9 research outputs found

    The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy

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    The notion of “service” is a very important one, with an increasing role in an expanding economy which becomes the condition of sustainable and long-term development. The technical services that must be assured differ according to the type of product. In Romania, the market economy towards which we are moving today is characterized by an abundant production, an intensive national and foreign competition, a supplying facility all over the region. Through their decisions, consumers and users direct production, encouraging thus distributors through their forms of distribution. In all companies the commercial function includes a series of activities that concentrate on "obtaining an optimal market quota, achieving benefits indispensable for an efficient activity, and meeting consumers and users' requirements ". This conception identifies with the marketing one, and the services become an integral part of the dynamics that characterizes the actions which complete the proper commercial administration. The company must pay much attention to all these, the services being considered successful facts and elements that generate actions which must be included in activities such as selling, advertising and promoting.marketing, service, client

    Research on the variation in the employees’ work motivation, depending on the bio-psychosocial development stage

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    The innovative performance of a company in the current century, in line with the Europe 2020 objectives, but also highlighted by numerous international organisations, has the human capital at its core, considered to be one of the strategic values of an organisation. In this context, the maximum-efficiency use of the human capital and its knowledge intensive development are envisaged. Since organisations are more and more interested in having people who are able, creative and highly motivated, this paperwork meets the current scientific needs and concerns. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are differences between the work motivation of young people and adults. In the literature, there are two major extreme positions: there are theories that highlight the progress in the sphere of personality, during adulthood, on the one hand and, on the other hand, there are theories that focus on reducing the physical and psychological capacities, especially starting with the second sub-stage of adulthood, respectively 45-55 years old. As such, motivation is an important component of personality and thus we wish to examine whether motivation at work varies depending on the person’s bio-psycho-social development stage. For the processing of the data we used the computer software SPSS Statistics 23. For conducting the research we used the t test for two independent samples (Independent-Samples T Test). The dependent variable, motivation at work is, in our case, the numerical variable. For collecting the data for this variable on the interval - report Scale, we built a questionnaire regarding motivation at work. It had as basis the motivational theories based on the study of needs, respectively the ERG theory (Existence, Relatedness, Growth) proposed by Alfred (1972). Therefore, the three factors of the questionnaire were: motivation driven by the needs of existence, namely the physiological and safety needs, motivation driven by the needs of networking, affiliation and motivation driven by the needs of development, respectively needs of self-actualisation and esteem needs. The questionnaire contains 20 questions and it was applied on 60 subjects, employees of the same company, as follows: 30 subjects falling in the age group: 25-34 and 11 months years old, which means young people and 30 subjects with ages between 35 and 55 years old, which means adults. We chose to apply the questionnaire in the same company in order to eliminate the differences that might have arisen in the respondents’ answers due to the different management styles applied in several organisations. The volume of the sample allowed the use of the t test for two independent samples. The numerical variable was approximately normally distributed, within each group. The criteria of the statistical decision were established for α = 0.05 bilaterally. In order to be able to trust the test scores, we checked the test reliability, through the internal consistency analysis method. We calculated the inter-item consistency using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. In the pre-test stage, we removed those items that had a negative correlation with the overall score and the items with an extremely low correlation with the global score. For each group we calculated the average (mean value) and the standard deviation. For higher reliance, we also calculated the reliance intervals for the difference between the mean values, as well as the effect-size indicator. Levene’s test for the equality of the variances allowed us to take the statistical decision of demonstrating the hypothesis of this research. The main results of the research consist of providing a scientific tool, based on which we can identify the degree of work motivation within the organization. Another important outcome of this research highlights the fact that there are major differences in terms of the employees’ motivation, depending on the age group they belong to, respectively youth or adulthood. In this paper we have also presented the possible scientific explanations for this phenomenon.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy

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    The notion of “service” is a very important one, with an increasing role in an expanding economy which becomes the condition of sustainable and long-term development. The technical services that must be assured differ according to the type of product. In Romania, the market economy towards which we are moving today is characterized by an abundant production, an intensive national and foreign competition, a supplying facility all over the region. Through their decisions, consumers and users direct production, encouraging thus distributors through their forms of distribution. In all companies the commercial function includes a series of activities that concentrate on "obtaining an optimal market quota, achieving benefits indispensable for an efficient activity, and meeting consumers and users' requirements ". This conception identifies with the marketing one, and the services become an integral part of the dynamics that characterizes the actions which complete the proper commercial administration. The company must pay much attention to all these, the services being considered successful facts and elements that generate actions which must be included in activities such as selling, advertising and promoting

