11 research outputs found

    Victims without Philosophy: Intellectuals and Power; General Theory of Victims

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    There does not exist an easy way to discuss François Laruelle and it is impossible to be ecstatic about his writing. The two books under scrutiny here—Intellectuals and Power and General Theory of Victims—are, however, a relatively accessible introduction to the machinic parlance that Laruelle superposes onto philosophy’s presumed legibility. The human instance he discusses in both works is that of the victim. These two books could be both beneficial for and alienating to the wider readership in humanities: not for lack of originality (or even clarity), but due to the signature-style of conceptual resistance in Laruelle’s language. Virtually every-one—from gender studies to nationalism studies scholars—willing to submit herself to the conceptual skirmish dramatized in these two books has a lot to gain in order to renew her approach to the agency of the victim, the criminal, the survivor. The cunning proviso of the gain—to say this without diplomacy—is to take the unruly voyage of Laruelle through the syntactical mutilations of thought and language. Only then can one enthusiastically “recommend” these writings

    A World of Becoming

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    It is difficult to respond in a genre other than philosophical prose when writing about one. Philosophical prose is a very demanding and small club: it is almost like the poetry club of philosophy recognized in and by itself. Few are the specimens of the genre and plenty are those raising hands from within. This is largely because genre-determined writing such as this one is both about style and Zeitgeist. And to rise up to the standards of styling the spirit(s) of time is an ordeal of both the heart and the mind even trained thinkers fail to do. With a sleight of hand William E. Connolly’s A World of Becoming enters the genre with due pump, and transforms it


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    Autor se osvrće na knjigu Marine Gržinić i Šefika Tatlića Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism. Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life (Lexington Books, Lanham 2014.) i pritom artikulira značenje koje nekropolitika, kao opsceni oblik politike svedene na proizvodnju i management smrti, te rasizacija, kao suvremeni oblik eurocentričnog, bijelog rasizma, imaju u povijesnom razvoju i modernizaciji globalnog kapitalizma kao imperijalne formacije. U tom smislu, naslov ovog eseja, »Neonecronomicon«, upućuje na tumačenje neoliberalizma kao modela primjene nekrokapitalizma, ali također evocira konstitutivnu vezu između kapitalizma i kolonijalizma.In this paper the author considers the book Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism. Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life (Lexington Books, Lanham 2014) by Marina Gržinić and Šefik Tatlić, and articulates the meaning that necropolitics, as an obscene form of politics that imposes and manages death, and racialization, as a contemporary form of Eurocentric white racism, have in historical development and modernization of global capitalism as an imperial formation. In that regard, the title of this essay, “Neonecronomicon”, not only detects neoliberalism as the mode of application of necrocapitalism, but it directly evokes constitutive connection between capitalism and colonialism

    Non-Theurgy: Iamblichus and Laruelle

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    Mysticism, theurgy, non-philosophy: this text will experiment with the three in an attempt to perform a non-philosophical hijacking of so-called theurgy (theurgia). I will experiment with a comparison between Iamblichus' theurgy, Laruelle's non-philosophy, and the notion of the Vision-in-One. I claim their point of convergence is their allegiances to the theory of the One, derived from Plato's Unwritten Doctrines. The ancient notion of the One is subject to a similar procedural gesture in both Iamblichus and Laruelle, namely, the procession of the One from the noematic to the aesthetic realm. What connects them is their rejection of the theory that the soul's descension from the One to the visible realm represents a degeneration of the Nous. In a concept akin to the very idea of theurgy, Laruelle proposes his Vision-in-One, which is to think from the One rather than the One. The Vision-in-One is an attempt to materialize the disembodied fate of the noema against realistic skepticism.

