1 research outputs found

    Social networking for membership engagement in nonprofit organisations: a trade union study

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    Similar to the majority of public authorities internationally, many non-profit organisations are considering using Web 2.0tools to establish online interactions with their members. However, such organisations encounter practical difficulties withassessing the impact of Web 2.0 tools and aligning them with the expectations of their audience. The limited availability ofrelevant empirical work provides the motivation to reflect on the findings of a research survey conducted with the membersof a Greek trade union organisation. Guided by the survey results, union officials are able to better consider an onlineengagement strategy. For example, contrasting preliminary expectations, most union members did anticipate benefits fromthe union’s presence on Facebook and appeared willing not to draw fixed boundaries between their personal and workinglife. The study illustrates how research and continuous monitoring can contribute to realising the value of networkingtechnologies within the naturally complicated socio-political environment of such organisations