6 research outputs found

    Repressionen gegen Ägyptens Zivilgesellschaft: staatliche Gewalt, Verengung des öffentlichen Raums und außergesetzliche Verfolgung

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    "Seit dem Militärputsch im Juli 2013 zeichnet sich das ägyptische Regime unter anderem dadurch aus, dass die Grenzen dessen, was an politischen Aktivitäten zulässig ist, nicht klar definiert werden. Die graduelle Verengung des öffentlichen Raums durch immer neue Präsidialdekrete zeigt vielmehr, dass sich die roten Linien jederzeit verschieben können. Dazu kommt in immer stärkerem Maße ein Missbrauch der Staatsgewalt gegen Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der ägyptischen Zivilgesellschaft, etwa in Form von Folter und Zwangsverschleppungen. Menschenrechtsaktivisten werden hierbei zunehmend von Zeugen zu Opfern von Übergriffen. Im Visier der Staatssicherheit, einer politisierten Judikative und konkurrierender Ministerien können sie ihre Rolle als Watchdogs immer weniger ausfüllen. Deutschland sollte sich vor diesem Hintergrund gemeinsam mit seinen europäischen Partnern für die Wahrung bürgerlicher Grundrechte und rechtsstaatlicher Standards in Ägypten einsetzen und seine Unterstützung stärker auf den Bedarf ägyptischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen abstimmen." (Autorenreferat

    Chemical composition and caloric content of egg and zoea of the hermit crabeupagurus bernhardus

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    1. Chemical composition and caloric content of egg and zoea of the hermit crabEupagurus bernhardus have been determined and the cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization calculated. 2. The cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization for different constituents were 70.0%, 55.3%, 79.4% or 35.0% for dry weight, caloric content, protein or fat. 3. Since the efficiencies with which the different constituents of yolk utilized vary, the chemical composition of the developing eggs undergoes considerable changes. While fat and caloric content showed remarkable decreases, water, ash and protein contents of the eggs increased. 4. Of 0.0722 cal expended on metabolic processes of the embryo, only 28.4% was drawn from the oxidation of protein, while fat contributed as much as 66.6%. 5. Considerable quantities of inorganic salts (0.77µg/egg) are absorbed from the sea-water by the developing egg

    Production of androgenetic tiger barb, Puntius tetrazona

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    The protocol for successful induction of androgenetic cloning of the tiger barb, Puntius tetrazona, with contrasting gray and blond strains is described. At the intensity of 4.2 W/m<SUP>2</SUP>, the UV irradiation for 3.5 min totally inactivates the maternal genome in eggs of the gray barb. Following activation by the blond barb sperm, the 24-min-old eggs are shocked at 41&#176;C for 2 min to restore diploidy. Maternal genomic inactivation is confirmed by (i) expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene in 16-h-old haploid embryo; (ii) blond body colour in the diploid fry and adult; and (iii) progeny testing. Androgenetic males and females were reared to sexual maturity and their reproductive performance was evaluated. The performance of the supermales (YY) is superior to normal ones (XY), but that of androgenetic females (X<SUP>2</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>) is inferior to normal ones (X<SUP>1</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>). Fifteen crosses involving five supermales and eight normal dams sire 97-100% male progenies, confirming the operation of XX&#x2640;:XY&#x2642; sex determination system in the tiger barb. The unexpected occurrence of female progeny is a ubiquitous feature of supermales of at least half a dozen fish species

    Cadaveric sperm induces intergeneric androgenesis in the fish, Hemigrammus caudovittatus

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    Intergeneric androgenetic golden Buenos Aires tetra (BT), Hemigrammus caudovittatus was generated using sperm drawn from post-mortem males preserved at -20&#176;C for 10, 20, 30 and 40 days or fresh sperm to activate the UV-irradiated oocytes of black widow tetra (WT), Gymnocorymbus ternetzi. UV-irradiation (4.2W/m<SUP>2</SUP>) of the oocytes for 3 min inactivated their nuclear genome. Fry hatched out from these activated oocytes were haploids; suffering haploid syndrome, they died before or within 48h after hatching. Fresh BT sperm activated 95% oocytes; however, the sperm drawn from post-mortem males preserved at -20&#176;C for 60 (within glycerol packing) and 30 days (without glycerol packing) activated only 24 and 19% oocytes, respectively. Following activation, diploidy was restored by shocking the 25-min-old embryos at 41&#176;C for 2min. Nuclear genomic inactivation of the oocytes was confirmed by (i) production of 100% haploids, (ii) karyotype and erythrocyte measurements, (iii) phenotypic markers, (iv) progeny testing and (v) species-specific marker. At hatching, survival of androgenotes decreased from 11% for those induced with fresh sperm to 4% for those generated using sperm from 30-day-old post-mortem males. Reproductive performance of the 'fresh' and 'cadaveric' F<SUB>0</SUB> and F<SUB>1</SUB> androgenetic males (Y<SUP>2</SUP>Y<SUP>2</SUP>) was superior to the control (X<SUP>1</SUP>Y<SUP>2</SUP>). Crosses involving homozygous (Y<SUP>2</SUP>Y<SUP>2</SUP>) 'fresh' F<SUB>0</SUB> androgenetic males with heterozygous females (X<SUP>1</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>) and F<SUB>0</SUB> homozygous males (Y<SUP>2</SUP>Y<SUP>2</SUP>) with females (X<SUP>2</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>) produced 2-4% unexpected female progenies. Paternal autosomes, inherited by the homozygous androgenetic female (X<SUP>2</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>), induced the production of female progenies in significantly less number of crosses than the crosses with heterozygous females (X<SUP>1</SUP>X<SUP>2</SUP>), which carried equal number of paternal and maternal autosomes. PCR analyses of the genomic DNA of normal male and unexpected F<SUB>1</SUB> and F<SUB>2</SUB> female progenies amplified by DMRT 1 specific primer produced bands of 237 and 300bp length, and thereby confirmed that these unexpected females were genetic males. RAPD analyses of the androgenetic progenies showed that their genome was not contaminated with maternal genome