7 research outputs found
Effect of positron-alkali metal atom interactions in the diffuse interstellar medium
In the Milky Way galaxy, positrons, which are responsible for the diffuse 511 keV gamma ray emission observed by space-based gamma ray observatories, are thought to annihilate predominantly through charge exchange interactions with neutral hydrogen. These charge exchange interactions can only take place if positrons have energies greater than 6.8 eV, the minimum energy required to liberate the electron bound to the hydrogen atom and then form positronium, a short-lived bound state composed of a positron-electron pair. Here we demonstrate the importance of positron interactions with neutral alkali metals in the warm interstellar medium (ISM). Positrons may undergo charge exchange with these atoms at any energy. In particular, we show that including positron interactions with sodium at solar abundance in the warm ISM can significantly reduce the annihilation timescale of positrons with energies below 6.8 eV by at least an order of magnitude. We show that including these interactions in our understanding of positron annihilation in the Milky Way rules out the idea that the number of positrons in the Galactic ISM could be maintained in steady state by injection events occurring at a typical periodicity
Positron annihilation in the nuclear outflows of the Milky Way
Observations of soft gamma rays emanating from the Milky Way from SPI/INTEGRAL reveal the annihilation of ~2 × 1043 positrons every second in the Galactic bulge. The origin of these positrons, which annihilate to produce a prominent emission line centred at 511 keV, has remained mysterious since their discovery almost 50 yr ago.Aplausible origin for the positrons is in association with the intense star formation ongoing in the Galactic centre. Moreover, there is strong evidence for a nuclear outflow in the MilkyWay.We find that advective transport and subsequent annihilation of positrons in such an outflow cannot simultaneously replicate the observedmorphology of positron annihilation in the Galactic bulge and satisfy the requirement that 90 per cent of positrons annihilate once the outflow has cooled to 104 K.Parts of this research were conducted by the Australian Research
Council Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO), through project number CE110001020. IRS is supported by
the Australian Research Council grant FT16010002
Connecting the progenitors, pre-explosion variability and giant outbursts of luminous blue variables with Gaia16cfr
We present multi-epoch, multicolour pre-outburst photometry and post-outburst light curves and spectra of the luminous blue variable (LBV) outburst Gaia16cfr discovered by the Gaia satellite on 2016 December 1 UT. We detect Gaia16cfr in 13 epochs of Hubble Space Telescope imaging spanning phases of 10 yr to 8 months before the outburst and in Spitzer Space Telescope imaging 13 yr before outburst. Pre-outburst optical photometry is consistent with an 18 M⊙ F8 I star, although the star was likely reddened and closer to 30 M⊙. The pre-outburst source exhibited a significant near-infrared excess consistent with a 120 au shell with 4 × 10−6 M⊙ of dust. We infer that the source was enshrouded by an optically thick and compact shell of circumstellar material from an LBV wind, which formed a pseudo-photosphere consistent with S Dor-like variables in their ‘maximum’ phase. Within a year of outburst, the source was highly variable on 10–30  d time-scales. The outburst light curve closely matches that of the 2012 outburst of SN 2009ip, although the observed velocities are significantly slower than in that event. In H α, the outburst had an excess of blueshifted emission at late times centred around −1500 km s−1, similar to that of double-peaked Type IIn supernovae and the LBV outburst SN 2015bh. From the pre-outburst and post-outburst photometry, we infer that the outburst ejecta are evolving into a dense, highly structured circumstellar environment from precursor outbursts within years of the 2016 December event.The work of
AVF was conducted in part at the Aspen Center for Physics, which
is supported by NSF grant PHY-1607611; the author thanks the
Center for its hospitality during the neutron stars workshop in 2017
June and July. AVF is grateful for financial assistance from the
TABASGO Foundation, the Christopher R. Redlich Fund, the Miller
Institute for Basic Research in Science (U.C. Berkeley) and HST
grants GO-13646 and AR-14295 from the Space Telescope Science
Institute (STScI), which is operated by AURA under NASA contract
NAS 5-26555
Diffuse Galactic antimatter from faint thermonuclear supernovae in old stellar populations
