5 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de lesiones estomatologica en Establecimiento Penitenciario de Bouwer

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    Los institutos carcelarios son m谩s que una edificaci贸n, un lugar donde los sujetos que presentan una presunta deuda con la sociedad reciben como castigo la privaci贸n de su libertad. El estado de salud bucal es uno de los grandes problemas de salud p煤blica a nivel del 谩rea de odontolog铆a y que no escapa a este grupo de personas debido a que no solo se relaciona con una adecuada higiene oral, sino que adem谩s, est谩 determinado por una serie factores sociales y medioambientales que contribuyen al aumento de esta problem谩tica. La asunci贸n de la salud bucal como derecho fundamental va m谩s all谩 de la participaci贸n o de la identificaci贸n de la pr谩ctica odontol贸gica como elemento integrado a la respuesta social o de la integraci贸n a los servicios de salud bucal como actores del reconocimiento de esta, como componente de la salud general del individuo y del grupo social en el cual se inserta; tambi茅n de la acci贸n mancomunada de diversos colectivos, puesto que es, sencillamente, un derecho fundamental. Por lo tanto, frente a una poblaci贸n vulnerable como es la carcelaria, hay que entender, que la salud es un derecho ligado a la calidad de vida, bienestar de los individuos y comunidades, por tal motivo se debe trabajar en la b煤squeda de oportunidades para el pleno desarrollo, incluso de aquellos que est谩n privados de libertad. Estos factores sociales modificaran la situaci贸n de salud bucal, en los que encontramos; la caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal entre otros tipos de lesiones bucales. En el a帽o 2003 se construy贸 en Bouwer una C谩rcel a la que en a帽os posteriores se agregaron otras dependencias, constituyendo el Complejo Carcelario Reverendo Francisco Luchesse, dependiente del Servicio Penitenciario C贸rdoba del Gobierno Provincial, considerado de m谩xima seguridad, donde se alojan unos 2100 internos. Funcionan cuatro m贸dulos donde se alojan varones, una c谩rcel de mujeres. Dicho establecimiento hemos seleccionado para poder realizar nuestro relevamiento y podes obtener informaci贸n 煤til y de esta manera poder elaborar medidas preventivas con respecto al c谩ncer bucal.Fil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin

    Protocolo Terap茅utico de Osteonecrosis Maxilar Asociada a Medicamentos (ONMAM) en Estadios I y II basado en un esquema farmacol贸gico y quir煤rgico

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    Fil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin

    An unexpected finding in a labial swelling

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    An 18-year-old male was referred to our institution with a labial swelling of 45 days of evolution located on the upper lip. The patient was healthy, without systemic diseases or mental disabilities. No relevant family medical history was recorded during anamnesis. The patient mentioned that the lesion began as a painful small inflammation of the lip that increased in size. The patient consulted a general physician, who ordered laboratory tests to rule out syphilis diagnosis. Subsequently, the patient was treated with amoxicillin for 1 month with no improvement of the lesion. Labial discomfort became more intense, presenting episodes of pus discharge and suppuration of a whitish fluid. Clinical examination revealed a mobile, nonfluctuant, slightly firm mass, which measured 1.5 cm in greatest diameter, covered by a surface with normal mucosa (Figure 1). Extraoral examination revealed no facial swelling, asymmetry, or regional lymphadenopathy. Laboratory tests were requested and revealed normal values. Surgical intervention under local anesthesia was performed to arrive at the final diagnosis.Fil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Panico, Ignacio. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Dentistry School; ArgentinaFil: Leonardi, Nicol谩s. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Oral Medicine Department, Dentistry School; ArgentinaFil: Garola, Federico. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Gilligan, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; Argentin

    Lichenoid proliferative leukoplakia, lichenoid lesions with evolution to proliferative leukoplakia or a continuum of the same precancerous condition? A revised hypothesis

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    Background: Multiple white plaques of the oral mucosa are usually associated with potentially malignant disorders such as oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid lesions and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. Previous studies in the current literature describe a potential clinical overlap in these entities. The aim of this study is to review clinicopathological and evolutive features of these Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders highlighting the dynamic changes of diagnoses. Discussion: It was previously hypothesized that a subset of patients with oral lichen planus or oral lichenoid diagnosis, could develop multiple white plaques during the natural history of the disease, fulfilling diagnostic criteria for proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. Consequently, these entities could, under certain conditions, obey a continuum of the same precancerous condition in the context of the field cancerization theory, increasing the risk of malignant transformation. Nevertheless, there is limited scientific evidence concerning this issue. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to understand the biological and evolutive features of the link between these oral potentially malignant disorders. Regardless of its diagnosis, these patients with multifocal white lesions must be carefully monitored to detect early malignant transformation.Fil: Gilligan, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Garola, Federico. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Piemonte, Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Leonardi, Nicol谩s. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Health Sciences Faculty. Dentistry School. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Panico, Ren茅. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Warnakulasuriya, Saman. WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer. King's College London. Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences; Reino Unid

    False cheilitis (fausse cheilitis) as a clinical manifestation of oral secondary syphilis

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    Background: Syphilis is the oldest sexually transmitted infectious disease in humanity. In the last decades, it was noted the re-emergence of the disease, and actually it remains an important public health problem. Oral mucosa could be affected by the infection. Oral manifestations are commonly associated with secondary syphilis. It was described that the labial commissure could be involved as a split papule, also known as false cheilitis (FC). However, this clinical manifestation is poorly described in current literature. Aim: This brief report aims to determine the frequency of FC in patients diagnosed with secondary syphilis in our institution during the period 2009-2019. Material & Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted using the medical records of the Oral Medicine Department, Facultad de Odontolog铆a, Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba, Argentina. The cases included were patients with provisional diagnosis of secondary syphilis with oral manifestations, confirmed by laboratory tests. Collection of clinical and serological data was performed. Absolute and relative values were obtained. Results: In this study, 58 patients (26 males and 32 females) with an average age of 34.70 years old were included. The frequency of false cheilitis in these patients was 13% (8/58). All these patients with false cheilitis and secondary syphilis were young females with an average age of 25.12 years old. These lesions presented as angular cheilitis with an unilateral pattern with painful fissured papules associated with other oral lesions such as fissures, intraoral papules, tongue depapillation, white or red plaques, and the evidence of submandibular lymphadenopathies when examining the head and neck region. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that when angular cheilitis presents in young females as a painful, unilateral lesion, in the clinical context of other lesions and lymphadenopathies in the head and neck region, it could represent a suspicious clinical sign of syphilis. Considering the global re-emergence of sexually transmitted diseases, dentists should be aware of the oral clinical manifestations of syphilis as they play a significant role in the early detection of these conditions.Fil: Gilligan, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Leonardi, Nicol谩s. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Garola, Federico. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Sanfedele, Agustina. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Beltramo, Agostina. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Oral Medicine Department; ArgentinaFil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin