8 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of a heterogenous virus-like particle (VLP) formulation to achieve HIV-1 latency reversal and cure.

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    HIV-1 is the etiological agent behind acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) – a chronic, life-threatening condition that compromises host immune function. After nearly four decades and despite ongoing global efforts, HIV-1 persists in nearly 38 million individuals worldwide. Of this population, only 60% have access to life-saving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), clearly emphasizing the need to realize a cure. Unfortunately, the establishment of replication-competent provirus in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes represents a significant barrier to HIV-1 curative research. The viral reservoir is highly stable and has a half-life of ~44 months. Therefore, it is unlikely that infection will naturally exhaust over the course of a human lifetime. Furthermore, infected cells are phenotypically indistinguishable from uninfected CD4+ T cells – thus making it difficult to selectively target these cells for eradication. Evidence suggests that HIV preferentially infects and establishes latency within HIV-specific CD4+ T cells and that HIV latency reversal can be achieved using HIV derived proteins. Therefore, a therapeutic vaccine that represents the entire proteome of HIV within a given individual, immediately prior to antiretroviral therapy, might activate the entire cellular reservoir and initiate proviral gene transcription. Herein, we investigate the ability of a highly diverse virus-like particle formulation to ‘shock’ HIV-infected cells into transcriptional activity, thus leading to their eradication via immune-mediated or viral cytopathic effects. This activation vector (ACT-VEC) represents the first targeted approach to HIV-1 latency reversal. Based on the detection of viral RNA in culture supernatants, we show that ACT-VEC significantly outperforms other clinically relevant latency reversing agents at both the acute and chronic stages of infection. Using a quantitative outgrowth assay, we determined that ACT-VEC was also capable of inducing replication competent provirus from HIV-infected CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, we provide preliminary evidence that a virus-like particle formulation can provide an immune-mediated ‘kill’ after transcriptional reactivation occurs. Our VLP construct is also minimally antigenic, suggesting that it will be well tolerated in vivo. All together, our research suggests that ACT-VEC is a highly efficacious transcriptional reactivator that merits further investigation in the context of curative therapeutic strategies

    Addressing an HIV cure in LMIC

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    HIV-1 persists in infected individuals despite years of antiretroviral therapy (ART), due to the formation of a stable and long-lived latent viral reservoir. Early ART can reduce the latent reservoir and is associated with post-treatment control in people living with HIV (PLWH). However, even in post-treatment controllers, ART cessation after a period of time inevitably results in rebound of plasma viraemia, thus lifelong treatment for viral suppression is indicated. Due to the difficulties of sustained life-long treatment in the millions of PLWH worldwide, a cure is undeniably necessary. This requires an in-depth understanding of reservoir formation and dynamics. Differences exist in treatment guidelines and accessibility to treatment as well as social stigma between low- and-middle income countries (LMICs) and high-income countries. In addition, demographic differences exist in PLWH from different geographical regions such as infecting viral subtype and host genetics, which can contribute to differences in the viral reservoir between different populations. Here, we review topics relevant to HIV-1 cure research in LMICs, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa, the region of the world bearing the greatest burden of HIV-1. We present a summary of ART in LMICs, highlighting challenges that may be experienced in implementing a HIV-1 cure therapeutic. Furthermore, we discuss current research on the HIV-1 latent reservoir in different populations, highlighting research in LMIC and gaps in the research that may facilitate a global cure. Finally, we discuss current experimental cure strategies in the context of their potential application in LMICs

    Eradication of HIV-1 latent reservoirs through therapeutic vaccination

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    Abstract Despite the significant success of combination anti-retroviral therapy to reduce HIV viremia and save lives, HIV-1 infection remains a lifelong infection that must be appropriately managed. Advances in the understanding of the HIV infection process and insights from vaccine development in other biomedical fields such as cancer, imaging, and genetic engineering have fueled rapid advancements in HIV cure research. In the last few years, several studies have focused on the development of “Kick and Kill” therapies to reverse HIV latency and kick start viral translational activity. This has been done with the aim that concomitant anti-retroviral treatment and the elicited immune responses will prevent de novo infections while eradicating productively infected cells. In this review, we describe our perspective on HIV cure and the new approaches we are undertaking to eradicate the established pro-viral reservoir

    Blocking T-cell egress with FTY720 extends DNA vaccine expression but reduces immunogenicity

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    Optimal immunogenicity from nucleic acid vaccines requires a balance of antigen expression that effectively engages the host immune system without generating a cellular response that rapidly destroys cells producing the antigen and thereby limiting vaccine antigen expression. We investigated the role of the cellular response on the expression and antigenicity of DNA vaccines using a plasmid DNA construct expressing luciferase. Repeated intramuscular administration led to diminished luciferase expression, suggesting a role for immune-mediated clearance of expression. To investigate the role of cell trafficking, we used the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor (S1PR) modulator, FTY720 (Fingolimod), which traps lymphocytes within the lymphoid tissues. When lymphocyte trafficking was blocked with FTY720, DNA transgene expression was maintained at a constant level for a significantly extended time period. Both continuous and staggered administration of FTY720 prolonged transgene expression. However, blocking lymphocyte egress during primary transgene administration did not result in an increase of transgene expression during secondary administration. Interestingly, there was a disconnect between transgene expression and immunogenicity, as increasing expression by this approach did not enhance the overall immune response. Furthermore, when FTY720 was administered alongside a DNA vaccine expressing the HIV gp140 envelope antigen, there was a significant reduction in both antigen-specific antibody and T-cell responses. This indicates that the developing antigen-specific cellular response clears DNA vaccine expression but requires access to the site of expression in order to develop an effective immune response.</p

