15 research outputs found

    Robust area coverage with connectivity maintenance

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    Robot swarms herald the ability to solve complex tasks using a large collection of simple devices. However, engineering a robotic swarm is far from trivial, with a major hurdle being the definition of the control laws leading to the desired globally coordinated behavior. Communication is a key element for coordination and it is considered one of the current most important challenges for swarm robotics. In this paper, we study the problem of maintaining robust swarm connectivity while performing a coverage task based on the Voronoi tessellation of an area of interest. We implement our methodology in a team of eight Khepera IV robots. With the assumptions that robots have a limited sensing and communication range - and cannot rely on centralized processing - we propose a tri-objective control law that outperforms other simpler strategies (e.g. a potential-based coverage) in terms of network connectivity, robustness to failure, and area coverage

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    Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Artificial neural networks–ANNs

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the most powerful and versatile tools provided by artificial intelligence and they have now been exploited by chemical engineers for several decades in countless applications. ANNs are computational tools providing a minimalistic mathematical model of neural functions. Coupled with raw data and a learning algorithm, they can be applied to tasks such as modelling, classification, and prediction. Recently, their popularity has grown remarkably and they now constitute one of the most relevant research areas within the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. ANNs are large collections of simple classifiers called neurons. Chemical engineers apply them to model complex relationships, predict reactor performance, and to automate process controllers. ANNs can leverage their ability to learn and exploit large data sets, but they can also get stuck in local minima or overfit and are difficult to reverse engineer. In 2016 and 2017, ANNs were cited in 13 245 Web of Science (WoS) articles, 538 of which were in chemical engineering; the top WoS categories were electrical & electronic engineering (1615 occurrences) artificial intelligence (1253), and energy & fuels (980). The top 4 journals mentioning ANNs were Neural Computing & Applications (117), Neurocomputing (84), Energies (76), and Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (76). In the near future, as larger data sets become available (and arduous to analyze), chemical engineers will be able to apply and leverage more sophisticated ANN architectures

    Coordination of Independent Loops in Self-Adaptive Systems

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    Nowadays, the same piece of code should run on different architectures, providing performance guarantees in a variety of environments and situations. To this end, designers often integrate existing systems with ad-hoc adaptive strategies able to tune specific parameters that impact performance or energy-for example, frequency scaling. However, these strategies interfere with one another and unpredictable performance degradationmay occur due to the interaction between different entities. In this article, we propose a software approach to reconfiguration when different strategies, called loops, are encapsulated in the system and are available to be activated. Our solution to loop coordination is based on machine learning and it selects a policy for the activation of loops inside of a system without prior knowledge. We implemented our solution on top of GNU/Linux and evaluated it with a significant subset of the PARSEC benchmark suite

    On Self-adaptive Resource Allocation through Reinforcement Learning

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    Autonomic computing was proposed as a promising solution to overcome the complexity of modern systems, which is causing management operations to become increasingly difficult for human beings. This work proposes the Adaptation Manager, a comprehensive framework to implement autonomic managers capable of pursuing some of the objectives of autonomic computing (i.e., self-optimization and self-healing). The Adaptation Manager features an active performance monitoring infrastructure and two dynamic knobs to tune the scheduling decisions of an operating system and the working frequency of cores. The Adaptation Manager exploits artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to close the Monitor-Plan-Analyze- Execute with Knowledge adaptation loop at the very base of every autonomic manager. We evaluate the Adaptation Manager, and especially the adaptation policies it learns by means of reinforcement learning, using a set of representative applications for multicore processors and show the effectiveness of our prototype on commodity computing systems