzed from various perspectives, which should not limit the machine performance over the full Run 3, and should enable to double the integrated luminosity delivered so far to the two high luminosity insertions of the LHC