    Enhancement of CD4 Binding, Host Cell Entry, and Sensitivity to CD4bs Antibody Inhibition Conferred by a Natural but Rare Polymorphism in the HIV-1 Envelope

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    A rare but natural polymorphism in the HIV-1 envelope (Env) glycoprotein, lysine at position 425 was selected as a mutation conferring resistance to maraviroc (MVC) in vitro. N425K has not been identified in HIV-infected individuals failing an MVC-based treatment. This study reports that the rare K425 polymorphism in an HIV-1 subtype A Env has increased affinity for CD4, resulting in faster host cell entry kinetics and the ability to scavenge for low cell surface expression of CD4 to mediate entry. Whereas the subtype A wild-type isolate-74 Env (N425) is inhibited by soluble (s) CD4, HIV-1 with K425 A74 Env shows enhanced infection and the ability to infect CCR5+ cells when pretreated with sCD4. Upon adding K425 or N425 HIV-1 to CD4+/CCR5+ cells along with RANTES/CCL3, only K425 HIV-1 was able to infect cells when CCR5 recycled/returned to the cell surface at 12 h post-treatment. These findings suggest that upon binding to CD4, K425 Env may maintain a stable State 2 "open" conformation capable of engaging CCR5 for entry. Only K425 was significantly more sensitivity than wild-type N425 A74 to inhibition by the CD4 binding site (bs) compound, BMS-806, the CD4bs antibody, VRC01 and N6, and the single-chain CD4i antibody, SCm9. K425 A74 was also capable of activating B cells expressing the VRC01 surface immunoglobulin. In summary, despite increased replicative fitness, we propose that K425 HIV-1 may be counterselected within infected individuals if K425 HIV-1 is rapidly eliminated by CD4bs-neutralizing antibodies. IMPORTANCE Typically, a natural amino acid polymorphism is found as the wild-type sequence in the HIV-1 population if it provides a selective advantage to the virus. The natural K425 polymorphism in HIV-1 Env results in higher host cell entry efficiency and greater replicative fitness by virtue of its high binding affinity to CD4. The studies presented herein suggest that the rare K425 HIV-1, compared to the common N425 HIV-1, may be more sensitive to inhibition by CD4bs-neutralizing antibodies (i.e., antibodies that bind to the CD4 binding pocket on the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein). If CD4bs antibodies did emerge in an infected individual, the K425 HIV-1 may be hypersensitive to inhibition, and thus this K425 virus variant may be removed from the HIV-1 swarm despite its higher replication fitness. Studies are now underway to determine whether addition of the K425 polymorphism into the Envelope-based HIV-1 vaccines could enhance protective immunity.</p

    A heterogeneous human immunodeficiency virus-like particle (VLP) formulation produced by a novel vector system

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    HIV: An investigatory vaccine system that mimics natural infection diversity A system has been developed that allows the generation of HIV-mimicking particles which provoke an immune response from human cells. As HIV-1 remains pandemic, vaccination represents a current global research priority for prophylaxis, and could even offer a cure. Jamie Mann, of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and an international research group have successfully created HIV-1 virus-like particles (VLPs) designed to prime immune systems against a diverse range of viral envelope protein conformations. The VLPs produced are morphologically near-identical to the virulent ‘wild-type’ HIV, and successfully stimulated the production of IFN-γ and Granzyme B from CD4+ and CD8+ T immune cells in vitro, in cell cultures taken from HIV-infected volunteers. The VLPs appeared safe in vitro; however, further investigation will confirm their safety profile in humans. The authors are currently investigating different forms of these VLPs as potential anti-HIV therapeutics

    Effective and targeted latency reversal in CD4+ T cells from individuals on long term combined antiretroviral therapy initiated during chronic HIV-1 infection

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    To date, an affordable, effective treatment for an HIV-1 cure remains only a concept with most "latency reversal" agents (LRAs) lacking specificity for the latent HIV-1 reservoir and failing in early clinical trials. We assessed HIV-1 latency reversal using a multivalent HIV-1-derived virus-like particle (HLP) to treat samples from 32 people living with HIV-1 (PLWH) in Uganda, US and Canada who initiated combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) during chronic infection. Even after 5-20 years on stable cART, HLP could target CD4+ T cells harbouring latent HIV-1 reservoir resulting in 100-fold more HIV-1 release into culture supernatant than by common recall antigens, and 1000-fold more than by chemotherapeutic LRAs. HLP induced release of a divergent and replication-competent HIV-1 population from PLWH on cART. These findings suggest HLP provides a targeted approach to reactivate the majority of latent HIV-1 proviruses among individuals infected with HIV-1.</p

    Eradication of HIV-1 latent reservoirs through therapeutic vaccination

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    Abstract Despite the significant success of combination anti-retroviral therapy to reduce HIV viremia and save lives, HIV-1 infection remains a lifelong infection that must be appropriately managed. Advances in the understanding of the HIV infection process and insights from vaccine development in other biomedical fields such as cancer, imaging, and genetic engineering have fueled rapid advancements in HIV cure research. In the last few years, several studies have focused on the development of “Kick and Kill” therapies to reverse HIV latency and kick start viral translational activity. This has been done with the aim that concomitant anti-retroviral treatment and the elicited immune responses will prevent de novo infections while eradicating productively infected cells. In this review, we describe our perspective on HIV cure and the new approaches we are undertaking to eradicate the established pro-viral reservoir