32 research outputs found


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    The banking industry is expected to be a leading player in ebusiness. Banks have established an Internet presence with various objectives. Most of them are using the Internet as a new distribution channel. Financial services, with the use of Internet, may be offered in an equivalent quantity with lower costs to the more potential customers. In the Romanian case, there have been identified some specific issues that restrain e-banking adoption: penetration and skills (PC, Internet), attitude towards technology, security and privacy concerns; trust in banking institutions, banking culture, e-banking culture, Internet banking.Internet banking, mobile banking, home banking, e-banking strategy,security.


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    The introduction of a harmonized framework for financial supervision allows the minimizing of tax consequences and possible systemic bank failures. Banking union project will have impact on both the micro-prudential supervisory practices and the prudential supervision framework in the euro area and in the state members that will decide to participate in this project. The non-performing loans (NPL) trend in the countries of Southeastern Europe further shows that nonperforming loans will increase in some of the states of Eastern Europe affecting credit flows and profits made by the banks. The activities conducted by the banks cannot be estimated, quantified and especially eliminate all risk, lending generates NPL even lending procedures were followed in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. Romania has the highest rate of non-performing loans in the region and the fact is generated because of difficulties in removing non performing loans from banks' balance sheets. In order to increase the volume of loans it is necessary to decrease of nonperforming loans from banks' balance sheets. To identify the optimal strategy for managing non-performing loans is necessary to continually monitor the performance and providing rapid adaptation to the dynamic environmental factors and changes in the characteristics of the loan portfolio. European Central Bank will consistently enforce a set of unique rules apply to the group of euro area credit institutions will directly supervise credit large institutions and will monitor supervisory practices of credit institutions less significant conducted by competent national authorities


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    This paper describes an analytical way of comparative evaluation of the stiffnesses developed in assemblies with flat ring flanges, of optional type, welded to the cylindrical body of a pressure vessel. Based on the theory of the compatibility of deformations (radial displacements and rotations), the mathematical expressions necessary for the evaluation of the unitary radial bending moments and the unitary shearing forces of connection are established. With their help, the values of the rotation angles of the rings can be calculated and compared with the admissible ones. The present analysis considers the quantitative effect of the deformed gasket and the stiffness of the curved/bent screws on the tightness of the system. The methodology is flexible by introducing some selection factors, so that the mentioned influences can be easily separated and compared


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    This paper describes an analytical way of comparative evaluation of the stiffnesses developed in assemblies with flat ring flanges, of optional type, welded to the cylindrical body of a pressure vessel. Based on the theory of the compatibility of deformations (radial displacements and rotations), the mathematical expressions necessary for the evaluation of the unitary radial bending moments and the unitary shearing forces of connection are established. With their help, the values of the rotation angles of the rings can be calculated and compared with the admissible ones. The present analysis considers the quantitative effect of the deformed gasket and the stiffness of the curved/bent screws on the tightness of the system. The methodology is flexible by introducing some selection factors, so that the mentioned influences can be easily separated and compared


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    This paper states that public debt can be defined as an amount that a country owes to creditors outside themselves, but also to individuals, businesses and even other governments. The term "public debt" is used interchangeably with the term sovereign debt. The study presents a brief analysis of the evolution of public debt in Romania for the past years. The issue of public debt sustainability is an important factorin the development of policies aimed at reducing the volatility of volatile capital markets, the economic policy of Romania should be focused on the gross GDP growth. Public debt is sustainable when state authorities have the ability to repay public debt service to creditors without having to make future adjustments to budget revenues and expenditures. The public debt has a negative effect on economic growth, heavily indebted countries being exposed to the risk of capital outflows or of the rapidly deteriorating position of public finances in the context of an economic and financial crisis. Emerging economies cannot sustain the same debt level as a share of GDP, that countries with advanced economies can manage, but a much lower one, mainly because of the limited access to capital markets of the countries from the former categor

    Economic and Banking Environment in Romania and E.U.

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    The study presents the overall picture of Europe's economic prospects, strained relations within the European area. Also presents the evolution of the banking system in Romania in the context of situations in Europe, which returned to profit and record high levels of solvency and liquidity, while the NPL ratio continued to decline. Due to the difficulty of forecasting medium business, and to the macroeconomic context, banks avoid risk taking associated finance investment projects in the long term, preferring financing in the medium term, so that more than half of home loans granted in Romania are for term funding short and medium


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    The impact of the international economic crisis on new EU member states has proven to be more severe than the first estimates of the economic analysts. The situation is different for each Member State, the nature and the dimension of the challenges faced are not identical, and the pace of reform is not the same. The economic crisis has prompted intense and sustained action by the EU's national governments, the European Central Bank and the Commission. All have been working closely together to support growth and employment, ensure financial stability, and put in place a better governance system for the future. Sustainable development in the future is the common responsibility of all Member States and EU institutions, because our economies are closely interlinked, and the EU economic governance now reconfigured to provide more effective responses at the policy level, to give a good reaction to the present and the future challenges


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    The main purpose of the paper is to identify the main non-financial motivation strategies, to emphasize their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to involve the management in achieving the motivational objectives within the organizations. Studies in the field have shown that there are a number of factors of great importance in motivating the staff that managers need to consider in improving the company's performance. Motivating human resources is not a simple process, it is complex and continuous and managers need to find the optimal mix for motivating and performance-oriented employee. Appropriate motivation of employees is the main purpose on which good management of a firm is based. Practice shows that poor leadership quality is the main cause of employee dissatisfaction that is unsatisfied with their work. Motivating staff means creating opportunities for individual and team goals, responsibility, recognition, reward, etc. Motivation implies the totality of the internal and external motives of the personality, which condition the transformation of its development potential into real and functional psychological structures and is in itself a complex and cumulative psychological system. Most reward processes are based on philosophies and reward strategies and contain policy and strategy arrangements and contain policy arrangements, principles, practices, structures and procedures that are designed and managed to deliver and maintain the types and adequate levels of benefits and other forms of reward

    The Development Premises of the Banking System in Romania

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    The actual world economic crisis has proven once more that the banks are the primary force for an economic growth or for a recession. This major economic crisis has begun, in the first instance, at the banks level, there for in the banking system has developed a great void of banking liquidities. Many payments are done through banks and the lack of funds has slow down the payments, the loans, which led to a reduction of activity in the real economy for the companies, or even led to bankruptcy for one of them. The Romanian banks have their own liquidity strategies. Of course that the objective of all banks is maintaining and achieving a ratio and an optimum structure of assets and liabilities, so it may obtain a maximum value of incomes and a minimum value of negative effects of payments during rough situations.resources, bank, liquidities, management, crisis


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    The study summarizes what it means banking risks, the main risk management strategies. The complexity of the business environment, liberalization and internationalization of financial flows, brings rapid innovation, diversified financial markets, new opportunities but multiplied risks. Banks establish the types of risks they are prepared to take and the threshold at which risk is considered significant. The process of determining the risks that are taken includes the nature, the scale and the complexity of banks