9 research outputs found


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    Surface Flow and Erosion of Plant Closure of Nusantara Superior Teak (JUN) UNB Experimental Garden, Cogreg, Bogor          The study results showed that the amount of rainfall was 1862.40 m3/ha and the volume of runoff occured was 387.20 m3/ha or 20.79 % and the amount of erosion occured 780.52 kg/ha or 0.78 ton/ha or 0.57 m3/ha. This showed that the nusantara superior teak plants (JUN) not optimally hold erosion. This sthappened because the plants was only four years, old so the root was not so deep and the infer cropping plant just harvesed. While erosion was still below the threshold limit. Regression analysis showed that the relationship of rainfall and the long rain runoff was very close relasionship to the value of r = 0.93 with R2 value of 86.5 %, while for the erosion having the r value of = 0.903 and R2 = 81.5 % . This means that 86.5 %  rainfall and long of rains affected runoff and 81.5 % against erosion. From the linear regression analysis showed that the one- unit change in rainfall and long rains would cause changes in flow accretion of 0.31 m3 and erosion of 2,661 kg/ha erosion.Keywords : Teak Superior archipelago, Erosion, Surface Flow ABSTRAK          Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah curah hujan adalah 1862,40m3/ha dan volume aliran permukaan yang terjadi adalah sebesar 387,20m3/ha atau 20,79 % dan jumlah erosi yang terjadi adalah sebesar 780,52 kg/ha atau 0,78 ton/ha atau 0,57 m3/ha. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jati unggul nusantara (JUN) belum secara maksimal untuk menahan laju aliran permukaan yang terjadi.Hal ini disebabkan anaman jati tersebut baru berumur empat tahun. Sehinggan sistem perakarannya belum begitu dalam dan tanaman tumpangsarinya baru dilakukan pemanenan. Sedangkan erosi yang terjadi masih di bawah ambang batas. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa hubungan curah hujan dan lama hujan terhadap aliran permukaan  adalah sangat erat dengan nilai r =0,93 dengan nilai R2 86,5% , sedangkan untuk erosi nilai r = 0,903 dan R2 =81,5%.  Ini berarti bahwa  86,5% curah hujan dan lama hujan berpengaruh terhadap aliran permukaan dan  81,5% terhadap erosi yang terjadi. Dari analisis regresi linier menunjukan bahwa dengan perubahan satu – satuan curah hujan dan lama hujan akan menyebabkan perubahan pertambahan  0,31 m3 aliran permukaan dan 2,661 kg/ha erosi.Kata kunci : Jati Unggul Nusantara, Erosi, Aliran Permukaa


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    People's lives around the Nature Reserve (CA) has a very close interaction with the natural resources around them. One of them is the interaction associated with the use of plants (ethnobotany). Documenting knowledge society CA Dungus Iwul ethnobotany essential to keep the knowledge society CA Dungus Iwul in the utilization of the plant is not lost. This study aims to determine the potential of useful plants in the region CA Dungus Iwul and examine the use of plants by people around CA Dungus Iwul (ethnobotany). Ethnobotany study conducted by interview and to determine the potential of plants useful in the CA Dungus Iwul done with vegetation analysis. The number of plant species that are found from the analysis of the vegetation in the area Dungus Iwul CA acquired as many as 43 species of 25famili. Most useful plant species are as many as 21 species of medicinal plants. While the study of ethnobotany identified as many as 30 species of 21 families and each has been grouped into 11 groups of usefulness, where the species is found mostly serves as a group of as many as 25 species of medicinal plants. Habitus most dominating of the results of the analysis of seedling and plant vegetation is under the most dominating family is Arecaceae, while on the study of ethnobotany is habitus of shrubs with family Zingiberaceae. Based on the percentage of habitat types, the plant most widely used by the public is a plant cultivated 20 species (67%) and 10 species (33%) is a wild plant, which used only a small portion of the area CA Dungus Iwul about 7 species. Their use of plants that originate from within the CA Dungus Iwul indicate that there has been interaction, ie interaction in the form of plant utilization. However, the interaction is still relatively low so that the possibility of damage to a small area