    The Problem of Disembodiment: An Approach from Continental Feminist-Realist Philosophy

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    The argument of this dissertation is that despite the intellectual gendered burden of the problem of disembodiment I define, it can be employed from within the limitations of a gendered account in feminist philosophy of the continental-realist type. I formulate the problem of disembodiment as rooted in the notion of the boundless (apeiron) associated with femininity. Both boundlessness and disembodiment are subject to radicalization in Plato (chōra) and Plotinus (to hen). Read as a dyad, they culminate in a tendency towards gendered disembodiment, mediated by Plato’s soul-body dualism. The dissertation seeks to compare the gendered dimension of disembodiment in the work of Plato and Plotinus and that of the non- philosophers François Laruelle and Katerina Kolozova. “Part I. The Problem of Boundlessness: Radicalizing Disembodiment” is divided in three chapters, which present an intellectual history of the problem of boundlessness as femininity. I survey the problem of boundlessness as drafting relations between elements and principles and femininity in Greek mythology (Chapter 1), Plato’s cosmology (Chapter 2), and Plotinus’ metaphysics (Chapter 3). I argue that the relation between death and the female was ambivalent by the time of the Anaximandrean apeiron and that it became a subject of radicalization via Plato’s chōra and Plotinus’ One, mediated by the notion of the Indefinite Dyad and the doctrine of divided matter. The problem of boundlessness was subject to conceptual radicalization that led to hierarchical metaphysics and deepened the division between body and soul via the association of femininity, reproductivity and matter. “Part II. The Problem of Disembodiment: Revising Boundlessness” is divided in two chapters focusing on the contemporary relevance and importance of the problem of disembodiment as a way of revising boundlessness. I present and explain the legacy of the Platonic chōra and the Plotinian One and what they as a dyad entail for contemporary continental philosophy. I offer (Chapter 4) a trajectory for a continental feminist philosophy interpretation of disembodiment by combining continental feminist philosophy, non- philosophy and new realism. With the aid of Laruelle’s non-philosophy, I explain how and why chōra and the One can be used for/from continental feminist philosophy, followed by a presentation of how chōra and the One are revised in continental philosophy from non- philosophical and new realist perspectives. I then develop (Chapter 5) a continental feminist philosophical interpretation of and approach to the problem of disembodiment from a realist perspective by problematizing continental and feminist philosophical anti-realism. The approach presented is itself an argument in defence of a feminist engagement with disembodiment and the dissertation’s contribution: a non-philosophical contribution to the problem of disembodiment via a continental feminist-realist philosophical approach. The approach is offered through the intersection of continental feminist realism and non- philosophy, and partially new realism. My conclusion is that an affirmative project and consideration of disembodiment for continental feminist philosophy is possible via a non- philosophical and new realist reconsideration of the One

    Heterycki separatyzm: dziesięć tez o kłirowym archiwum

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    This text is a revised version of a paper presented at the conference In/visible: The Sexual and Political Regimes of the Archive, in a panel titled “The Queer Location of Culture: Nationalism, History, Sexuality” (Skopje, National Gallery of Macedonia – Chifte Hamam, 25 February 2012).Cała kultura jest archiwum heteroseksualności i tożsamości, bowiem jedno implikuje drugie. Odczuwane przez kłirów pragnienie własnego archiwizowania się i przybrania tożsamości jest odwróconą formą heteryckiego sadyzmu. Kłirowe archiwum jest ciemną, tanatologiczną i eschatologiczną otchłanią pragnień, której formalizacja nie prowadzi do zreformowania fałszywego uniwersalizmu heteryckiego separatyzmu. Należy albo zmienić formę instytucji, albo w ogóle porzucić pamięć

    Straight Separatism: Ten Theses on the Queer Archive

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    This text is a revised version of a paper presented at the conference In/visible: The Sexual and Political Regimes of the Archive, in a panel titled “The Queer Location of Culture: Nationalism, History, Sexuality” (Skopje, National Gallery of Macedonia – Chifte Hamam, 25 February 2012)

    Experimental study of canard UAV aerodynamics

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    The present paper presents the aerodynamic characteristics of a canard fixed-wing unmanned aircraft TERES-02. A wind tunnel experiment is conducted using a specially designed model of the aircraft. The model is produced through the methods of rapid prototyping using a FDM 3D printer. Aerodynamic corrections are made and thorough analysis and discussion of the results is carried out. The obtained results can be used to determine the accuracy of numerical methods for analysis of aircraft performance