Our Galaxy hosts the annihilation of a few 10^43 low-energy positrons every second. Radioactive isotopes capable of supplying such positrons are synthesized in stars, stellar remnants and supernovae. For decades, however, there has been no positive identification of a main stellar positron source, leading to suggestions that many positrons originate from exotic sources like the Galaxy’s central supermassive black hole or dark matter annihilation. Here we show that a single type of transient source, deriving from stellar populations of age 3–6 Gyr and yielding ∼0.03 M ⊙ of the positron emitter 44Ti, can simultaneously explain the strength and morphology of the Galactic positron annihilation signal and the Solar System abundance of the 44Ti decay product 44Ca. This transient is likely the merger of two low-mass white dwarfs, observed in external galaxies as the sub-luminous, thermonuclear supernova known as SN 1991bg-like.R.M.C. was the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship
(FT110100108). Parts of this research were conducted by the Australian Research
Council Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics through project number
CE110001020. D.M.N. is supported by the Allan C. and Dorothy H. Davis Fellowship
Positron Transport and Annihilation in the Galactic Bulge
The annihilation of positrons in the Milky Way Galaxy has been observed for ∼50 years; however, the production sites of these positrons remains hard to identify. The observed morphology of positron annihilation gamma-rays provides information on the annihilation sites of these Galactic positrons. It is understood that the positrons responsible for the annihilation signal originate at MeV energies. The majority of sources of MeV positrons occupy the star-forming thin disk of the Milky Way. If positrons propagate far from their sources, we must develop accurate models of positron propagation through all interstellar medium (ISM) phases in order to reveal the currently uncertain origin of these Galactic positrons. On the other hand, if positrons annihilate close to their sources, an alternative source of MeV positrons with a distribution that matches the annihilation morphology must be identified. In this work, I discuss the various models that have been developed to understand the origin of the 511 keV line from the direction of the Galactic bulge, and the propagation of positrons in the ISM
SN1991bg-like supernovae are associated with old stellar populations
SN1991bg-like supernovae are a distinct subclass of thermonuclear Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Their spectral and photometric peculiarities indicate that their progenitors and explosion mechanisms differ from 'normal' SNe Ia. One method of determining information about supernova progenitors we cannot directly observe is to observe the stellar population adjacent to the apparent supernova explosion site to infer the distribution of stellar population ages and metallicities. We obtain integral field observations and analyse the spectra extracted from regions of projected radius about the apparent SN explosion site for 11 91bg-like SNe in both early- and late-type galaxies. We utilise full-spectrum spectral fitting to determine the ages and metallicities of the stellar population within the aperture. We find that the majority of the stellar populations that hosted 91bg-like supernovae have little recent star formation. The ages of the stellar populations suggest that that 91bg-like SN progenitors explode after delay times of >6 Gyr, much longer than the typical delay time of normal SNe Ia, which peaks at 1 Gyr.FHP is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. Parts of this research were conducted by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Allsky Astrophysics (CAASTRO), through project number CE110001020. IRS is supported by the Australian Research Council grant FT160100028. AJR is supported by the Australian Research Council grant FT170100243. BG is supported by the Australian Research Council grant FT140101202
The ANU WiFeS SuperNovA Programme (AWSNAP)
This paper presents the first major data release and survey description for the ANU WiFeS SuperNovA Programme. ANU WiFeS SuperNovA Programme is an ongoing supernova spectroscopy campaign utilising the Wide Field Spectrograph on the Australian National University 2.3-m telescope. The first and primary data release of this programme (AWSNAP-DR1) releases 357 spectra of 175 unique objects collected over 82 equivalent full nights of observing from 2012 July to 2015 August. These spectra have been made publicly available via the WISEREP supernova spectroscopy repository. We analyse the ANU WiFeS SuperNovA Programme sample of Type Ia supernova spectra, including measurements of narrow sodium absorption features afforded by the high spectral resolution of the Wide Field Spectrograph instrument. In some cases, we were able to use the integral-field nature of the Wide Field Spectrograph instrument to measure the rotation velocity of the SN host galaxy near the SN location in order to obtain precision sodium absorption velocities. We also present an extensive time series of SN 2012dn, including a near-nebular spectrum which both confirms its ‘super-Chandrasekhar’ status and enables measurement of the sub-solar host metallicity at the SN site.This research was conducted by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO),
through project number CE110001020. IRS was supported by Australian Research Council Laureate Grant FL0992131