13 research outputs found

    Characterizing Controversiality of Topics Utilizing Eccentricity of Opinions

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    Access to abundant biased information in echo chambers and social bubbles often intensifies opinions to the extremes. The extremization of opinions results in several topics becoming controversial. However, it is very difficult to measure the degree of controversiality of a topic objectively since the controversiality of any topic is subjective and perceived differently from different communities. The absence of an objective measure of controversiality has been a major hindrance in understanding the causes and effects of it. In this work we propose a method to quantify controversiality of a topic by utilizing eccentricity of opinions on that topic. The eccentricity of an opinion is the amount of strangeness of the opinion relative to other opinions in the social neighborhood. The collective eccentricity of all opinions for a topic works as an indicator of the controversiality of that topic and can be represented by any measure of central tendency. With the help of social network data, we also demonstrate that opinions on several issues related to our routine life show similar trends for diversity though they differ in their controversiality

    Effects of Network Connectivity and Diversity Distribution on Human Collective Ideation

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    Human collectives, e.g., teams and organizations, increasingly require participation of members with diverse backgrounds working in networked social environments. However, little is known about how network structure and the diversity of member backgrounds would affect collective processes. Here we conducted three sets of human-subject experiments which involved 617 participants who collaborated anonymously in a collective ideation task on a custom-made online social network platform. We found that spatially clustered collectives with clustered background distribution tended to explore more diverse ideas than in other conditions, whereas collectives with random background distribution consistently generated ideas with the highest utility. We also found that higher network connectivity may improve individuals' overall experience but may not improve the collective performance regarding idea generation, idea diversity, and final idea quality.Comment: 43 pages, 19 figures, 4 table

    Cutting-edge knowledge on the roles of phytobiotics and their proposed modes of action in swine

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    With the ban on antibiotics in the swine industry, the exploration of alternative options has highlighted phytobiotics as a promising substitute for antibiotic growth promoters, aiming to foster a more sustainable swine industry. Phytobiotics are non-nutritive natural bioactive components derived from plants that offer numerous health benefits. They exhibit antioxidative, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects. Phytobiotics can be utilized in various forms, including solid, dried, ground, or as extracts, either in crude or concentrated form. They are characterized by low residual levels, a lack of resistance development, and minimal adverse effects. These qualities make phytobiotics an attractive choice for enhancing health and productivity in swine, presenting them as a viable alternative to antibiotics. While there is a general understanding of the effects of phytobiotics, there is still a need for detailed information regarding their effectiveness and mechanisms of action in practical settings. Therefore, the purpose of this mini review was to summarize the current knowledge supporting the roles of phytobiotics and their proposed modes of action, with a specific focus on swine

    Swine gut microbiome associated with non-digestible carbohydrate utilization

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    Non-digestible carbohydrates are an unavoidable component in a pig’s diet, as all plant-based feeds contain different kinds of non-digestible carbohydrates. The major types of non-digestible carbohydrates include non-starch polysaccharides (such as cellulose, pectin, and hemicellulose), resistant starch, and non-digestible oligosaccharides (such as fructo-oligosaccharide and xylo-oligosaccharide). Non-digestible carbohydrates play a significant role in balancing the gut microbial ecology and overall health of the swine by promoting the production of short chain fatty acids. Although non-digestible carbohydrates are rich in energy, swine cannot extract this energy on their own due to the absence of enzymes required for their degradation. Instead, they rely on gut microbes to utilize these carbohydrates for energy production. Despite the importance of non-digestible carbohydrate degradation, limited studies have been conducted on the swine gut microbes involved in this process. While next-generation high-throughput sequencing has aided in understanding the microbial compositions of the swine gut, specific information regarding the bacteria involved in non-digestible carbohydrate degradation remains limited. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate and comprehend the bacteria responsible for the breakdown of non-digestible carbohydrates in the gut. In this mini review, we have discussed the major bacteria involved in the fermentation of different types of non-digestible carbohydrates in the large intestine of swine, shedding light on their potential roles and contributions to swine nutrition and health

    Comparative analysis of the pig gut microbiome associated with the pig growth performance

