8,262 research outputs found
Classical simulation of commuting quantum computations implies collapse of the polynomial hierarchy
We consider quantum computations comprising only commuting gates, known as
IQP computations, and provide compelling evidence that the task of sampling
their output probability distributions is unlikely to be achievable by any
efficient classical means. More specifically we introduce the class post-IQP of
languages decided with bounded error by uniform families of IQP circuits with
post-selection, and prove first that post-IQP equals the classical class PP.
Using this result we show that if the output distributions of uniform IQP
circuit families could be classically efficiently sampled, even up to 41%
multiplicative error in the probabilities, then the infinite tower of classical
complexity classes known as the polynomial hierarchy, would collapse to its
third level. We mention some further results on the classical simulation
properties of IQP circuit families, in particular showing that if the output
distribution results from measurements on only O(log n) lines then it may in
fact be classically efficiently sampled.Comment: 13 page
Biased random satisfiability problems: From easy to hard instances
In this paper we study biased random K-SAT problems in which each logical
variable is negated with probability . This generalization provides us a
crossover from easy to hard problems and would help us in a better
understanding of the typical complexity of random K-SAT problems. The exact
solution of 1-SAT case is given. The critical point of K-SAT problems and
results of replica method are derived in the replica symmetry framework. It is
found that in this approximation for .
Solving numerically the survey propagation equations for K=3 we find that for
there is no replica symmetry breaking and still the SAT-UNSAT
transition is discontinuous.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure
Approximability of Connected Factors
Finding a d-regular spanning subgraph (or d-factor) of a graph is easy by
Tutte's reduction to the matching problem. By the same reduction, it is easy to
find a minimal or maximal d-factor of a graph. However, if we require that the
d-factor is connected, these problems become NP-hard - finding a minimal
connected 2-factor is just the traveling salesman problem (TSP).
Given a complete graph with edge weights that satisfy the triangle
inequality, we consider the problem of finding a minimal connected -factor.
We give a 3-approximation for all and improve this to an
(r+1)-approximation for even d, where r is the approximation ratio of the TSP.
This yields a 2.5-approximation for even d. The same algorithm yields an
(r+1)-approximation for the directed version of the problem, where r is the
approximation ratio of the asymmetric TSP. We also show that none of these
minimization problems can be approximated better than the corresponding TSP.
Finally, for the decision problem of deciding whether a given graph contains
a connected d-factor, we extend known hardness results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of WAOA 201
Holographic Renormalization of general dilaton-axion gravity
We consider a very general dilaton-axion system coupled to Einstein-Hilbert
gravity in arbitrary dimension and we carry out holographic renormalization for
any dimension up to and including five dimensions. This is achieved by
developing a new systematic algorithm for iteratively solving the radial
Hamilton-Jacobi equation in a derivative expansion. The boundary term derived
is valid not only for asymptotically AdS backgrounds, but also for more general
asymptotics, including non-conformal branes and Improved Holographic QCD. In
the second half of the paper, we apply the general result to Improved
Holographic QCD with arbitrary dilaton potential. In particular, we derive the
generalized Fefferman-Graham asymptotic expansions and provide a proof of the
holographic Ward identities.Comment: 42 pages. v2: two references added. Version published in JHEP. v3:
fixed minor typos in eqs. (1.6), (2.3), (3.20), (A.3), (B.8), (B.12) and
Positivity of energy for asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes
We derive necessary conditions for the spinorial Witten-Nester energy to be
well-defined for asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes. We find that the
conformal boundary should admit a spinor satisfying certain differential
conditions and in odd dimensions the boundary metric should be conformally
Einstein. We show that these conditions are satisfied by asymptotically AdS
spacetimes. The gravitational energy (obtained using the holographic stress
energy tensor) and the spinorial energy are equal in even dimensions and differ
by a bounded quantity related to the conformal anomaly in odd dimensions.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections, JHEP versio
Holographic Kondo and Fano Resonances
We use holography to study a -dimensional Conformal Field Theory (CFT)
coupled to an impurity. The CFT is an gauge theory at large , with
strong gauge interactions. The impurity is an spin. We trigger an
impurity Renormalization Group (RG) flow via a Kondo coupling. The Kondo effect
occurs only below the critical temperature of a large- mean-field
transition. We show that at all temperatures , impurity spectral functions
exhibit a Fano resonance, which in the low- phase is a large-
manifestation of the Kondo resonance. We thus provide an example in which the
Kondo resonance survives strong correlations, and uncover a novel mechanism for
generating Fano resonances, via RG flows between -dimensional fixed
pointsComment: 5 pages + references, 6 figures; v2: discussion clarified, references
added; as accepted by PR
High-Performance Bioinstrumentation for Real-Time Neuroelectrochemical Traumatic Brain Injury Monitoring
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been identified as an important cause of death and severe disability in all age groups and particularly in children and young adults. Central to TBIs devastation is a delayed secondary injury that occurs in 30–40% of TBI patients each year, while they are in the hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Secondary injuries reduce survival rate after TBI and usually occur within 7 days post-injury. State-of-art monitoring of secondary brain injuries benefits from the acquisition of high-quality and time-aligned electrical data i.e., ElectroCorticoGraphy (ECoG) recorded by means of strip electrodes placed on the brains surface, and neurochemical data obtained via rapid sampling microdialysis and microfluidics-based biosensors measuring brain tissue levels of glucose, lactate and potassium. This article progresses the field of multi-modal monitoring of the injured human brain by presenting the design and realization of a new, compact, medical-grade amperometry, potentiometry and ECoG recording bioinstrumentation. Our combined TBI instrument enables the high-precision, real-time neuroelectrochemical monitoring of TBI patients, who have undergone craniotomy neurosurgery and are treated sedated in the ICU. Electrical and neurochemical test measurements are presented, confirming the high-performance of the reported TBI bioinstrumentation
Simplifying Random Satisfiability Problem by Removing Frustrating Interactions
How can we remove some interactions in a constraint satisfaction problem
(CSP) such that it still remains satisfiable? In this paper we study a modified
survey propagation algorithm that enables us to address this question for a
prototypical CSP, i.e. random K-satisfiability problem. The average number of
removed interactions is controlled by a tuning parameter in the algorithm. If
the original problem is satisfiable then we are able to construct satisfiable
subproblems ranging from the original one to a minimal one with minimum
possible number of interactions. The minimal satisfiable subproblems will
provide directly the solutions of the original problem.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure
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