286 research outputs found

    Theoretical and computational analysis of second- and third-harmonic generation in periodically patterned graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers

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    Remarkable optical and electrical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers, offer vast technological potential for novel and improved optoelectronic nanodevices, many of which relying on nonlinear optical effects in these 2D materials. This article introduces a highly effective numerical method for efficient and accurate description of linear and nonlinear optical effects in nanostructured 2D materials embedded in periodic photonic structures containing regular three-dimensional (3D) optical materials, such as diffraction gratings and periodic metamaterials. The proposed method builds upon the rigorous coupled-wave analysis and incorporates the nonlinear optical response of 2D materials by means of modified electromagnetic boundary conditions. This allows one to reduce the mathematical framework of the numerical method to an inhomogeneous scattering matrix formalism, which makes it more accurate and efficient than previously used approaches. An overview of linear and nonlinear optical properties of graphene and TMDC monolayers is given and the various features of the corresponding optical spectra are explored numerically and discussed. To illustrate the versatility of our numerical method, we use it to investigate the linear and nonlinear multiresonant optical response of 2D-3D heteromaterials for enhanced and tunable second- and third-harmonic generation. In particular, by employing a structured 2D material optically coupled to a patterned slab waveguide, we study the interplay between geometric resonances associated to guiding modes of periodically patterned slab waveguides and plasmon or exciton resonances of 2D materials.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figure

    Large enhancement of the effective second-order nonlinearity in graphene metasurfaces

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    Using a powerful homogenization technique, one- and two-dimensional graphene metasurfaces are homogenized both at the fundamental frequency (FF) and second harmonic (SH). In both cases, there is excellent agreement between the predictions of the homogenization method and those based on rigorous numerical solutions of Maxwell equations. The homogenization technique is then employed to demonstrate that, owing to a double-resonant plasmon excitation mechanism that leads to strong, simultaneous field enhancement at the FF and SH, the effective second-order susceptibility of graphene metasurfaces can be enhanced by more than three orders of magnitude as compared to the intrinsic second-order susceptibility of a graphene sheet placed on the same substrate. In addition, we explore the implications of our results on the development of new active nanodevices that incorporate nanopatterned graphene structures.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Accurate near-field calculation in the rigorous coupled-wave analysis method

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    The rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) is one of the most successful and widely used methods for modeling periodic optical structures. It yields fast convergence of the electromagnetic far-field and has been adapted to model various optical devices and wave configurations. In this article, we investigate the accuracy with which the electromagnetic near-field can be calculated by using RCWA and explain the observed slow convergence and numerical artifacts from which it suffers, namely unphysical oscillations at material boundaries due to the Gibb's phenomenon. In order to alleviate these shortcomings, we also introduce a mathematical formulation for accurate near-field calculation in RCWA, for one- and two-dimensional straight and slanted diffraction gratings. This accurate near-field computational approach is tested and evaluated for several representative test-structures and configurations in order to illustrate the advantages provided by the proposed modified formulation of the RCWA.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Theory of pulsed four-wave mixing in one-dimensional silicon photonic crystal slab waveguides

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical analysis and computational study of four-wave mixing (FWM) of optical pulses co-propagating in one-dimensional silicon photonic crystal waveguides (Si-PhCWGs). Our theoretical analysis describes a very general setup of the interacting optical pulses, namely we consider nondegenerate FWM in a configuration in which at each frequency there exists a superposition of guiding modes. We incorporate in our theoretical model all relevant linear optical effects, including waveguide loss, free-carrier (FC) dispersion and FC absorption, nonlinear optical effects such as self- and cross-phase modulation (SPM, XPM), two-photon absorption (TPA), and cross-absorption modulation (XAM), as well as the coupled dynamics of free-carriers FCs and optical field. In particular, our theoretical analysis based on the coupled-mode theory provides rigorously derived formulas for linear dispersion coefficients of the guiding modes, linear coupling coefficients between these modes, as well as the nonlinear waveguide coefficients describing SPM, XPM, TPA, XAM, and FWM. In addition, our theoretical analysis and numerical simulations reveal key differences between the characteristics of FWM in the slow- and fast-light regimes, which could potentially have important implications to the design of ultracompact active photonic devices

    The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy

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    The notion of “service” is a very important one, with an increasing role in an expanding economy which becomes the condition of sustainable and long-term development. The technical services that must be assured differ according to the type of product. In Romania, the market economy towards which we are moving today is characterized by an abundant production, an intensive national and foreign competition, a supplying facility all over the region. Through their decisions, consumers and users direct production, encouraging thus distributors through their forms of distribution. In all companies the commercial function includes a series of activities that concentrate on "obtaining an optimal market quota, achieving benefits indispensable for an efficient activity, and meeting consumers and users' requirements ". This conception identifies with the marketing one, and the services become an integral part of the dynamics that characterizes the actions which complete the proper commercial administration. The company must pay much attention to all these, the services being considered successful facts and elements that generate actions which must be included in activities such as selling, advertising and promoting.marketing, service, client

    Computational Study of Second- and Third-Harmonic Generation in Periodically Patterned 2D-3D Heteromaterials

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    Remarkable optical and electrical properties of graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials provide significant potential for novel optoelectronic applications and devices, many of which depend on nonlinear optical effects in these 2D materials. In this paper we use a theoretical and computational formalism we have recently introduced to efficiently and accurately compute the linear and nonlinear optical response of nanostructured 2D materials embedded in periodic structures containing regular three-dimensional (3D) materials, such as diffraction gratings or periodic metamaterials. Thus, we use the proposed method to demonstrate enhanced nonlinear optical interactions in periodically patterned photonic nanostructures via resonant excitation of phase-matched nonlinear waveguide modes, enhanced nonlinearity of nanostructures containing graphene and other 2D nanomaterials, such as WS2, and multi-continua Fano resonances for increasing the nonlinear efficiency of hybrid 2D-3D photonic heteromaterials

    Polarization control using passive and active crossed graphene gratings

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    Graphene gratings provide a promising route towards the miniaturization of THz metasurfaces and other photonic devices, chiefly due to remarkable optical properties of graphene. In this paper, we propose novel graphene nanostructures for passive and active control of the polarization state of THz waves. The proposed devices are composed of two crossed graphene gratings separated by an insulator spacer. Because of specific linear and nonlinear properties of graphene, these optical metasurfaces can be utilized as ultrathin polarization converters operating in the THz frequency domain. In particular, our study shows that properly designed graphene polarizers can effectively select specific polarization states, their thickness being about a tenth of the operating wavelength and size more than 80× smaller than that of similar metallic devices. Equally important, we demonstrate that the nonlinear optical properties of graphene can be utilized to actively control the polarization state of generated higher harmonics