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    There are a variety of microorganisms in the animal intestine, and it has been known that they play important roles in the host such as suppression of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, modulation of the gut immunity. In addition, the gut microbiota and the livestock growth performance have long been known to be related. Therefore, we evaluated the interrelation between the growth performance and the gut microbiome of the pigs from 3 different farms, with pigs of varied ages ready to be supplied to the market. When pigs reached average market weight of 118 kg, the average age of pigs in three different farms were < 180 days, about 190 days, and > 200 days, respectively. Fecal samples were collected from pigs of age of 70 days, 100 days, 130 days, and 160 days. The output data of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing by the Illumina Miseq platform was filtered and analyzed using Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME)2, and the statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Analysis of Metagenomic Profiles (STAMP). The results of this study showed that the gut microbial communities shifted as pigs aged along with significant difference in the relative abundance of different phyla and genera in different age groups of pigs from each farm. Even though, there was no statistical differences among groups in terms of Chao1, the number of observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs), and the Shannon index, our results showed higher abundances of Bifidobacterium, Clostridium and Lactobacillus in the feces of pigs with rapid growth rate. These results will help us to elucidate important gut microbiota that can affect the growth performance of pigs

    Generation and influence of eccentric ideas on social networks

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    Abstract Studying extreme ideas in routine choices and discussions is of utmost importance to understand the increasing polarization in society. In this study, we focus on understanding the generation and influence of extreme ideas in routine conversations which we label “eccentric” ideas. The eccentricity of any idea is defined as the deviation of that idea from the norm of the social neighborhood. We collected and analyzed data from two sources of different nature: public social media and online experiments in a controlled environment. We compared the popularity of ideas against their eccentricity to understand individuals’ fascination towards eccentricity. We found that more eccentric ideas have a higher probability of getting a greater number of “likes”. Additionally, we demonstrate that the social neighborhood of an individual conceals eccentricity changes in one’s own opinions and facilitates generation of eccentric ideas at a collective level

    Visualizing Collective Idea Generation and Innovation Processes in Social Networks

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    Collective idea generation and innovation processes are complex and dynamic, involving a large amount of qualitative narrative information that is difficult to monitor, analyze, and visualize using traditional methods. In this study, we developed three new visualization methods for collective idea generation and innovation processes and applied them to data from online social network experiments. The first visualization is the Idea Cloud, which helps monitor collective idea posting activity and intuitively tracks idea clustering and transition. The second visualization is the Idea Geography, which helps understand how the idea space and its utility landscape are structured and how collaboration was performed in that space. The third visualization is the Idea Network, which connects idea dynamics with the social structure of the people who generated them, displaying how social influence among neighbors may have affected collaborative activities and where innovative ideas arose and spread in the social network

    Development of the standard mouse model for human bacterial vaginosis induced by Gardnerella vaginalis

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a polymicrobial syndrome characterized by a diminished number of protective bacteria in the vaginal flora. Instead, it is accompanied by a significant increase in facultative and strict anaerobes, including Gardnerella vaginalis (G. vaginalis). BV is one of the most common gynecological problems experienced by reproductive age-women. Because an ideal and standard animal model for human BV induced by G. vaginalis is still underdeveloped, the main objective of this study was to develop a mouse model for human BV induced by G. vaginalis to demonstrate the clinical attributes observed in BV patients. A total of 80 female ICR mice were randomly assigned to 4 groups and intravaginally inoculated with different doses of G. vaginalis: NC (uninfected negative control), PC1 (inoculated with 1 × 105 CFU of G. vaginalis), PC2 (inoculated with 1 × 106 CFU of G. vaginalis) and PC3 (inoculated with 1 × 107 CFU of G. vaginalis). The myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and serum concentrations of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-10) in mice administered with G. vaginalis were significantly higher than those of the control group. Gross lesion and histopathological analysis of reproductive tract of mice inoculated with G. vaginalis showed inflammation and higher epithelial cell exfoliation compared to the control group. In addition, vaginal swabs from the mice inoculated with G. vaginalis showed the presence of clue cells, which are a characteristic feature of human BV. Altogether, our results suggested that G. vaginalis is sufficient to generate comparable clinical attributes seen in patients with BV

    Complete genome sequence of Enterococcus faecium strain AK_C_05 with potential characteristics applicable in livestock industry

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    The Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium) strain AK_C_05 was isolated from cheonggukjang, the Korean traditional food, collected from a local market in South Korea. In this report, we presented the complete genome sequence of E. faecium strain AK_C_05. The genome of E. faecium strain AK_C_05 genome consisted of one circular chromosome (2,691,319 bp) with a guanine + cytosine (GC) content of 38.3% and one circular plasmid (177,732 bp) with a GC content of 35.48%. The Annotation results revealed 2,827 protein-coding sequences (CDSs), 18 rRNAs, and 68 tRNA genes. It possesses genes, which encodes enzymes such as alpha-galactosidase (EC, beta-glucosidase (EC and alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (EC enabling efficient utilization of carbohydrates. Based on Clusters of Orthologous Groups analysis, E. faecium strain AK_C_05 showed specialization in carbohydrate transport and metabolism indicating the ability to generate energy using a variety of carbohydrates