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    An institution has an important supporting role ini the management of forest community. In general the institutional system for forest community adopts aself-management. It has a certain degree of influence on its members’ compliance to its regulation. It is expented to be able to provide solution to the problems of farmers.This study was intended to examine the institutional system of forest community. The institutional system refers to such aspect as regulation, guides, forms of agreement, decision masking, value system, institutional capacity and knowingthe level of successthathas beenachievedbya groupof farmersin the Durjela villagecommunity forest management. These results indicate that institutional forest farmer groups in the Durjela village formed from assistance programs and community desires. Institutional system Durjela Village farmer groups in the form of an agreement that is made of non-formal, Guidelines rooted in religion and local wisdom, decision making by consensus, the value system is characterized by the perception of the essence of life is good, working to make ends meet, oriented to future, the success of Durjela Village farmer groups included in the rate was due to the structural aspects, aspects of membership in the institutional and cultural aspects have not been entirely successful


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    Konyal (Passiflora suberosa L) is one of the IAS species and it’s are very big influence on the growth of endemic species in RPTN Mandalawangi. Konyal spread very quickly and can kill their host trees pose a major threat to endemic plant species. In connection with the distribution konyal, it is necessary the existence of a preventive step to support konyal control is to map the distribution of konyal in RPTN Mandalawangi to determine priority areas that must be controlled immediately.Mapping the distribution of IAS konyal (Passiflora suberosa L) was conducted to determine and identify konyal (Passiflora suberosa L) and its distribution. Later this study is expected to be a reference for management to control the distribution of konyal (Passiflora suberosa L


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    A watershed is a natural resource management unit, in which there are resources that are managed by the government, private, and community. The role of the various stakeholders, helped influence on changes in the physical characteristics of the watershed. The existence and role of the various stakeholders in a watershed to be important in restoring watershed ecosystem function and maintain watershed conditions. For that, this study aims to examine the role of stakeholders and power relations that exists in the management of Hulu Cisadane subzone. Data was collected by in-depth interviews and field observations and study of literature. Analisisi data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the position and role of stakeholders kepentigan namely Instasi government, private and Peoples, which is categorized as a group decision (appropriator), providers and the producent, where the role of these stakeholders still overlap led to weak policies interference with the watershade function


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    One work program of the Central Management Forest ParkIr. H.Juandain 2013 is the empowerment of communities through activities Apismellifera bee keeping and mushroom cultivation tim berintended forrural communities around Forest ParkIr. H.Juandathe Village Langensari and Ciburial. The purpose of this researchis to find out the perceptions and attitudes offarmers' groups towards community empowerment programs around Forest Park. The results of the study explained that the perception of farmers' group is to agree with the holding of beekeeping program, where they already understand the importance of beekeeping for environmental conservation and increase their income. However, for the attitude of farmers' groups in the running in the category of low because farmers are not motivated to do beekeeping. due to limited feed, difficulties in the herd of bees, funding, technical assistance and efforts to address the threat


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    The objective of this study was to determine the amount of carbon in the surface soil that can be absorbed by the vegetations in the all area of Nusa Bangsa University (UNB). This research was conducted in the UNB’sarea with its boundary is equal limits of the UNB’s area thattotal area UNB’s is 12,082 m2. Data inventoried from UNB area is undergrowth class,little, middle and big tree class and also palmae class.The results of this study showed the amount of carbon absorbed on the surface vegetation in the UNB campus is at 61.8 tonnes of carbon which absorbed by the undergrowth class (diameter 2 cm) consisting of 284 individual and 7 types palmae group consisting of 94 individuals

    DAMPAK PERALIHAN FUNGSI KAWASAN HUTAN TERHADAP KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus: Kampung Lembur Pasir, Desa Ginanjar, Kecamatan Ciambar, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat)