    The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy

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    The notion of “service” is a very important one, with an increasing role in an expanding economy which becomes the condition of sustainable and long-term development. The technical services that must be assured differ according to the type of product. In Romania, the market economy towards which we are moving today is characterized by an abundant production, an intensive national and foreign competition, a supplying facility all over the region. Through their decisions, consumers and users direct production, encouraging thus distributors through their forms of distribution. In all companies the commercial function includes a series of activities that concentrate on "obtaining an optimal market quota, achieving benefits indispensable for an efficient activity, and meeting consumers and users' requirements ". This conception identifies with the marketing one, and the services become an integral part of the dynamics that characterizes the actions which complete the proper commercial administration. The company must pay much attention to all these, the services being considered successful facts and elements that generate actions which must be included in activities such as selling, advertising and promoting


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    The paper aims at investigating the economic and financial crisis impact which has occurred in the Romanian economy, upon the Romanian companies since 2008. Specifically, its effects are taken into account regarding the number of economic players, the labor force, and the results of business performance: enterprise turnover or gross outcomes. Additionally, this research paper aims at assessing the crisis consequences on corporate behavior in the insecure environment of the crisis regarding the investment process and the value rendered by enterprises. The investigation is made exclusively on the secondary and tertiary sectors of the Romanian economy: industry, construction, trade and services, both from an overall and a sectoral perspective. The analysis also envisages the correlation of progress per the aforementioned economic segments with the overall development of the Romanian economy in terms of economic and financial crisis


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    Strategy Europe 2020 aims to ensure an economic growth: smart, more efficient throught investment in education, reseatch and innovation; durable, by decisive orientation to a new economy with low-emisions of carbon dioxide and favorable to inclusion, by focusing on creating jobs and redcuing poverty. The priorites of the strategy will be achieved through five objectives, one which is linked to emplyment, namely: employment rate of 75% for population aged between 20 and 64 years. Providing such rate of occupancy implies policies at microeconomical level, but we consider also at individual level. So the young, future employees must be properly trained, and have the right to be able to handle a job. Current realities show that employers are interested in having by their side in accomplishing their goals, employees who are proactive, who improvise, who can cope with various demands in which they are involved, and respond positively to companies. They require a career choice to meet the vocational interests. Based on these issues, this paper aims to analyze the importance of knowing the vocational interests in school orientation by highlighting the correlation between the selected profile and personality of each. However, in this paper we try to show that school guidance is an early process and that if they knew their vocational interests, young people would be more decisive in the choice of future profession. We believe that, if the counseling activites and school oriantation would be conducted in a professiona way, youth might focus on those occupations which best define them and also could access appropriate university programs with favorable effects on employment levels


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    Taking into account the changes that are currently taking place in our country, it is clear that these changes, which occur in almost all companies, lead to new stress factors for both employees and the organization. Occupational stress is a major problem for employees and managers, but also for the whole society. The issue of stress in organizations has given birth to many debates and studies. It is a common theme that is addressed by managers, employees and consultants from different perspectives. According to a study by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, in the European Union, work-related stress is the second work-related health issue after dorsal disorders. It affects 28% of EU employees. The European Parliament is fully involved in addressing issues related to the psychological support of the staff. Preventing work-related stress is one of the objectives set out in the Communique of the European Commission for Employment and Social Affairs regarding their new health and safety at work strategy. Manifestations of stress in organizations are easily observable, being manifested by behaviors such as: difficulties in adapting to the changes required to work or the dramatic drop in labor productivity. Also a double action is met: both the person who passes through the stressful situation and at the organization level on which it is reflected the existence of a stressful environment. This paper aims to address the implications of workplace stress, symptoms of stress in the workplace and strategies to eliminate and prevent stress at work This paper represents an exploratory research based on qualitative methods, being consulted various sources of information: the literature, case studies, media articles, reports of relevant organizations, etc