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    Change region switch the function of limited production forest area of the reserve has implications for the shape of people's activities in the region are limited. This study aims to determine the impact of the transition Perhutani office production forests into conservation forest area of the National Park on the socioeconomic conditions of rural communities around the area hutan. Metode research is a case study where data collection is done by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews and analysis of descriptive data. The results showed the impact of transfer of forest land to the socio-economic conditions of rural communities around the forest area, the social aspects of a decline in the number of pengarap land and increasing types of livelihood (of 6 types to 13 types of livelihood) and from the economic aspect, noticeable decrease in the use of firewood by the head of each family as well as a decline in revenue on each head of family who make their livelihood as this penggarap. Implications for the various issues that arise in the community where it takes an intensive development program


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    Observation on the Water Quality of Cisadane River in the Upstream Part Using Macroinvertebrates as The Indikator          Water is an important thing for either human life or other creatures on the earth.  Water posses a lot of necesities, among of them is to fullfill domestics, industries, and agriculture. For this purposes people often take from rivers.  River Cisedane is one of rivers that available in Bogor City, having water catchment area of 1100 km2 and is one of main rivers in West Java and Banten Province. One procedure for testing water quality of rivers is to see the invertebrate animals available in the river, because some species are very sensitive for pollution. There were three points in the reserch area that were in upperpart area was Rancamaya, middle area was Pasir Jaya, and the lower area was Situ Gede.  Water quality value index in Rancamaya (Upper part) was 5.42, included middle level of water pollution. In Pasir Jaya (middle point) was 4.75, included polluted water level, and in Situ  Gede (lower prt) was 4.28 included more pollutud water level. Overall of observed research area were the lower part of river the worse pollution available. The pollution available in the research area was caused by domestics waste from inhabitant and other chemical waste from agriculture.Keyword :  Mikroinvertebrata, Cisadane, water quality, upper river part ABSTRAK          Air merupakan salah satu unsur yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia maupun mahkluk hidup lainnya yang ada di muka bumi. Air memiliki banyak manfaat, diantaranya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga, industri dan pertanian. Untuk memanfaatkan air tersebut biasanya masyarakat mengambil air dari satu sungai pada suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Salah satu DAS yang terdapat di Kota Bogor yaitu DAS Cisadane dengan daerah tangkapan air seluas 1.100 km2, selain itu DAS Cisadane  merupakan aliran sungai utama di Propinsi Banten dan Jawa Barat. Salah satu cara untuk menilai kualitas air sungai adalah dengan melihat keberadaan makroinvertebrata yang hidup di sungai tersebut. Makroinvertebrata dapat memberikan petunjuk adanya pencemar, karena jenis-jenis tertentu sangat peka terhadap pencemaran. Maka berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi adanya makro-invertebrata di sungai yang merupakan bioindikator kualitas airnya. Tiga titik pengambilan sampel makro-invertebrata di hulu sungai Cisedane yaitu di bagian atas peneltian (Daerah Rancamaya), di bagian tengah penelitian  (Pasir Jaya) dan di bagian bawah penelitian (Situ Gede). Nilai indeks kualitas air di bagian atas penelitian, yaitu di daerah Desa Rancamaya adalah 5,42. Itu menunjukan bahwa kualitas air di daerah tersebut masuk air berpolusi sedang. Pada lokasi penelitian di bagian tengah, yaitu Daerah Desa Pasir Jaya indeks kualitas air nya adalah 4,75. Itu menunjukan bahwa kualitas air di sana masuk air kotor. Sedangkan di bagian bawah penelitian, yaitu daerah Desa Situ Gede indeks kualitas air nya adalah 4,28. Itu menunjukan bahwa kualitas air di sana masuk air kotor. Dari Nilai Indeks Kualitas air di seluruh lokasi hulu sungai penelitian menunjukan bahwa semakin ke bawah kualitas air sungai semakin kotor. Kualitas air di sana diduga diakibatkan oleh sampah atau limbah organik yang berasal dari rumah tangga. Selain itu, kualitas air di sana diduga disebabkan oleh bahan –bahan kimia berbahaya yang berasal dari penggunaan pupuk, pestisida di areal pertanian. Kata kunci : Mikroinvertebrata, Cisadane, kualitas air, hulu